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Character Sheet for Rebecca Knight

Character Description
Loving mother, caring nurse, emotional mess. Rebecca has been through a lot. Rape, teen pregnancy, abandonment, single motherhood. In more recent years, she's gotten her life under control.

Outwardly, Rebecca seems to be a very trusting and outgoing female; always happy and eager to help. The truth, however, is that she is suspicious of the motives of everyone she knows. She has been taken advantage of and abused in the past and is not willing to take any chances at being hurt again. She is also devoted to her cubs and will take the chance of someone harming them.

She does not like talking about her past and will avoid answering any such question.

Since she moved to Airedale at a very young age, she has always had a small sense of modesty when it comes to the clothing-optional lifestyle. While she isn't afraid to go out completely nude, she does prefer to wear some kind of shirt, blouse, or dress most of the time.

Likes: Reading, depressing movies, staying in late, eating BBQ, spending time with her cubs

Dislikes: Heights, alcohol, people flirting with her, relationship questions

When she was 6, her parents decided to move to Airedale. Her parents had visited the city several times before and both had fallen in love with the lifestyle. Rebecca, however, was shocked and it took a long time for her to grow accustomed to seeing others naked. And even longer before she was comfortable enough to partake herself. When she was 8, her mother was killed by a drunk driver, leaving her and her father alone. With the settlement from the crash, her father bought a condo downtown where the two moved. He tried dating for a while, but Rebecca was never willing to accept a new mother figure.

When she was 16, she was given an impromptu invitation to a party by a fox classmate whom she only briefly knew. At the party, she was separated from the fox and given a drugged drink by one of the wolves present. She was later gang raped by several other wolves which resulted in her pregnancy with Tristan. Her father was understandably upset and blamed her for going to the party, but they still filed a police report. The fox was found to have not been involved with the events and the wolves were never found. (It was believed they were not residents of Airedale.) Because of her father's attitude, she believes it was her own fault that she was attacked.

When Tristan was born, her father became more distant. After she graduated and turned 18, her father used the remained of the settlement money to buy her a small house in the suburbs, away from folks who knew what happened (and presumably himself), and gave her a stipend to live on while she studied to become a nurse.

A year later, she began having a relationship with the father of Tristan's cubsitter, despite the fact he was married. Soon after, she became pregnant with Taylor. When she came to the coyote with this news, he immediately cut off communication with her and, soon afterward, moved out of Airedale. This left Rebecca alone and depressed. Her father, in a surprising change of heart, decided to become more involved in her life. He would spend weeks on end at her house, helping to take care of Tristan and Taylor.

Two years later, she received news that her father had died due to a stroke in his condo. This left her in a state of shock and she very seriously considered suicide. She was only brought out of it by the though of her cubs being left alone.

Because of her circumstances, she no longer trusts males who she believes to be interested in her romantically. As a result, her cubs do not have a male role model in their lives and has lead to some awkward situations.

Aside from her cubs, the only relative she is even slightly familiar with is her aunt on her mother's side, whom she hasn't seen in over 15 years.

Her stories take place in Airedale, small clothing-optional city near the coast. It may have its origins as a nudist resort, but the city itself is quite the hub, much to the chagrin of the neighboring towns. (Especially the more conservative ones.)

Clothing-optional does not equate to "sexually promiscuous," to the disappointment of many a tourist. However, public decency laws are more relaxed to the point that certain sexual acts are let slide if there are no complaints and it isn't causing a distraction.

Rebecca likes to stay fit, despite having two cubs. Slender and tall for a coyote. Black markings on the tip of her tail. Her fur being a light brown with tan over her face and below her rib cage, extending partly down her inner thighs.

Rarely seen in public completely nude. When working, she wears a scrub top. Otherwise, she will usually wear a t-shirt or blouse of some type. Dresses on occasion. Pants and shorts are only worn when traveling out of town.

Usually carries a purse of handbag of some kind. Also prefers shirts and tops with pockets.

Previously: Biting, pinning her arms down, nipple play
Currently: Masturbation, various adult toys

Originally straight, but lately asexual due to her mistrust of males and lack of interest in females.

Human-like female genitals

  • Comments
  • Kakkarot said:
    at this rate seems like Taylor could be walking in her mothers foot steps

    first lover is her bro and the next will probably be victor depending what happens in the next page

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  • Its really sad when a girl just has several shit experiences in a row that causes her to just not like all Males in general. The sins of our gender, huh.

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  • kamimatsu said:
    because that is totally how asexuality works.

    It actually is. Asexuality is almost always the result of some problem, physical, psycological, or psychosocial.

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  • igsa101 said:
    It actually is. Asexuality is almost always the result of some problem, physical, psycological, or psychosocial.

    Actual asexual here. Cease

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  • kamimatsu said:
    Actual asexual here. Cease

    First off, I literally said almost always. Second, just cause you don't like it doesn't make it untrue.

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