created by terrifel (artist)

Every time a manatee is mistaken for a mermaid by a deluded lonely sailor, somewhere else in the world a young woman is transformed into a manatee, in accordance with the Principle of Sirenian Conservation.

  • Comments
  • Very interesting, a wo-manatee merperson. Actually a bit more appealing than the ones that are entirely piscine below the waist.

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  • gruntbuggly said:
    Very interesting, a wo-manatee merperson. Actually a bit more appealing than the ones that are entirely piscine below the waist.

    In the times when the mermaid mythos was developed, there was no divide between mammals and fish that swam in the sea.
    Everything got called a fish.
    Add to this the early poor descriptions of real animals (look up early pictures of elephants before artists could work from life) and there is no particular reason to imagine that mermaids (if they had been real(*)) being depicted with scales ever meant anything.

    Half dolphin mermaids would have genitalia something like This has the vagina some inches forward of the anus, with the teats to either side. All quite far down the belly.
    Search 'orca milking' on youtube.

    *) I want to believe.
    **) For those wondering about the teats tag, manatees have nipples in their armpits, and one is peeking out.

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