kaji and sharon (instant loss 2koma and etc) created by karnator
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Hunter Becomes The Hunted

Sharon, a half mechanical raider, waited on a cliff, monitoring the narrow valley for travelers and small caravans.

Sure killing and pillaging is not an honest living, but it is surely an easy one.

Then she saw a distant figure appear on the horizon.

Leaning low to the edge, hiding and watching the stranger intently.

The creature looked like a mishmash of different creatures, or one she has never seen before.

Sharon was not the brightest lightbulb but knew enough to get around in the cruel wasteland and have seen a lot of things.

The other thing she has never seen was how well-hung the man was.

Stubby, but the thick shaft and a huge ball sack.

The stranger was straight up naked, with no belongings whatsoever.

Abashed as she was, the raider already made plans for the traveler.

She could sell his family jewels to the Firestarter witches, for their virility potion.

It's quite popular among the rich, but aging men.

The moment the male entered the valley, Sharon jumped down from the ledge and swung the explosive spear at him.

"Hand over your stuff!" she cackled, already anticipating the coins she'll get from the pyromaniac mad hags.

But the male hardly reacted.

Staring wide at her.

Sharon was proud in her body, mangled as it is, her rock-hard abs, powerful muscles, and of course, her massive rack, barely tucked behind her skimpy armor.

Seeing the victim disarmed by her beauty, the raider thought it'd be an easy job, charging at him with the spear.

Just blow him up and salvage the leftovers.

But then she froze in place, her limbs stuck where they stood.

Confused, she looked around and saw the blue glow around her metal hands and feet, not even budging, even though she pulled and pushed them with all her might.

While she was confused about her predicament, the male already got behind her, ripped off the metal panties, and shoved his hard cock into her pussy.

She wanted to growl and curse at him, but the sudden push from the inside stole her breath, the foreign object filling her to the limit.

Sharon could only desperately gasp for air and groan from the sudden copulation.

The woman already orgasmed a couple of times from penetration alone, her pussy wet and leaking its juices all over the ground under them.

Then the man behind her ripped off the chest armor, setting free her two giant breasts, and dominantly grabbed them from behind.

Raider arched her back from the warm feeling swelling in her, eyes rolling up and tongue flapping from the gaping maw.

'G-god this man is good" she barely could process the overwhelming sensations that washed over her.

Sharon moaned like a tavern wench, as the stranger continued plowing her like there was no tomorrow.

  • Comments
  • why do i get the feeling he wasn't even wearing any clothing in the first place....or even showed he had anything on him.

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