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Note - r22.01 is just a bugfix release of the recently released r22. There's no new content since the previous build just came out, but I thought it was important to share this bug fix release with you as some players have been hitting a critical save/load issue (now fixed). There's also seven other smaller bug fixes bundled in with this release also. All of these bugs were user reported and previously unknown to me, so thank you for all the bug reports.

Release notes for previously released r22 follow. If you prefer Android/APK, there is a build of that available on the site at


[What is it?]

The Underworld is a forced TF/TG text game for mature audiences including erotic content such as: furry, monstergirl, transgender, oviposition, lactation, and more. Along the way, you'll meet a wide cast of characters across the three factions that each have their own ideology about how to deal with people different from themselves. Your actions will determine which faction achieves victory, and by extension, the fate of humans and hybrids alike.


[New Content in r22]

The main new content for public build players in r22 is Frog TF:

Now the frogs in the swamp chapter can now transform you into one, too.

4000+ words of chapter 2 content including different scenes when the Naga Queen defeats you based on what form you’re in. The minions are a bit smarter too, and won’t try to transform you if you’re already a frog or slug (unless you’re not 100% in that form, in which case they’ll try to re-transform you if you’re of the matching species). Frogs and slugs also now leave a slime trail wherever they go, which can re-transform you if you use it (it’ll eventually evaporate). If you track slime into Nixie’s shack during the swamp quest, she’ll comment on you making a mess of her place.

Frog form is another in the all-fours category, since frogs can’t stand upright. As frogs naturally gain weight over time to get that nice frog belly, that can eventually cause their movement to be difficult. At larger belly (and optionally breast) sizes, it will drag on the ground beneath them and sometimes get stuck in the slime as they travel. If you go farther and intentionally max out belly/breast sizes... good luck moving at all.


[New/Updated Functionality in r22]

- UI Updates / DPI-aware layout
- Wait Button
- Entity Selector
- Retuned Dragon Queen oviposition rules
- Added reduce cream to hospital shop, and as an item occasionally dropped by foxgirls.
- Misc text fixes


[Story Update - Ch6]

If you're a private / full game backer, you should definitely check out the new dino chapter:

At the conclusion of chapter five, you incapacitated Thornton by transforming him into a catgirl, leaving him trapped to work in Mulberry’s strip club while you steal his identity. You’re now able to sneak into his convoy, which will allow you to cross the vast underground desert to scout out SkyCorp’s research laboratories for the rival faction, VCiV.

What should have been an easy ride across the desert turns out to be much more than you bargained for. The convoy rides on specialized creatures that are genetically engineered to withstand the tough conditions of the desert. These dinoians could best be described as a distant anthropomorphic cousin of a velociraptor, or perhaps some sort of wingless riding dragon. One of them, Hanako, is planning her prison break, and you haplessly stumble into her plans.

Soon she’s stealing your identity. She forces you to wear her old leather bindings, transforming you into a dinoian that looks just like she used to. She had unintentionally acquired the reputation of convoy slut, and now that you have her identity, she intends to make sure you live up to her old behaviors so as to not be suspicious. Every time you disobey her, she increases the size of your cleavage, making you hornier as you’re forced to expose your nearly-naked body to the world as she rides you. To make matters worse, thanks to your monstrously large dinoian vagina, you won’t derive any joy from copulating with humans — so your body will work against you to force yourself to mate with your fellow beasts. But they’re in a similar predicament, former humans trapped in lusty bodies that have no choice but to serve their riders and their base desires.

Try as you might, dinoians are forbidden from speaking thanks to their vocal cords which can only make animalistic noises. Though you desperately want to explain your situation, no one can understand you. Even removing the bindings themselves is impossible as they self-replicate to ensure you can never be freed. Stick around long enough, you’ll start to enjoy serving your rider. You may even begin to enjoy being tied up with your wrists bound, further restricting your opportunities for escaping this life.

Will you succumb to your dinoian need to be filled up and lay clutch after clutch of eggs? Or will you find a way to escape your fate and complete the mission?

Backstory is revealed about the history of The Underworld, along with the factions that vie for power inside it. Three endings, one for each faction, are available — each with their own puzzles to complete. Can you find all three?

Clocking in at a massive 30,000 words, this chapter is nearly three times as long any that has come before!


Thanks again for all your support on the past versions and I hope you like the new stuff!

  • Comments
  • @franswaa - What exoskeleton?

    @Furrin_Gok - Yes, you can either rest at home or at Nixie's, or you can find/buy Health Potions which you can carry with you.

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  • SkyCorp said:
    @Furrin_Gok - Yes, you can either rest at home or at Nixie's, or you can find/buy Health Potions which you can carry with you.

    That in no way shape or form increases the maximum hp above 5.

    Arsenic413Catnip said:
    um i have a possible bug, when creating my charaacter i choose large penis but in the description it still says 6 in average penis, Bug?

    I imagine it's "large among averages." Average itself is only 5 in this game.

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  • @Arsenic413Catnip - Thanks, I should probably change the intro text to be 'larger than average' or something as suggested.

    @Furrin_Gok - Oh, maximum HP is increased by finding level gems. I believe there's one after defeating the Naga, and sometimes at other boss fights too.

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  • markthewolf90 said:
    The story really doesn't make any sense at all. Why would the military quarantine people infected with an STD that can be cured in a matter of hours?

    To spread fear and hatred, and control them better.

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  • Getting transformed is way to easy, and way too fast in this game, and the effects are way too harsh. Its like a chinese knock-off of fenoxo's work

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  • Ive been having an issue where whenever i try to use 'SHOP' and buy things from stores, it just states "Error parsing shop data" and doesnt let me use it. Anyone know why, or how I fix it?

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  • ProClasstinator said:
    Ive been having an issue where whenever i try to use 'SHOP' and buy things from stores, it just states "Error parsing shop data" and doesnt let me use it. Anyone know why, or how I fix it?

    Nevermind didnt realise someone responded on the other version

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