fan character, sash lilac, and shen lei fan (freedom planet and etc) created by kenjikanzaki05

Titled "It's not what it looks like!"
From the artist:

Just a fake wedding board, it's a ship jokes so I don't intend to ship these 2 so don't be serious about it. XD

  • Comments
  • Why these downvotes is not a bad image or something that we see too often ? And even if the Shen x Lilac doesn't come to nothing it remains more original than other pairing like Sonic x Lilac or Sonaze.

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  • feurisson972 said:
    Why these downvotes is not a bad image or something that we see too often ? And even if the Shen x Lilac doesn't come to nothing it remains more original than other pairing like Sonic x Lilac or Sonaze.

    Well here's my two cents.
    While the art is really good, the downvotes most likely were backlash for the coupling. As I like to observe stories and characters, I wouldn't blame them. While I really like the art style of Kenji and his designs such as Shen, I find there are some problems with the character, whether it be the fact that his series, FP Legends, rehashes elements from the Kung Fu Panda franchise which pretty much makes Shen the FP equivalent of Po, and along with that his coupling/love triangle between Sash Lilac and Nastypoke (Goshaag's oc. I like their work too).

    To be honest I find the coupling to be a rather typical idea which doesn't really show much chemistry. Why does Lilac have an interest for Shen? Why is she jealous about him? What do the two do for each other both on the battle field and out of the battlefield that complements each other?

    I haven't really seen that, and the trope of shipping an oc with a canon established character stands fairly tall. Doing this sort of stuff can work, but you need to develop the characters, establish their friendship and give them a very close, trusting relationship. We are told that these two have a friendship for the most part, and we don't get shown that these two have this sort of relationship. Even a couple comic panels disconnected from FP Legends and mini stories to express this would help the shipping.

    Don't get me wrong, I am mutual with your opinion of the Sonic x Lilac coupling (Mostly because of how Sonic is portrayed like a Chad in the fandom), but at least there is potential chemistry. They share common traits and they have that sort of hero complex that fits with each other. But sadly, I don't see that with Shen x Lilac, and it rears just about as bad a head as any other common coupling.

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  • JTF123 said:
    Well here's my two cents.
    While the art is really good, the downvotes most likely were backlash for the coupling. As I like to observe stories and characters, I wouldn't blame them. While I really like the art style of Kenji and his designs such as Shen, I find there are some problems with the character, whether it be the fact that his series, FP Legends, rehashes elements from the Kung Fu Panda franchise which pretty much makes Shen the FP equivalent of Po, and along with that his coupling/love triangle between Sash Lilac and Nastypoke (Goshaag's oc. I like their work too).

    To be honest I find the coupling to be a rather typical idea which doesn't really show much chemistry. Why does Lilac have an interest for Shen? Why is she jealous about him? What do the two do for each other both on the battle field and out of the battlefield that complements each other?

    I haven't really seen that, and the trope of shipping an oc with a canon established character stands fairly tall. Doing this sort of stuff can work, but you need to develop the characters, establish their friendship and give them a very close, trusting relationship. We are told that these two have a friendship for the most part, and we don't get shown that these two have this sort of relationship. Even a couple comic panels disconnected from FP Legends and mini stories to express this would help the shipping.

    Don't get me wrong, I am mutual with your opinion of the Sonic x Lilac coupling (Mostly because of how Sonic is portrayed like a Chad in the fandom), but at least there is potential chemistry. They share common traits and they have that sort of hero complex that fits with each other. But sadly, I don't see that with Shen x Lilac, and it rears just about as bad a head as any other common coupling.

    I understand your logic but who said that the Lilac x Sheng was perfect or even good? Even Kenji states that he doesn't see them as a couple. After FP legend hardly begins it seems to me so we will no doubt have the opportunity to see the relationship between the two grows up even if it will not go further than an amusing friendship somewhat similar to that between Amy and Sonic but without some flaws like Lilac who would be a fangirl unable to think of anything but her love interest.

    For the Sonic x Lilac, what gets me wrong is that it just follows the logic: "both are the main heroes and they run fast" that we already have with the Sonaze. Otherwise I do not see any real chemistry between them and I would even say that I feel like a shipping between Sonic and his big sister (as in the Sonaze)
    As for the hero complex ... I see him in Lilac because she really behaves like a heroine who knows how to express heroic feelings like:
    -fear and anxiety when one of his friends is injured or in danger or when the situation is bad.
    -disappointment when she fails.
    Sonic ... apart from a great confidence in him and these annoying jokes does not express anything for many years to the point where you could think that he is amused that the world is in danger because its gives him a good adventure.
    The characters like Silver, Shadow, Knuckles, Tails and even Cream have the hero complex but Sonic ... it has rather the complex of the boring character who takes nothing seriously and will go through all his adventures without any real difficulty. (Saitama in One Punch Man for example has the same complex but unlike Sonic he finds it very annoying)

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  • feurisson972 said:
    I understand your logic but who said that the Lilac x Sheng was perfect or even good? Even Kenji states that he doesn't see them as a couple. After FP legend hardly begins it seems to me so we will no doubt have the opportunity to see the relationship between the two grows up even if it will not go further than an amusing friendship somewhat similar to that between Amy and Sonic but without some flaws like Lilac who would be a fangirl unable to think of anything but her love interest.

    For the Sonic x Lilac, what gets me wrong is that it just follows the logic: "both are the main heroes and they run fast" that we already have with the Sonaze. Otherwise I do not see any real chemistry between them and I would even say that I feel like a shipping between Sonic and his big sister (as in the Sonaze)
    As for the hero complex ... I see him in Lilac because she really behaves like a heroine who knows how to express heroic feelings like:
    -fear and anxiety when one of his friends is injured or in danger or when the situation is bad.
    -disappointment when she fails.
    Sonic ... apart from a great confidence in him and these annoying jokes does not express anything for many years to the point where you could think that he is amused that the world is in danger because its gives him a good adventure.
    The characters like Silver, Shadow, Knuckles, Tails and even Cream have the hero complex but Sonic ... it has rather the complex of the boring character who takes nothing seriously and will go through all his adventures without any real difficulty. (Saitama in One Punch Man for example has the same complex but unlike Sonic he finds it very annoying)

    You do know he's doing a pull out game, right? He's obviously hinted at a ship between the two for months now (Look at the Valentine's Day pictures on the site for example. Lilac is beating Nastypoke down for getting near Shen like that). He pretty much is pulling out for whatever reason to stop or slow down the ship for most likely some sort of insecurity reason.

    And while yes, you do bring up a good point because FP Legends hasn't started to pick up yet, it shouldn't justify to make shipping pictures this early on. He should've created the chemistry in standalone stories or comics only a couple panels long, or he should've developed FP Legends to a much farther point before doing shipping pictures.

    With Lilac, I never really see her as that character who would degrade herself to being Amy levels of fangirl next to the love interest. That's a trope. That is a serious, out of character trope. While Lilac is still a teenager, after Brevon, she holds a strong integrity, and tries her best to keep things on the low because of her hero complex, which has probably created some sort of guilt at some point. She's a lot more mature than the average teenager, and to see her practically melt or go totally yandere towards the sight of a single guy feels off. You don't need to give a character these anime tropes to give them flaws. Lilac can pretty much hold some sort of guilt which can give her uncertainty in a situation when things seem grim in fear of risking her friends. Maybe give her a small but grim amount of PTSD from Brevon for the electrocution scene, make her extremely sensitive towards her friends fighting due to Brevon, not wanting to risk her friends any more. Those would be flaws for a character. Not this googly eyed stuff that fits more in a slice of life anime or show.

    As for your Sonic x Lilac points, I get it. But I want to defend Sonic a bit since people forget he actually has a character. Sonic holds a massive integrity, just like Lilac does. He does what he does because he believes it's right. Often enough he doesn't act seriously and crack jokes is because that's his normal, cheery personality. Along with that, Eggman isn't really as much of a serious villain anymore. Sonic knows the guy in and out, he doesn't need to treat Eggman as much of a threat like he had to in Sonic Adventure 2. Now when you pit him up with those who he isn't familiar with, then you show Sonic's more serious side.

    Even the bland villains of the Deadly Six, caused a ruckus out of Sonic. Sonic was disappointed when Tails got captured, saying that he was the fastest, yet he couldn't save his best friend who he treats like a brother. Sonic was worried when he was seeing Amy and Knuckles begin to die with their world. Sonic was angered (or something along that line) when Zavok told Sonic he was going to turn Tails into a robot.

    Stuff like this shows that Sonic can emote. He shows concern for the planet he lives on and the friends he cares about. While he loves a good adventure, he doesn't have a Goku complex where he'll jeopardize everything for an adventure, and he definitely isn't unbeatable in his universe like Saitama and absolutely solos everything he comes his eyes upon with no effort. Saitama is a parody character whose joke is practically that sort of concept. Sonic isn't at all like that, and lacks that sort of concept or prowess. Maybe the broken version of him known as Archie Sonic, but I'd rather not discuss that.

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  • JTF123 said:
    You do know he's doing a pull out game, right? He's obviously hinted at a ship between the two for months now (Look at the Valentine's Day pictures on the site for example. Lilac is beating Nastypoke down for getting near Shen like that). He pretty much is pulling out for whatever reason to stop or slow down the ship for most likely some sort of insecurity reason.

    And while yes, you do bring up a good point because FP Legends hasn't started to pick up yet, it shouldn't justify to make shipping pictures this early on. He should've created the chemistry in standalone stories or comics only a couple panels long, or he should've developed FP Legends to a much farther point before doing shipping pictures.

    With Lilac, I never really see her as that character who would degrade herself to being Amy levels of fangirl next to the love interest. That's a trope. That is a serious, out of character trope. While Lilac is still a teenager, after Brevon, she holds a strong integrity, and tries her best to keep things on the low because of her hero complex, which has probably created some sort of guilt at some point. She's a lot more mature than the average teenager, and to see her practically melt or go totally yandere towards the sight of a single guy feels off. You don't need to give a character these anime tropes to give them flaws. Lilac can pretty much hold some sort of guilt which can give her uncertainty in a situation when things seem grim in fear of risking her friends. Maybe give her a small but grim amount of PTSD from Brevon for the electrocution scene, make her extremely sensitive towards her friends fighting due to Brevon, not wanting to risk her friends any more. Those would be flaws for a character. Not this googly eyed stuff that fits more in a slice of life anime or show.

    As for your Sonic x Lilac points, I get it. But I want to defend Sonic a bit since people forget he actually has a character. Sonic holds a massive integrity, just like Lilac does. He does what he does because he believes it's right. Often enough he doesn't act seriously and crack jokes is because that's his normal, cheery personality. Along with that, Eggman isn't really as much of a serious villain anymore. Sonic knows the guy in and out, he doesn't need to treat Eggman as much of a threat like he had to in Sonic Adventure 2. Now when you pit him up with those who he isn't familiar with, then you show Sonic's more serious side.

    Even the bland villains of the Deadly Six, caused a ruckus out of Sonic. Sonic was disappointed when Tails got captured, saying that he was the fastest, yet he couldn't save his best friend who he treats like a brother. Sonic was worried when he was seeing Amy and Knuckles begin to die with their world. Sonic was angered (or something along that line) when Zavok told Sonic he was going to turn Tails into a robot.

    Stuff like this shows that Sonic can emote. He shows concern for the planet he lives on and the friends he cares about. While he loves a good adventure, he doesn't have a Goku complex where he'll jeopardize everything for an adventure, and he definitely isn't unbeatable in his universe like Saitama and absolutely solos everything he comes his eyes upon with no effort. Saitama is a parody character whose joke is practically that sort of concept. Sonic isn't at all like that, and lacks that sort of concept or prowess. Maybe the broken version of him known as Archie Sonic, but I'd rather not discuss that.

    Yes it should avoid revealing the pairing before showing why they should be realized or not, because it ruins the suspense of the fans.

    After the Lilac x Sheng... it's a relationship based on jealousy as how much of Sonaze ​​fans imagine that Amy will react if Sonic and Blaze fall in love. Whether it is for Amy or Lilac it doesn't match with their personalities, although it's the image of fangirl that SEGA has developed most for Amy in the latest games (At least in Forces she seems less obsessed with Sonic with her role of Omochaos). But it's always like that in this kind of relationship.

    Yes Sonic may have a time when it is serious but the problem is that Sonic only shows true heroic feeling when the situation is really desperate and it is becoming increasingly rare for some time because SEGA can not really put Sonic in trouble and when they get there it ends often with a joke.
    Like in Sonic Forces for example, Infinite completely outscores Sonic and treats him like a punchinball yet you cannot think that Sonic was in difficulty considering how he claims the name of Infinite (with a smile so confident that he is almost arrogant) it doesn't show that Sonic considers Infinite as a threat but instead as a new playmate with which he will have fun. BTW until now, except the trailer I have still not seen anything in this game that proves to me that Sonic considers this adventure as important or even serious.

    I admit to having a little exaggerated with Saitama since Sonic does not conquer his opponents at a single blow. But we aren't far from it because of the way in which SEGA values ​​his importance. Just see how the majority of the other characters have become useless and only appear for the fanservice or classic Sonic which is proof that SEGA thinks that even a younger version of Sonic is superior to characters like Knuckles, Blaze or Silver and deserves to be more important than them. Sonic ironically became the least interesting character in the games because of that precisely.

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  • feurisson972 said:
    Yes it should avoid revealing the pairing before showing why they should be realized or not, because it ruins the suspense of the fans.

    After the Lilac x Sheng... it's a relationship based on jealousy as how much of Sonaze ​​fans imagine that Amy will react if Sonic and Blaze fall in love. Whether it is for Amy or Lilac it doesn't match with their personalities, although it's the image of fangirl that SEGA has developed most for Amy in the latest games (At least in Forces she seems less obsessed with Sonic with her role of Omochaos). But it's always like that in this kind of relationship.

    Yes Sonic may have a time when it is serious but the problem is that Sonic only shows true heroic feeling when the situation is really desperate and it is becoming increasingly rare for some time because SEGA can not really put Sonic in trouble and when they get there it ends often with a joke.
    Like in Sonic Forces for example, Infinite completely outscores Sonic and treats him like a punchinball yet you cannot think that Sonic was in difficulty considering how he claims the name of Infinite (with a smile so confident that he is almost arrogant) it doesn't show that Sonic considers Infinite as a threat but instead as a new playmate with which he will have fun. BTW until now, except the trailer I have still not seen anything in this game that proves to me that Sonic considers this adventure as important or even serious.

    I admit to having a little exaggerated with Saitama since Sonic does not conquer his opponents at a single blow. But we aren't far from it because of the way in which SEGA values ​​his importance. Just see how the majority of the other characters have become useless and only appear for the fanservice or classic Sonic which is proof that SEGA thinks that even a younger version of Sonic is superior to characters like Knuckles, Blaze or Silver and deserves to be more important than them. Sonic ironically became the least interesting character in the games because of that precisely.

    The whole jealousy aspect of the relationship is why it's despicable to my eyes. It's essentially a love triangle which not only fills in another trope for ocs but something that really shouldn't be there.

    I'd rather have a story where the romantic seeds are planted with the protagonist and various characters as the narrative progresses to make the entire shipping aspect open minded and allow the writer to make an open decision with a coupling than a love triangle we've been seeing in fiction for years.

    When it comes to Sonic, I completely understand your points. Sonic has had a lack of suspense as of this current decade, and it most likely is due to SEGA's direction with Sonic. SEGA is marketing their stories to being more comedic, more lighthearted, and definitely a lot simpler. It's subjective to think whether this is good or not, but for the most part I give most of it a pass as long as I enjoy the game and the OST.

    Sonic never at a singular point was a heavily built storytelling series such as Metal Gear or Dragon Ball. Sonic has always had good times just having a simpler approach to a story and then building upon it. The Classic Series and the current games of the series have a simple premise with the stories.

    The only stories which seem to have some big story elements to it would at least be Sonic Adventure 2, Sonic Unleashed, and the abomination known as Sonic 06. Honestly Sonic 06 might be a thorn in our backs to why we as a fanbase are getitng very simple stories with less focus on side characters, because a complicated story with too many characters and narratives usually creates a mess, and we as viewers and as storytellers should take note of storytelling messes so we don't duplicate them (Take notes Freedom Planet 2, because I fear that you could screw up your story big time in the exact same way).

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