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Wulfang arrived at the bar in a great mood, and sat down at his usual stool. He waved to the bartender.

"Wulfang!" exclaimed Ragnar. "You've not been here for a while. We almost thought something had happened to you".

Wulfang chuckled. "Well, that's a good story actually! I think you guys will like it. I'll have the usual, by the way".

He sat on his usual stool, and inhaled the familiar smell of the bar. It had been a while indeed. He sipped his beer, enjoying the familiar taste.

"So?", asked Ragnar impatiently. "What's this good story of yours?".

Wulfang smiled. Stories were best told when there was an expectant audience.

"Right. So imagine this. I was going through the forest, somewhere near the big hill. And suddenly I see a little sheep just skipping happily down the road with a basket of food!"

"You've got to be pulling on my leg. No prey goes down that road. It's predator territory all around!"

"That's what I thought!", said Wulfang. "So I was really curious about what the deal was. So I just stepped out and said hi".

"You did what?!". There was a loud noise behind him as other patrons caught wind of the conversation and moved their chairs closer.

"Yeah, I figured there was something wrong with her and wanted to see what she'd do. There was nowhere for her to run anyway. Now amazingly, she behaved like I was one of her friends and just told me that she was bringing grandma some food. Just like that."

Ragnar rolled his eyes. "Okay, now you're really pulling on my leg. Get serious".

"I AM serious! Now the only 'grandma' down that road was a decrepit old sheep Sirius put out of her misery about a month back, so..."

"Fuck!" screamed Sirius from the back. "You mean to tell me that the shriveled old coot had a nice young juicy relative visiting her?"

"Exactly! Anyway, I quickly deduced there was something very wrong with this kid. She was probably both half blind and stupid. So after I figured she was going to that house, I just ran ahead of her, and hid under the bed sheets. I figured if she was this stupid, I could take my time and have a bit of fun with her."

"Eventually, the little sheep got into the house, and I was under the sheets making the worst impression of an old female sheep you'd ever hear".

"Hello dearie, come closer!" he said in a horrible falsetto voice. "And she did!", Wulfang exlaimed, cracking up.

"Anyway, it seems she was indeed both mostly blind and stupid, because I screwed around with her for a few minutes until it finally dawned on her that grandma wasn't supposed to be huge and have big teeth!". Wulfang roared with laughter, slamming down his empty pitcher of beer on the counter.

"Pour me another one!"

"On it!", answered Ragnar. "But anyway, what does this have to do with you going missing for weeks?".

"Oh, I'm getting to it. So after that I convinced the stupid thing to just play along with me, and let me fuck her without resistance. I thought that I had to rough her up a bit, but no, she was almost happy to let me do it. So I just tore all her clothes off. Very young kid, barely old to have some boobs, and delicious looking. I could tell her meat was going to be really sweet".

"Hey!" shouted Sirius from the back. "You're not supposed to hunt those!"

"Hunt? This wasn't a hunt. I don't even know what this was. And her family clearly sent her to her death, and who am I to argue? A prey this stupid would have killed herself eventually, or the parents would have done it. Besides, nobody said fucking them is against the rules!"

"So! Best prey fuck I ever had! Oh, she squirmed, and squealed, and made all sorts of cute noises, but she didn't resist as I stuck all of this" -- Wulfang proudly grabbed his crotch -- "into that delicious little body. Damn she was tight! And that too much for her because once I finally got all the way in, she just fainted or something."

"So I shook her around a bit, and when that didn't help just raised her up in the air by a leg to take a better look. Right when I was thinking she was done for and to try one of those cute little tits for taste, she woke up, and started weakly punching me. It almost tickled. And then, a slightly embarrassing thing happened!"

"What?" somebody asked.

"She, uh, grabbed my dick!", admitted Wulfang with slight embarrassment.

The entire bar population roared with laughter. "Is your equipment still in order?", "Did she bite it off?"

Wulfang slammed his fist down on the counter. "Shut up! Yeah, it's all fine because I was in just the right place to bite her pussy off if she tried anything."

"Anyway", he continued with some signs of embarrassment still in his voice, "It was an awkward position for both of us. Neither could let go or bite without danger. We were stuck."

"Oho, so she 'grabbed' your dick with her mouth I see!" laughed Ragnar uproariously with several patrons joining in. "Okay, now I believe you. Nobody would have made that up".

"Well, it worked out nicely in the end", shrugged Wulfgar, trying to downplay the situation.

"I let her go at it for a while, while keeping my teeth on her crotch at all times. And as soon as she got tired of sucking, I just threw her up into the air. No harm done, and got a blowjob from a sheep cub, which was neat."

"That is cool and all", interrupted Sirius, "but it sounds like this was over in all of 10 minutes. So what does this have to do with your disappearance?"

"Right! I think smacking into the ceiling knocked some of the stupidity out of the little cub. She instantly started begging for her life, saying she'd do anything I wanted. And I thought, sure, she survived getting fucked once, so why hurry? Fucking such a little thing is quite the experience, let me tell you. And if she wanted more, I wasn't going to disappoint!"

"Now just wait a fucking minute!" interrupted again Sirius. "You mean to tell us you got all us worried because you had a sheep cub sucking your dick for two weeks?! Couldn't you at least answer the door?"

"Now that's where the story gets really good!" exclaimed Wulfgar. "And no, I didn't let her suck my dick again for your information. Once was dangerous enough, and there's something not quite right with her head, so who knows what she might do. Anyway, here's what happened next..."

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