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Description ripped from FA page:

An animation made by Max "Cavafly01" Tony, starring a couple of researcher from different species : a human and a doe !
After a great discovery, they might enjoy a bit time alone !

Follow the link bellow to buy it :

For those who'd like to stick to the preview (cheaper) :

Doe model made by Hatton Slayden:

  • Comments
  • Why would someone charge for this? Furry art is pretty much an outside hobby for people... getting people to buy this thing is like asking someone to buy a movie when the thing is also on youtube. I mean, it looks good, but I've seen better from people who don't ask for money. Too bad it's not a little more feral though, you can probably see this sort of thing in skyrim.

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  • PenisFire said:
    Why would someone charge for this? Furry art is pretty much an outside hobby for people... getting people to buy this thing is like asking someone to buy a movie when the thing is also on youtube. I mean, it looks good, but I've seen better from people who don't ask for money.


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  • PenisFire said:
    Why would someone charge for this? Furry art is pretty much an outside hobby for people... getting people to buy this thing is like asking someone to buy a movie when the thing is also on youtube. I mean, it looks good, but I've seen better from people who don't ask for money. Too bad it's not a little more feral though, you can probably see this sort of thing in skyrim.

    Yet people still buy movies, even if it's on Yt or on a streaming site. I know i have bought numerous amounts of anime series + dvds even though i had already watched them on a streaming site. I bought them to support the effort of the numerous amount of people that made the different animes (because alot of the artists, directors etc work their asses off). The same can be said here or even about movies, songs, books, games and tv shows. If you want to support the artist, go for it. If you don't and want to see this somewhere else for free, then that's fine also since i'm a big believer of pirating and streaming. Some people live off of doing commissions or on donations from others, so it isn't just an "outside hobby" for everyone. And you never know when an artist is desperate to pay his/her bills or needs food. And the quality of work compared to some free animations is subjective and irrelevant. It's like saying the mona lisa is better than starry night, when they are both different in contrast since it's based on a mere opinion of what you like more.

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  • Reluctant said:
    Yet people still buy movies, even if it's on Yt or on a streaming site. I know i have bought numerous amounts of anime series + dvds even though i had already watched them on a streaming site. I bought them to support the effort of the numerous amount of people that made the different animes (because alot of the artists, directors etc work their asses off). The same can be said here or even about movies, songs, books, games and tv shows. If you want to support the artist, go for it. If you don't and want to see this somewhere else for free, then that's fine also since i'm a big believer of pirating and streaming. Some people live off of doing commissions or on donations from others, so it isn't just an "outside hobby" for everyone. And you never know when an artist is desperate to pay his/her bills or needs food. And the quality of work compared to some free animations is subjective and irrelevant. It's like saying the mona lisa is better than starry night, when they are both different in contrast since it's based on a mere opinion of what you like more.

    I manage my money better I guess. Besides the last thing I need to do is explain to someone when the debit card history comes in is that I purchased this. People shouldn't rely on this for money, if it's a passion they should do it for the practice, and use it to build skills for real-world work. Obviously not show an employer this work.. but you can build regular things through this practice. If artists want money on the internet, they can add the option to DONATE or commision. That's how you do it.

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  • PenisFire said:
    I manage my money better I guess. Besides the last thing I need to do is explain to someone when the debit card history comes in is that I purchased this. People shouldn't rely on this for money, if it's a passion they should do it for the practice, and use it to build skills for real-world work. Obviously not show an employer this work.. but you can build regular things through this practice. If artists want money on the internet, they can add the option to DONATE or commision. That's how you do it.


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  • PenisFire said:
    I manage my money better I guess. Besides the last thing I need to do is explain to someone when the debit card history comes in is that I purchased this. People shouldn't rely on this for money, if it's a passion they should do it for the practice, and use it to build skills for real-world work. Obviously not show an employer this work.. but you can build regular things through this practice. If artists want money on the internet, they can add the option to DONATE or commision. That's how you do it.

    How is it about managing money? If you like something, you buy it. That's what consumers do and one shouldn't criticize others for their purchases when they have the money. If you have to share your debit card history with another, that's on you.
    There are tons of professions or hobbies that can bring in money. So why is drawing porn for money frowned upon when there is a demand for it? If you think that art should just be a profession for practice than many would disagree with you once again since a big example would be animators on youtube making a profit or artists that do art books, comics, doujins, lessons, paintings etc for money. I think us users should show atleast some sort of gratitude since we get all this art for free. We expect everything to be free yet want to consume as much as the artists' time possible with stupid requests and demands. It's crazy how lengthy some art pieces can be. If an artist wants to charge for their time or for a site (like sexyfur, or frisky ferals) or make art cd's with exclusive content for people to buy (like zaush, dr comet or tailsrulz) or charge for merchandise + art or for their animations. They can, without some over privileged assholes breathing down their necks saying it's wrong. That's what i'm trying to get at. Artists can do what the fuck ever they want with THEIR art that THEY own. You have no right to spew mindless garbage when they have the right to do whatever the fuck they want with their products. It belongs to them not you.

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  • Is what is being sold the store behind the animation? Or is the animation in a e reader format, which I don't get. Could just be lack of knowledge on my part, sorry if it is a dumb question.

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