created by mister jer
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  • Comments
  • orphanobliterator34 said:
    What the fuck is this shit? This is why everyone hates the furry community. This shit is why people think we fuck our pets. Fuck. You.

    Feel free to ignore submissions you don't like around here, newbie. That's how it works around here. <3

    There's a "Blacklisted tags" section in your profile. Use it.

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  • voyden said:
    Watch it, you dumb worthless fuck!!!
    If you don't like it- get lost and fucking die!
    No one gives a shit about assheads like you. FUCK YOU!!!

    You went a little too far mate. It's not my fault I'm not into fucking bestiality. And it isn't tagged with something I can blacklist.

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  • orphanobliterator34 said:
    You went a little too far mate. It's not my fault I'm not into fucking bestiality. And it isn't tagged with something I can blacklist.

    You could easily blacklist the "bestiality" tag, though, couldn't you?

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  • orphanobliterator34 said:
    No, like genuinely, you've ruined e6 for me. I can't come on here without thinking about this. I haven't nutted in a week, and I'm wondering what kind of shit you've seen that made you want to draw this insanity, and even be attracted to it, and when someone says they're utterly repulsed by it, you passively aggressively tell them to fuck off and mind your business. Im sorry, but what the fuck? What has this world come to? I'm really not trying to be a hater or whatever but just fucking look at yourself man, look at what you're doing, you do realize you drew a woman being fucked by a dog? I want you to stop for a second and think hard about what you're doing, and kindly reconsider. I'm really hoping this is some kind of edgelord joke and not someone genuinely into this shit. Have a nice day.

    the blacklist exists for a reason

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