willow created by canphem
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Part 3 of our "story" and the follow up to Willow's meeting with the chubby wolf daddy! After comparing sizes and seeing how much the wolf dwarfed him, Willow's gf decided that the two of them should show how thankful they were to Mr. Wolf and give him a reward >:3

I'm not sure about the speech bubble and what Willow's gf should be saying, comment below if you have a suggestion! I might replace the image if there's something better!

Went on a bit of a hiatus between the last post and this one, since then I think I've improved quite a bit and I quite like the art for this one more than my last works. So this is part 3 of the tale in the woods I guess lol and I think this story probably ends here, I'd like to design Willow's gf soon and have them get up to more shenanigans where he gets humiliated haha. I think I might make her a Fennec, what do you all think?

Thankyou all so much for taking the time to visit, and I hope to upload more often in the future!

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