fang, ripley, and samantha (goodbye volcano high and etc) created by unknown artist
  • Comments
  • blitzomega said:
    I don't even understand why this site recognizes Snoot Game in the first place. It's literally a transphobic anti-fangame created by 4chan trolls, because they're such sensitive snowflakes that genders trigger them.

    You do realize that people also post pro-trans stuff all the time on this site, right? It’s a free to use porn site. Don’t be so bent out of shape that it’s not the “guardians of moral righteousness” you want it to be.

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  • blitzomega said:
    I don't even understand why this site recognizes Snoot Game in the first place. It's literally a transphobic anti-fangame created by 4chan trolls, because they're such sensitive snowflakes that genders trigger them.

    as much as i disagree with snoot game, this is an archive, and it is the role of an archive to, well, archive. besides, the only reason i even found out about snoot game is wondering what exactly it was that made it hard to find. there's no surer way to get people to look for something than to tell them not to.

    but if an idea, even a wrong one, is out in the open, it can be challenged.

    before reading the comments, i thought this picture was just dark comedy.

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  • blitzomega said:
    I don't even understand why this site recognizes Snoot Game in the first place. It's literally a transphobic anti-fangame created by 4chan trolls, because they're such sensitive snowflakes that genders trigger them.

    Mate, type 4 simple letters into the search bar and you can find nazis on here. It's an archive, not Twitter. not that you can't find Nazis on Twitter...
    If it really bothers you, I suggest that you add snoot_game to your blocklist, along with other tags or games or genres or what-have-you that you don't like or agree with.

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  • mfw i look in one of my christmas presents and its just paper: (i forgot to look on the other side)

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  • blitzomega said:
    I don't even understand why this site recognizes Snoot Game in the first place. It's literally a transphobic anti-fangame created by 4chan trolls, because they're such sensitive snowflakes that genders trigger them.

    that makes me want to play it more

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