created by foster-tony

Calling a demon is not uncommon among the human. A simple way to call a demon is create a certain magic circle, chant a calling spell, then give an offering. In the specified demon realm, the magic circle will appear along with the offering. If the demon loves it, they will take the offering and step in to the circle, which will take them to the summoner and aid on their biddings as much as the offering worth for the demon until anytime the demon felt it was enough.

Today, the fire demon received something unusual with the summoning call.

Instead of valuable items or assornments of grotesque parts, the demon found out a living human standing on the magic circle. The human was wearing a hooded cloak. Based on how It bend forward and looked like to be able to stand because of the staff he was bought with, the demon guessed that it would probably an elder. It was not strange if some humans offered a living subject, but usually they were either badly injured or bound. But this one, despite of it might be old, it was clearly still able to stand normally like he was willing to be offered. However, one thing that made the demon uncertain was because the mana flow he felt from it and the familiarity.

The demon walked closer to the magic circle, while busting up his chest. “What’s this? It has been long since I received a human offering. Someone sacrificed you, old human?” he asked with a low, but rough voice.

The human did not budge. Instead, it coughed and waved its hand. “What is this scent? Smells worse over here than a dozen rotten eggs dropped in a vat of vinegar!” it spoke with a soft elder male voice.

The demon frowned. “You dare insult my realm, human? I can turn you to ashes or just send you elsewhere worse than whatever vinegar was it if you really want it!” he snapped, even though he was unsure of how the scent would be.

The human slowly looked up, revealing his face as the faint red light illuminated his face. It was indeed, a man. An elderly man with somehow short white beard covering his mouth and wrinkles. Freckles dotted his face from his nose to cheeks. The demon had to hold himself from snapping his finger and remove the freckles himself.

Instead shaking with fear, the human only bowed calmly. “Excuse me, beast. Do you know where can I find the great fire demon? My friends told me that if I stepped here, I can meet one. but I am really forgot how it look,” he asked politely.

The demon did really want to zap this human to ashes or send him to other demon that is willing to abuse this little old chap, but he sensed something familiar. Like they seemed to have met before and the demon was unable to do anything bad to him because of it. If he could not bring him any evidence of it.

“I am not a beast! I AM the fire demon that you seek human. Now state your business or I will crush you to a mere flesh crisp!” He raised his arms.

The human raised his pointy finger and said a silent ‘oh.’ He took something from his cloak and showed it to the demon. It was a talisman adorned with a hexagon red gem on the middle. As the demon looked to the gem, it had something burned inside.

“The Eternal Ruby Talisman.” The demon remembered his past. “I remember that I was, unfortunately, helped by a certain party of human which I given them this talisman for their deed. But I am pretty sure that this party of human did not contain you.”

“He is not here, demon ...” the human paused. “Do you have a name? I’m pretty sure you have-“

“Skip it.”

“Alright. Basically Arken is the owner, but our comrade was cursed. I came here to take one of the materials we needed. Since Arken is occupied to fetch something else, I’m here in place of his. He said if I show the great fire demon, he will give us what we need.”

The demon did remember it. As a token of deed, he bestowed the talisman to a group of human. The demon will help them with anything, but just once by using the talisman as the offering.

“But it was supposed to be talisman only. Why are you here as well, human?”

The human looked up. “He said that I should use this as offering. But as I said I forget about it, I just think to bring it with me.”

“So basically, you thought that you have to stand on the circle and have it along with you instead of putting the talisman on it.” The demon closed his face with palm. “And here I thought you are a great mage who would want to fare with me. For flame sake...”

The human shrugged. “So, can you give us what we need?”

“Well, I already said it before.” The demon snapped his finger. The talisman on the human’s hand disappeared with a flash of fire. “State your wish, human. As short as possible.”

“Yes. Of course.” The human looked impressed with the sudden disappearance of the talisman. “We need few bottles of fire demon’s semen.”

The demon was surely heard something wrong. “Repeat?”

“We need few bottles of fire demon’s semen.” The human repeated without any change of tone.

The demon’s gaze went deeper.

“To lift the curse from other demon from our friend, we need plenty of ... hmm.” The human seemed to try to remember things. “Parts of demon powers. My other friends were searching things from other demons as well. From you, we need great fire demon’s semen.”

The demon clenched his wings. He should have known better that rather than saying ‘anything,’ he should have limit it to something more specific. Like he only wanted to be called and broke havoc in the human world, not something ... like this. However, a deal was a deal. He could not refuse it, no matter how gross it was. However, he could not take off a thought of something fun once in a while.

“... I see. I guess I can give you ... what you want.”

The demon cut the human before saying something. “But you need to get it yourself.”

“So I should fight you?” the human asked.

The demon was tempted to say yes, but his pride damned trickery. “No. You have to take it by yourself.” The demon burned his loincloth away, revealing his soft glowing cock. “Make me hard and milk me yourself. I don’t dare lift any finger to do it.”

“Simple,” the human said.

“Are you? Then go on. Give me your best shot, human!” the demon spreaded his wings and arms.

The human chanted something as he lifted his short staff. The demon could not hold off his excitement. He knew a spell to make him hard, but it was never be better than a feel from the others. He hoped that this human would chant something better.

Suddenly, he felt a tug on his arms. When he looked at it, he was surprised to find a bright, golden rope coiled his wrists, and tugged them backwards. He was surprised, but instantly tugged it back. More of the ropes coiled around his body, and even his wings!

“What in the flaming embers!?” the demon cursed. “Human! What are you—“

The demon did not notice that his legs was also coiled too. It tugged his ankles backwards, made him off balance and fell down. At this point, he lost his grip on his strength, and his hands pulled back and tied up together behind. His legs was pulled up and his ankles were coiled along with his wrists, forcing him to a tight hogtie. More of the ropes appeared and secured his body, constricting him more and keep him afloat. His wings were bound along with his limbs, and his tail was curled above. He was completely restrained.

The demon cursed and thrashed, clearly did not anticipated it. He never thought that an elderly human would knew the ancient binding spell like this, but he was more into the reasoning behind it.

“Human! I did not even fight back! Cease this or I’ll—MMFHH!!”

That was his mistake. Rather than reasoning, he should have dispelling it first with a dispelling chant. Now it was too late. The rope had found his muzzle and coiled it tight, neatly disabling him from speaking anything other than unintelligible sounds.

Suspended and bound, the demon thrashed and buckled. He had never imagined of him for ever being ensnared like that again, after long decades. He could not even turn his head since the rope held him still. It was also painful, forcing him in a very flexible tightness. No matter what he tried, his muscles were no match for ancient magic binding, which would never broke with strength alone. What was more, he was fully exposed with his cock dangling on the air. It was embarassing to the last.

The demon gasped as he felt something constricting his cock. Unable to turn his head, he could only feel that it coils around his, pressing tightly. The felt of tightness stimulated him, making it rock hard. The demon shook his body our of nervousness, tried to take it off, but as well as the rope binding him, it held tight in place. Worse, the rope coiled itself around his wrist, ensuring that they would not go anywhere whatever the demon did. It was also probably anchored to the ground, as the demon was unable to swing back and forth without pulling his cock.

From his side, he could hear the human’s voice. “Hmm, so as Giana told me step-by-step to milk a creature ... first, use this spell to tie up subject. Done. And then stimulate it. Hmm ... which spell is that?”

The demon yelled behind his coiled muzzle. “Lfmmt mmff grhhh!!”

“Let’s go? Why, patience, demon. I’m looking for the spell to begin!” the human said as the demon heard the sounds of paper being flipped. “Aha! I think this one should work!”

The human chanted a spell, which the demon know clearly: It was a constricting spell!

“Nfhhmm! Mfhht mfh—NGHHH!!!” The demon screamed in pain as the rope constricting him more, digging into his skin. The demon thrashed more as he felt his cock was also constricted. “STHFPPHH!!”

“Right! That was wrong.” The human stated calmly. He chanted another simple spell which loosen the rope, but did not enough to release the demon. “Wait. Let me check again...”

After a relatively long waiting in the strict and painful position, the human chanted something. he did not really hear the chant clearly, but he felt a swift movement around his cock ropes. They started to squeeze and pulled up and down against his hard, sensitive cock. The demon groaned. Despite of how tight his body was, he felt relaxed. He humped the air, as he was slowly getting closer to orgasm.

However it was strange. He was sure that it was so close, but he did not feel any relieve, like it was never came out. He wanted to looked down to see what was wrong, but he could not. It was like the rope was tying him too tight that it was unable to get out. He could only feel a very small leak would be there.

“Hmm. Did you do your private things before we met? I thought it would be much more than this.” The human said with a tone of disappointment. “Or was it a different demon? Hmm, I can’t make it right...”

The demon struggled. “Dmmmhhnn!! Grhhmmmhh!! Mfhhphh!!” He called out for the human, that he could not get out even though he wanted to due to it being too tight.

“Something is wrong. Probably. I think there’s some spell that I should do after binding spell...” The demon could hear the human was flipping pages and mumbling something again.

The demon could not wait. It was already painful with the bondage, and now he had to wait longer without any relief? He could not stand it.

He humped harder. Stimulating his cock more as he swung his body. It was never came. It was very close, but he could never reached it. It was very frustrating. The demon growled and struggled, dying to get a release. It was so close, so very close! It just need to go through his cock and out, and it would be done. He would be released, and his deed done. The demon kept humped for long while the human kept silent and flipping the pages.

After a while, the demon slumped down, letting the ropes held his weight. His cock ached, yearning for release the he could not able to achieve by himself, not when he limbs were stuck. The thought ignited the demon, but he was no fool. Wasting his strength for something obvious was a waste of power. He had to conserve his strength to be able to endure this as a matter of pride. He sighed. How long should he wait?

“I think this should work!” the human suddenly snapped the demon out of his concentration. “Let’s see.”

The demon howled. Without any warning, he bursted his load out. His tensed muscles instantly relaxed and he unclenched his fists. Everything beautiful flashed on his eyes, as the drool leaked out from his bound mouth without the demon even care. It took longer than he thought, as it must had been a huge load of his semen, should be enough for the human to have what he needed.

The human seemed to be surprised too as he heard a heavy thud of a book, staff, and an ass; the human must be fell back as he did not expect it to be like that. Not only that his semen should be glowy, it must be hot at first like a volcano erupted, but not as lethal. Smokes briefly covered his body and dissipated along with his stress.

The demon waited patiently as he sensed the human who must be busy gathering the semen, probably not by his own hands as the human skin were easily peeled. The human then came into his fixated view with a big potion bottle with glowing liquid inside. His body was very messy with a mix of black stains and reddish white liquid around his lower parts. Half of his white beard is turned black and smoking. His face reminded him to a child who had a culture shock. The demon almost grinned to see the miserable state of the human. He also already planned something as a ‘parting gift’ once he was free.

“The great fire demon, I thank you for cooperation.” He bowed. “Now, please excuse me. I have a matter to attend to as my friends need this quick. Until we meet a gain, o’ kind demon!”

And then he disappeared along with the magical circle, leaving the demon stunned.

Wait, he left him even without freeing him or anything? Did he purposely do this or just because he was a very messy and absent-minded old man? What in the form of flames!?

“Mmfhh...?” The demon blinked his eyes. “Mmfhht... mmfhg? MFHHGGGRHGGH!?”

The demon cried out to the disappearing human once more. It was just a joke right? That he would be back and saying “Just kidding” or a “Oh, sorry I forgot to release you” or anything!? Did he expect that he could break free from these bindings by himself!? The demon thought as fury slowly filled his mind.

“DMMMNNHHHGGGRRRGG!!” The demon roared.

He bucking and violently tugging his limbs apart, fighting an thrashing in each of the binds. If it was so, he had been indirectly deceived. He should had not trust the human doing this! He should had threw out the dispelling spell or just simply did it by himself!

The demon kept fighting against the magical bindings, thrashing and howling through, yanking and bucking against the ropes, but it was all useless. If else, it only bruised his skin deeper. He clenched his fist, gathering most of his demonic strength. He gasped and stretched himself as strong as possible, tugging and flexed every part of limbs as he could. He thought that even the spell was ancient, it would bend down on his demonic muscles. It was, obviously, wrong. Even after many efforts, he was still bound tightly, powerless and defeated to the power of the ancients.

His torture did not stopped there. The rope that was constricting his cock did not cease. Unintentionally or not, it kept squeezing, teasing him more even though he had already took it out. What was worse, he felt it being tighten once again. The demon shuddered at the thought that it was partially went back to the starting state, where it disabling him from cumming. He threw the thought out, as he must had to break free before his second round went out.

He never hoped for any help from others. If any, he wanted them to not see him like this. Other demons would abuse this unfortunate situation for themselves, it would never end well. He had to get out by himself before they found him out.

The only key to break free other than his muscles was his mouth. If only he could somehow slip out from the ropes, he could speak out the dispelling spell. Of course, since his limbs were busy bound together, he had to find other way, anything, to take it off from his muzzle. He already tried to spell it out while muzzled, but nothing happened. He needed to get it free.

“Cmmhh nhhhh!!” The demon growled as he tried his best to pull and shook his head in attempt to make his muzzle slipped out from the rope’s grasp.

The demon kept trying to struggle no matter how hurt it was, no matter how helpless he was. He kept denying the fact that he would never be freed by himself for eternity.

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