aeah and allison (mythology) created by flamespitter
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Copy/pasted from Slither's FA post

I commissioned the wonderful Garlicflamespitter for this one. Thanks so much, Garlic!

It does seem as though there have been a lot of folks from D&D-esque 'verses visiting the Forest lately, but it's pretty understandable! It offers a safe place to rest and have a little vacation from the stresses of adventuring life, with a tech level that makes for comfortable living without being too bewildering. Plus, the forest proper makes a nice camping environment for the folks who would rather stay a little more distant from civilization during their visit. This time, the lovely Aeah is taking a break from quests and dungeons to enjoy a bit of rest and relaxation.

A brightly colored, strikingly recognizable pattern isn't the best trait for a lizard in an adventurous setting, and Aeah often dresses as much as she can in drab, neutral colors. Greys and browns can do a lot of work to keep away unwanted attention in public, but it must get tiresome to have to stay so covered up all the time. Fortunately, the Forest's resident colorful lizard (though not nearly as much as Aeah) just so happens to have a gift card for two for a day at a local high-end spa! Ali won it at last year's white elephant holiday gift exchange at the office, and it has spent the time since balancing an off-kilter keyboard. Well, it's time to finally put this thing to use!

Well, it turns out that this particular spa specializes in pampering lizard types, so Aeah and Ali ended up having quite a time. It was about halfway through the scale scrub treatment on the full-size heat rocks that Ali decided that there might actually be something to these fancy spa packages.

Aeah ended up having a lovely visit, and she's welcome in the Forest for however long she'd like to stay, but I believe she has some unfinished business back in her home 'verse, so she's likely to head back pretty soon. Best of luck to her out there, and at least she'll be refreshed and looking fabulous under all those layers!

Aeah belongs to Garlicflamespitter. Ali is, of course, mine.

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