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"I told you already, it's not going to fit" said William, while anxiously looking down at his mate's jutting and enormous manhood. The Ogre was holding a 'goo fruit' in his hand and kept gently prodding him in the butt. He and the Ogre had known each other for a while, they had met while they were both out hunting and somehow an instant attraction was born between them. Of course the size difference made traditional lovemaking impossible but they had found ways to pleasure each other all the same. Now the Ogre seemed to have gotten tired of the usual mouth and hands stuff and wanted more. His huge lover had produced this strange fruit which oozed an extremely slimy and clear substance when squeezed, he seemed sure it would help somehow. William was tempted but would he even survive such an act? Would it feel at all good? And if he did would he ever be the same after? He guessed that trying was the only way to know...

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