empress kilgor, mech ka sarra, betty common, ka sarra, mae pai, and etc created by aarifleman and lobar
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Some information of my characters. Boob chart of some of the characters in Universe E lineup. From the larges to smallest starting with A. Ka Sarra. B. Mech Ka Sarra C. Betty Common D. Akula E. Kilgor F. Babasa G. Khat H. Mae Pai.

Ka Sarra (full name Ka Sarra Jeżozwierz Iiyarle) in Universe E is a kick boxer instead of a Haunt Slayer from her original timeline. She partakes in world tournaments along her rival and sparing partner Akula. They both fight for the Hoto gym and are proficient with in Hen-Thai Kickboxing. When Ka Sarra is not fighting in tournaments she usually indulges her nymphomaniac tendencies.

Mech Ka Sarra (currently revamping her design) is as the name implies is a sex bot version of Ka Sarra build by Dr. Nevkin Onas Wotfang. She is just like Ka Sarra in everyway personality wise except Mech Ka Sarra is programmed to fulfill any sexual desire persons may have. Mech Ka Sarra does not hold back and in many ways she is more like Empress Kilgor in both ablilty and sexual preferences. Just like Kilgor, Mech Ka Sarra can manipulate her body to be male or female or futa, flat chested to huge breast, fucking both men and women, and so on. Needless to say outside of being "flattered" (very loosely and with big quotation marks might I add) of being the model of a warbot converted to being a sex bot; Ka Sarra would rather have zero interaction and contact with Mech Ka Sarra. Also despite being a sex bot, Mech Ka Sarra still has her warbot program files in her, so she is very much capable of fighting especially if that person(s) are afflicted with the Hegemony Front. In that case instead of fucking them her warbot tendencies kicks in and will destroy all targets.

Betty Common is an acquaintance to Ka Sarra and frequent gym buddy for Khat. She works at Hopps Burger as a waitress. Often providing insight for those who ask or otherwise conversate while doing exercises at the Hoto gym. Soft-spoken and always a good listener; Betty often finds her self giving advice for people who have problems in their lives. This Prompts Betty to seek a higher education while balancing her jobs at Hopps Burger and occasional photo-shoots in the ToonPoon magazine where she poses frontal nudity.

Akula is a Rusoian (Rusoian is equivalent to real world Russians in the world of Cawlaphsous) Sandbar Reef shark who sought to find glory in fighting sport. She found her self going through many different dojo's acuminating plenty of knowledge and experience in her art. She is very aggressive in both fighting and perusing men. Not one for calculative fighting she makes up with bravado. She usually like to chase after males often challenging them to duels. She does not care if they are weak scrawny males to larger confident males. When she wants to fuck, she fucks, and after all is done she tends not to remember their faces but she will remember their dicks without question. Her usual hunting grounds is around the Hoto gym or the beach. Where she has two other friends who accompany her. Akula on occasion has some run-ins with Ka Sarra outside of the Hoto gym. While their rivalry is friendly in nature, Akula will sometimes try to put the moves on Antoni which has the affect of getting under Ka Sarra's skin. While Akula has no real attraction to Antoni she has no problem with wanting to know about his dick.

Empress Aeris Kilgor. Always having ulterior motives when she encounters anyone out side of her Hedonryos realm (or in other words worlds conquered/influenced by her Fornichites); Kilgor like Ka Sarra indulges in her sexual appetite drawing new converts slowly molding her plans while being a nuisance to Ka Sarra and Antoni. She does see a great deal of potential in Ka Sarra to become one of her own fornichites but less confident in Antoni. Both Antoni and Ka Sarra do not know why nor completely understand Kilgor's motives but the feel that they are more than just a tiny facet of the bigger picture.

Babasa Tsuyabi sister to Mae Pai Tsuyabi, Babasa is acquainted with Ka Sarra through the Hoto gym where she and Mae Pai train. Babasa is mostly silent and not much for conversation. All that is know about Babasa is she works as a bounty hunter going away on lengthy periods, then comes home and mediates. Often she mediates in the nude Babasa is one of the few who does not show any sexual interest in anyone nor does she participate in any sexual activity. If anything she is very much celibate. Hunting down big time criminals or other targets, to practicing her martial arts and finding inner balance Babasa is more than happy to be in isolation from the rest of the world. Though on two occasions she has slipped her hand or deliberately hinted off her interest towards Antoni no one can really figure out what Babasa thinks. She does possess a great deal of insight on matters and is extremely observant. She provides valuable skills when she works with Ka Sarra.

Khat (full name Khattilyknos Diasamopoulos) is a friend of Ka Sarra from her adolescence. They both wen to the same schools together an spent plenty of time with each other building a strong friendship. Khat herself is a health nut always focused on stretching exercises and fitness in general. When she is not doing her exercises she works for ToonPoon magazine as a columnist writing sex advice and writes erotic short stories named Supa Thicc and the Thicc Sisters. Khat does not like to fight at all instead she much prefers to avoid conflict. Khat currently owns a townhouse that Ka Sarra is a roommate of (the vary same townhouse that Antoni and Babasa lives in by the way). Khat is envious of Ka Sarra's bust size and wishes that she has bust larger tits but take solace in having a larger butt than Ka Sarra. When Khat is not doing any of the above she likes to have threesomes with her two fuck buddies Marus and Terrance.

Mae Pai Tsuyabi is Babasa's twin sister who is somewhat antagonist to Ka Sarra. They do not get along but will work with each other begrudgingly when they have to. In some ways Mae Pai is similar to Ka Sarra, both having strong sexual appetites except that Mae Pai will do other things that Ka Sarra will not do. That is largely do to Mae Pai's Re-awzu ( both Mae Pai and Babasa have it and have a way of controlling it). No one really knows what occupation Mae Pai is employed in including Babasa, but it can be safely assumed it is similar to what Babasa does; giving Mae Pai an aura of there is more that what she appears to be. Once in awhile Mae Pai will join up in a competition to either fight Ka Sarra or annoy Ka Sarra.

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