flowey the flower, frisk, papyrus, and sans (undertale (series) and etc) created by zarla

So Flowey says Sans caused him his fair share of resets and it’s generally assumed they were death resets, but what if they were bs Sierra game dead-end resets instead

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  • That... actually makes a lot of sense. I mean Sans only goes full bad time when literally everyone is dead, a few slips here and there... and he just decides to troll you bad, haha.

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  • Paradyce said:
    That... actually makes a lot of sense. I mean Sans only goes full bad time when literally everyone is dead, a few slips here and there... and he just decides to troll you bad, haha.

    and he would never get tired of it because even though he is aware of the loops, he doesn't remember, so from his perspective, this is the first unless otherwise shown. and he likely has backups for that. i mean he had two secret time travel passwords.

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