autumn, lee, marley remy, and milly created by uwo5
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After having a rough day, Marley got a text from their friend Autumn asking if they'd like to go to a bar she knows and have a couple of drinks. Marley was happy to accept, quickly got ready, and headed over.

At the bar, Marley met up with Autumn and the two pulled each sat in a chair, ordering margaritas for themselves and talking to each other. A couple of drinks in, Autumn asked Marley if they'd ever had the Rodent special at this bar. Marley told her no and was curious what it was. Autumn waved the bartender over and asked for the "Rodent special." The bartender smirked and walked through a door out of sight. Autumn looked at Marley and told them,

"You're going to love this special treat. I get it all the time when I come here."

A minute later the bartender walked back into the room and set a big glass bowl down on the counter. Marley gave Autumn a smirk and she smiled back. In front of them was a bowl full of mice. The two preds didn't hesitate and dug right in, grabbing the first mouse they could get their paws on and putting them into their maws. From the rodents pov's they could only try and get free from the bowl, but after seeing the first mice take the plunge down the pred's throats their hopes for escape were dwindling.
One after one Autumn and Marley down the rodents, their stomach quickly filling up. Marley noticed they greedly ate the majority of the rodnets and there were only 2 left. Marley felt bad so they grabbed one of the last 2 and asked Autumn if she wanted them. Autumn politely declined saying she purposly didn't eat more than 5 because she was on a strict diet. Marley felt better about themselves and raised the rodent above their maw. They noticed that this one must have been a rat being bigger than the others and said,

"Huh, this one must be a rat being this big. Oh well, he'll digest like the others. I wonder if I can get the last 2 down at the same time."

Marley grabbed the last mouse in the bowl with the other paw and put the rat and the mouse into their maw. With a tilt of their head, Marley shut their maw and sent the last 2 rodents down their throat ~~GULP~~ It took a while for the 2 rodents to make it down their throat, but when they plopped into Marley's stomach, they blew a sigh of relief. Autumn and Marley finished their margaritas and then made their way home.
While walking down the street, Marley began feeling the rodents inside get more rowdy. They let out a belch and rubbed their small belly bulge complimenting how filling those rodents were. Autumn agreed with Marley and the two continued walking. While on the inside, both of their stomachs began digesting their little bar snacks. The poor rodents all begging for their lives as the stomach acids slowly began breaking them down into nothing but nutrients.

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