frisk and undyne (undertale (series) and etc) created by potoobrigham
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  • Frisk looks like they were reaaaaally trying to get the knock to work while Undyne ran back to the Librarby to get a running start.


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  • meshsca said:

    Because i'm a lazy rock who would rather stay underground and wait for someone to knock on my door and not answer so they'll knock again rather than being free on the surface. Also, i wanna be a doctor.

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  • fire238 said:
    Undyne has a very loose understanding of how doors work.

    uh, hello? that is the monster that would never and i mean NEVER answer the fucking door no matter how much you knocked; honestly if the game gave me the option i would have broken the damn door too 😡

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  • H2Anonymous said:
    Did you just reference the Munchkin card game?

    Not exactly. Monster houses in roguelikes are almost always sealed off by doors, and it's not uncommon in actual tabletop RPGs to kick in a door if you know enemies are on the other side and aren't expecting you (you generally get a surprise round or are guaranteed initiative for the first combat round).

    There are some RPGs where this is ill-advised - Shadowrun doesn't really have much in the way of tankiness and you want to generally NOT alert the building to your presence; Paranoia punishes this via vandalism fines or (if B&E'ing into an area too high-clearance for you) treason charges, it's gratuitous in Continuum (where combat tends to be more on a temporal scale than a physical, local one) and Traveller (which is more space-based), and use of force in any World/Chronicles of Darkness game needs to be judicious to avoid raising suspicion.

    Given that vanilla Munchkin is a loving pastiche of D&D, it only makes sense that they'd reference kicking in the door, since it's not too uncommon, especially in H&S campaigns, for it to be the easiest and safest way to engage enemies if it's available.

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