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Commission did by:
Flabby Tabby.
Sitting at the kitchen table in a patch of sunlight, Mr. Liptonburg sipped his coffee & half-heartedly flipped through the newspaper: The Exploud Falls gazette. With a frustrated sigh, he tossed the paper aside & stared out the window. Almost every page had a sensationalist article about garbage pokemon & mutant breeders.

“Nothing but “Fake News”.”- He thought.- “All those Mon’s are tramps too stupid to use protection.”

Enjoying the warmth of the sunny autumn day, Mr. Liptonburg’s anger over the paper quickly dissipated as he watched his daughter wait for the bus. A quiet girl, Mr. Liponburg knew she would never do anything as stupid as those girls in the paper. Watching her until she got onto the school bus, he got up & headed off to work once she left.
Stumbling forward as the bus departed, Tabatha Liptonburg picked an empty seat & settled in for the lonely bus ride to school. Glancing back at all the other Mon’s, Tabatha sighed dishearteningly & stared out the bus window. A quiet & nerdy girl, Tabitha longed for friends but was too shy to talk to the other Mon’s on the bus or in school & even if she did, who would want to be friends with a chubby Gothita like her? Whenever Tabatha complained about her weight her dad would always assure her she looked fine, her mother looked the same at her age & she just needed to grow up a bit more. Tabitha never believed him. Even if it was true, everyone was all about being athletic & tone now, which she certainly was not.
About ten minutes later the bus slowed to a stop at the final stop before school, a moment Tabitha was dreading. For onto the bus walked the plastics, the Buneary twins & their leader Kirlia. Rich, pretty, & super popular, they pretended to be nice to your face but made fun of everyone behind their backs, & Tabitha was their favorite punching bag.

“Good morning Tabby.”- Said Kirlia, the smile on her face faker than even the kindness in her voice.
“Hi, Gertrude.”- Replied Tabitha bitterly. She hated being called Tabby & Gertrude knew it.
“Have you lost weight sweetie? You look great.”- The sweetness in her voice approaching toxic levels.
“No Gertrude, you know I haven’t.”- Less than a minute in & Tabatha was already holding back bitter tears.
“Oh, well regardless you should join us for lunch, we can always save a seat… or two for you.”
Walking away laughing, the girls made fun of Tabitha the entire bus ride. As usual, Tabitha was red-faced & embarrassed after the conversation but today was different, for once she would finally do something about it. Opening her bag, Tabitha stared down at the rare candies within, their blue rappers, reflecting the morning sunlight. Today she would show them all.
Staring out the window of his office, Coach Roberts grimaced & took another swig from his bottle of southern comfort as the buses rolled up & aggravated his hangover. A fat Grumpig, Coach Roberts had been the gym teacher at St. Muk’s (An all-girls school) for 20 years. Dressed in his usual wife-beater, track shorts, & tennis shoes, the white shirt was stained yellow from his sweat, the shorts had massive layered stains all around the crotch, & the tennis shoes were so filthy even he did not know what their original color was. He stank like a sewer & his dick always peeked out of his pant leg due to lack of underwear but everyone at the school was too nice to say so.
Slamming the window shut & closing the curtains, Coach Roberts rubbed his head as he wobbled over to the gigantic cabinet pressed against the far wall. A lightweight by no means, last night had been Coaches 40th & unfortunately for him he drank to excess in celebration, despite the myriad of questions about when he was finally going to settle down & get married. A subject he was extremely insecure about. Opening the cabinet, Coach pulled down a filthy murphy bed, intent on taking a nap before the 3rd-period gym class. Inside the left door, the tattered remains of several disgusting pairs of female undergarments hung as trophies.
Walking out of the locker room to start Gym class, Tabatha was excited for once. Her first two classes, English & Math, had been as bad as always. The plastics made pig noises at her & called her flabby Tabby, fully aware she could hear them, but Gym would be different. Popping a rare candy(A stark white gumball sized chocolate with electric blue stripes) into her mouth & just dropping the wrapper on the floor, she took her position for starting laps. Rare candies were expensive & illegal (Nearly $4.00 apiece) but supposedly would make you run faster & perform better for a short period, all the battling Mon’s used it. The downside? The side effects would quickly become clear if you did not burn thousands of calories a day, like in pokemon battles.
Coming out of his office, hangover subsided, Coach Roberts blew his whistle, starting the laps. Taking sips from his “Diet coke” Coach watched the girls run around the track, enjoying the view. It was not the girls leading the pack he liked though, but the ones lagging. The girls in front were a dime a dozen, popular, pretty, most likely to succeed, Etc… just boring future upper-middle-class soccer moms. But the ones in the back, the geeky, ugly, fatties, the ones who would have to work hard for everything in life, the future architects & what have you, tons of potential. Coach loved ruining that, forcing them deeper into their vices, turning them into bitter trailer trash, always lamenting their spoiled potential & reminiscing over what could have been. As the girls ran, Coach noticed one girl, “Tabby” he believed her name was, shooting from the back of the pack to the front with a sudden speed boost. Intrigued by the sudden change, Coach watched Tabby excel throughout the rest of the class, winning nearly every game played. For Tabitha it was like a lightning bolt had shot through her, she ran faster, jumped higher, her every sense was honed to a razor’s edge, it was the greatest sensation ever.
By the time class ended Tabitha had come down from her high but still felt more alive than ever & never wanted the feeling to end as she raced to her next class. After the girls left Coach Roberts walked around the gym, picking up balls & equipment, getting ready for his next class. As he was putting away a basketball, he noticed a piece of trash lying on the ground. Annoyed someone was too lazy to use the trash cans right next to the locker room, Coach picked up the trash & realized it was a rare candy wrapper. Confusion, then realization crossed his face as he realized this was Tabby’s secret. For a moment he considered turning her into the office, as rare candies were banned without a prescription. Not only were they extremely addictive, but that amount of calories also caused weight gain & lethargy if misused, & in high doses, premature evolution. A Mon Tabitha’s age wouldn't stand a chance. Before he could call the office though, Coach had a different idea: let her go & see what happens. Putting the phone down, Coach sat at his desk & began scratching his hairy stomach. He had never considered Tabby for one of his victims (Too good of home life, not trusting enough) but with rare candies, he had an interesting avenue to explore & it would be a shame to waste it. Smiling to himself, Coach started planning.
Tabatha crashed around lunch. Stumbling as she walked, she barely made it to the cafeteria before falling into a seat panting like everything she did during Gym hit her all at once. Unable to move for nearly 30 minutes before she was able to hobble through the lunch line, Tabitha ended up eating triple lunch before she finally felt satisfied. By the time Lunch was over, Tabitha was so tired she dozed through the rest of her classes & went to bed the moment she got home. In the morning Tabitha decided not to take any more rare candies. Or so she thought. Rare candies are extremely addictive after all & by the time Gym rolled around the next she believed she misremembered how bad the side effects were & felt like taking another one, unaware of just how little control she had. Coach Roberts was watching of course & after he saw her take a second one despite yesterday’s well-known fiasco, he knew she was losing control.
This went on for about two weeks until the End of October. Every day Tabitha would eat a rare candy, crash, eat like a pig, swear never to do it again & repeat the cycle except for the weekends in which she just laid in bed eating, sleeping, & feeling sick. Tabitha never seemed to notice this cycle & no one else seemed to care except Coach, he noticed & he most certainly cared. What everyone (Save Tabitha) Did notice though was her rapid weight gain. In two weeks she had gained nearly 30 pounds with a 30,000 calorie intake five days a week. Other Mon’s beside the plastics now mocked her due to her size, but her rare candy addled mind believed they were just jealous because she kept beating them. Something, Tabitha noticed, Coach Roberts, praised her for. This pleased her & added to the delusion.
However, once November rolled around Tabatha’s “ingenious plan” of illegal doping hit a snag, the candy’s effect had been seriously reduced due to her body’s oversaturation. Coach Roberts had expected this sooner than later & was “Pleased as punch” to see Tabby pop the second candy in her mouth, it was conformation things were going exactly as he wanted. As Tabby raced around the track once again at lightning speed, Coach began planning his move. First, he went to the local drug dealer (The one guy selling in that part of town) & bought out his entire stock of rare candies, a small fortune for sure but Coach was spending the school’s money not his. Next, he warned every drug dealer in town Tabby was a juvenile informant, insuring her dwindling supply would soon dry up. Finally, he had a rubber outfit made stylized after her clothes, just as he did for all his other victims & coated the inside with a lubricant mixture of Petroleum jelly, hormone cream, & his cum.
By the time December rolled around Coach Roberts had everything set & just in time too as Tabby, now up to 5 candies a day had just run out. At first, Tabitha thought running out of candies was no big deal. She noticed she was liking them a bit too much (In reality she was dependent on them) & she might have put on a bit of weight (In reality it was 80lbs ) which was the opposite of her plan. So taking a break was probably a good thing. By the third day, she was begging dealers to sell to her but none would. At this point, Tabitha was sick nearly every day, had no energy, & felt like she was on fire. All of which she managed to hide from her dad who seemed worried enough without worrying about her (In reality all of her dad’s current worries were about her). One Mon who did notice though was Coach as this was exactly what he wanted.
Letting her detox for another week or so, Coach waited until Tabby seemed to be pulling out if, drawing closer to the light at the end of the tunnel just so he could snatch it away from her. On Wednesday 12/9/20 he made his move. As usual, Tabitha was feeling crappy, while she wasn't sick anymore & her skin no longer burned she still had no energy left & could barely do anything. Getting ready for Gym that day, a fresh wave of longing & regret rippled through her. She missed being better than everyone in the class, feeling like she was on top of the world & could do anything, but mostly she missed how alive the candies made her feel. Her dreams of popularity having been flushed away, Tabatha dejectedly took her place for laps. It went as bad as one would expect. Tabatha came dead last in everything again & by the end of Gym felt worse than when she was sick, at least then she had an excuse. Watching all this with delight, Coach Roberts Called Tabby into his office at the end of class.
Tabitha was terrified as she made her way to the Coaches office. What did he want? What would he say? Tabitha was sure he had noticed her dip in performance, he had praised her so much before, how could he not know?

“Did he figure out I was using Rare candy.”- Tabitha worried.- “If he did I will be expelled for sure!”

Biting her nails feverishly, Tabatha opened the imposing office door, knowing that even if Coach had not discovered her doping, he still would be extremely disappointed in her for failing.

“Tabby, I’m extremely disappointed in you.”- Her heart sank, not a second in & already she was a disappointment.
“Not only has your performance bottomed out, but I know about the rare candies.”- Her heart sank lower, Coach had figured it out.
“Im sorry Coach, I just wanted to be popular, I was so sick of everyone laughing at me &-.”- Coach cut her off with a wave of his hand.
“I don’t care why you did it, all I care about is why you stopped?”
“Oh, well I ran out & uh when I tried uh to get more no Mon would sell to me.”
Standing up from his desk, diet coke can in hand, Coach walked over to a filing cabinet.- “ So that’s it huh, dealers got cold feet? Well no worries, I got you covered.”

Pulling open a drawer, Coach Roberts revealed an entire compartment of rare candies, their wrappers glittering like diamonds in Tabby’s eyes.

“I assume we won’t be having any more issues.”- Coach stated as Tabby rushed the drawer.- “Just one thing though.”- Coach added. He pulled open a drawer & removed a package, handing it to Tabby.
“What is it?”- Tabitha asked as she pulled off the cellophane wrapping.
“Your new outfit.”- Coach responded as Tabby unfolded the rubber suit.- “Put it on.”
“Right now?”
“Right now.”- Tabby began to move away for privacy but Coach stopped her. - “No, right here, right now”- Coach clarified. After a moment of hesitation, Tabby stripped out of her dress.

Standing in her bra & Panties, Coach gazed down at the desperate girl, taking a look at what he had to work with. Both the bra & panties were extremely tight, Tabby’s one budding breasts now sacks of fat, & her once chubby waistline now a lumpy mess. Along with some growth in her arms & legs, it was clear Tabby had put on weight in the worst places giving her body a somewhat rotten appearance much to Coaches delight. What fun would it be if she carried the weight well?
To Tabitha’s dismay, the suit only had one entrance, that being the neck hole, meaning she had to put her feet in first & pull the suit up where it formed a near-perfect seal around her neck. The suit itself, in Tabitha’s opinion, was gross, the inside felt extremely slimy (Thanks to Coaches “Special” lubricant” like mucus, the rubber contoured her body leaving little to the imagination, & worst of all the suit did not breathe in the slightest making the inside feel like a sauna.

“Very good.”- Coach said, giving her a once-over.- “Now don’t take it off.”
“Im not allowed to take it off?”- Tabatha asked, alarm & bemusement crossing her face.
“No, not even when you sleep or use the bathroom if you do I will know (A lie) & if you do I won’t give you more rare candy.”
“Oh… ok,” Tabitha replied with uncertainty, the need for rare candy already overwhelming the rational part of her brain.
“Good girl, now off to class with ya.”

After that, Coach explained to Tabby she would come into his office before class & take the candy there so she would not get caught & she headed off to class, happier than she had been in quite some time. After Tabby left Coach sat back at his desk, putting his feet up & looking smug. He had heard other Mon’s called her flabby Tabby & he wondered just how true he could make that.
So once again Tabitha began abusing rare candies after nearly escaping them. For weeks & well into the new year, Tabitha would head into to Coaches office, gorged herself on Rare candies until the effects kicked in then proceeded to have the time of her life. Her actions seemingly justified by Coaches enabling, Tabitha no longer paid any heed to the consequences of her actions, blocking out just how bad her life was getting. What she believed to jealousy from other Mon’s had gone from mean teasing to genuine concern with even the plastics worried about her well being, although any attempt to help her was quickly quashed by Coach Roberts, claiming it was just her body adjusting to new “Medication”. As for Tabitha’s herself, she had gained another 80lbs, 160 lbs overall, bringing her weight up to 240 lbs in total. Her breasts continued to expand, her gut hung below her waist, & her arms & legs looked like sausage tubes. Adding insult to injury now, the rubber suit did Tabitha no favors. Since it contoured to her body, her disgusting flabbiness was on full display, since she could not take it off she could not remove her bra & panties which now dug into her fatty frame, & since she had found the zipper on the crotch she could use the bathroom without too much trouble but she was still marinating in her bodies other juices. Mr. Liptonburg wanted to say something to his daughter, of course, but between working all-day & not understanding the changes his daughter’s body was suffering he chose to say nothing, afraid he might damage her self-esteem during a delicate phase.
So with no outside interference & a malicious enabler, Tabitha’s downward spiral continued. Soon she began visiting Coach’s offices for candy between every class not just Gym & taking a bagful home on the weekends just to get by. By the time February rolled around the candy no longer did anything, no bursts of energy no crash but Tabitha kept eating them otherwise she felt sick. Finally, on a cold, super snowy, Monday morning before school started Tabitha’s delusional world came crashing down. Eating candy from the drawer like a pig eats from a troth, Tabitha, for some bizarre reason, looked up, right into the small mirror on the Coaches desk. For a moment she looked away then her eyes snapped back to the mirror, frozen on the image reflected on the glass.
Staring back at her was a bloated slob of a Mon, her swollen face covered in grease, with rare candy bits dribbling down her many chins. Every inch of her body was contoured by the rubber suit, leaving nothing to the imagination, her bloated grotesque breasts, her every flabby roll, & even her swollen pussy which left a dark stain on the crotch of the suit. Realizing just how much of a disgusting pig she was, Tabithita’s shell-shocked mind used whatever power it had left to find an answer & after a moment Tabitha was filled with dread at the result. It was the candies, it was always the candies. The reason they were illegal unless prescribed was because of the awful side effect, mental inhibition, extreme weight gain, loss of abilities.

“that’s why pokemon that use them to battle never last long, the candies burn them out in a matter of years & that’s if used sparingly.”- Thought Tabitha, Staring at her shaky hands.- “I gotta tell Coach Roberts, I gotta warn hi…”

Tabatha’s thought trailed off & her eyes widened as she realized, Coach knew the side effects, he must have! Whipping around with enough force to make her body jiggle, Tabitha stared in disgust & dismay at Coach Roberts, realizing he was rubbing his bulge while watching her eat.

“Is something wrong.”- asked Coach, a perverted grin spreading across his face.
“You knew! You knew the risks of the candy, yet you let me use it anyway’s!”- Tabitha accused.
“Oh, Yesss.”
“Then why? Why did you let me use it? I thought you wanted to help me, I thought you were my friend.”
“Oh, I wanted to help you alright, but there had to be something in it for me right?”- Enjoying Tabby’s look of horror, Coach continued.- “I helped you become faster & better than everyone in your class, in exchange, I’m making you into a disgusting piggy fuck-pad.”
“I… I won’t let you!”- Tabitha stuttered, waddling away from the drawer.
“You think you have a fucking choice?”- Moving faster than a Mon his size should, Coach vaulted over his desk & grabbed Tabby before she reached the door. - “You’re not going anywhere.”- As Tabby screamed, & struggled Coach dragged her back over to the desk. - “Scream all you want fuck-pad, this room is soundproof & I guarantee no one will be bothering us all day!”

Coach knew what he said was true, as an hour ago he got the call that school was closed due to snow. Ripping open a desk drawer, Coach reached in & Pulled out a massive 20mL syringe full of neon blue glowing liquid.

“You see this fuck-pad?”- Coach asked, waving the syringe in front of Tabby’s face.- “You know what is?”- Bizarrely when Tabby remained silent, Coach Roberts just laughed.- “It’s pure Wurtzite Boron Nitride concentrate, AKA the active ingredient in rare candies!”- Laughing harder, Coach soaked in the fresh wave of fear radiating off Tabby as she realized what was about to happen.

Taking the syringe in one hand & holding Tabby with the other, Coach stabbed the syringe into Tabby’s ass. Still screaming, Tabitha felt the effects of the injection immediately. It felt like her every cell had been supercharged with rare candies as if the effects of everyone she’d eaten hit her all at once. Tabitha tried to scream again, tried to call coach every horrific name in the book, but no sound left her lips, instead, Tabitha began to vibrate. Releasing her arm, Coach watched in amusement as Tabby’s entire body began to vibrate & buzz like a live wire, as her cells attempted to burn off all the excess energy he had injected into her. Every one of Tabitha’s neurons was screaming danger & she knew she had to burn off all her excess energy before it was too late. But when she tried to move, tried to run, hell, tried to blink, Tabitha found she could not. Seemly rooted in place & unable to speak, fear & adrenaline rushed through Tabitha as the energy within her continued to rise, swelling inside her like a volcano about to erupt. But just as Tabitha felt she would explode, The energy inside her began to level out & the smell of ozone filled the air.
For a moment time seemed to stand still as all sound ceased & the world held its breath. Then Tabitha began to glow, lighting up the room like a lighthouse. As she glowed, Tabitha fell forward, her ability to move restored. Crawling on her hands & knees, Tabitha tried to reach the door, remembering the final side effect of Rare Candy overdose: Premature evolution. She made it about halfway. Stopped dead in her tracks as her body turned into silver energy, Tabitha felt every bit of nastiness & fat her body & the suit had to offer to begin to fuse into DNA & the last thing she heard before she passed out was Coach’s evil laughter, along with her bra & panties finally snapping.
Howling with laughter, Coach watched Tabby evolve on the floor in front of him, she writhed & struggled to hold in it, to not evolve there & then, but it was no use once she became silver light, there was no going back. Tabby’s evolution only took five minutes at most but to Coach, it felt like an eternity as he waited in eager anticipation to check out his “new toy”. Once the light had faded, Coach was pleased to see that Tabitha was still passed out, presuming it to be a side effect of forced evolution. Seeing that the rubber suit evolved with her, Coach undid the crotch zipper, snaked his hand inside & retrieved Tabby’s ruined panties & bra. Noting their dark yellow color & complete fluid saturation, Coach took a massive sniff, sending waves of ecstasy down his spine, before pinning them inside the Murphy bed cabinet.
Pulling down the bed now, Coach retrieved Tabby’s unconscious form, lugged the useless fuck-pad onto the bed &, with the zipper of the crotch still down, began licking & sucking her crotch like there was no tomorrow. Savoring the taste, Coach was pleased to see that, thanks to the suit, Tabby had not been washing, her pussy & pubic mound saturated with grease & old sweat, creating a taste he found irresistible. As Coach continued to eat Tabby out, she awoke exhausted & shivering, the memories of the last ten minutes slamming agonist her consciousness like a sledgehammer. Feeling something, routing around her sensitive area, Tabitha tried to squirm & struggle, but it was futile, all her energy was gone & she was helpless. Noticing Tabby was awake, Coach finished up his meal & got ready for the main event. Flipping Tabby onto her back, Coach looked her dead in the eyes as he pulled down his pants, revealing his massive member.
Grinning ear to ear, Coach slowly, pulled down the skin of his steaming dick, revealing his nasty smegma covered meat log, dripping with greasy yellow pre. Climbing on top of Tabby, Coach slowly began penetrating her, his nasty cock rubbing off all of its filth on her insides. Taking her virginity without a second thought, Coach’s dick continued to pushing forward until Tabby’s cervix stopped it. Once there, Coach took a moment to better situate himself; then he began fucking Tabby like a wild animal. Squealing & snorting, Coach fucked Tabby with reckless abandon, shaking her flabby body with more force than the rare candy extract, using her with complete disregard for her safety & feelings, like a drunk frat boy with a sex doll. For over an hour this went on until, with a missive, squeal, Coach unleashed a torrent of disgusting, chunky yellow, cum directly into Tabby’s pussy. After a solid five minutes of orgasming, Coach’s stream slowed that stopped. Thinking that it was mercifully over, Tabitha’s blood ran cold as Coach Roberts looked at her & said:

“Don’t worry, plenty more where that came from.”

All afternoon the pair fucked, or more specifically, Coach fucked while Tabitha could no nothing but take it. Tabitha tried to resist, tried to struggle in some way but her exhausted body removed & worst still, the clarity that filled her mind for the first time in weeks diminished rapidly as the crash of the candy hit her system. As Coach Roberts continued to dig his cock into Tabitha’s insides, she felt her thoughts begin to slip away, her wants & desires, her dreams & aspirations, even her need to escape, washed away by the fog that clouded her mind. By the time night fell & Coach finished, having shot two dozen loads into/ onto Tabitha, she wasn’t kicking or screaming for escape, she was whining for food & complaining that she was hungry.
Packing the complaining Tabby into his car, Coach drove down the freshly plowed roads, taking the unlit side streets as he made his way out of town & into the forest. Somehow making his way down an unplowed dirt road, Coach pulled up to the grimy double-wide he called home. Pulling Tabby out of the car, Coach led her inside & flicked on a light, revealing a disgusting trailer full of trash, old food, & dirty dishes. Tabitha was not disgusted though, nor repulsed, not even surprised, inside, her mouth began to water &, moving with more speed than she had in weeks, began eating anything & everything remotely organic. Grinning with amusement, Coach began to swig the bottle of southern comfort on the counter as Tabby tore through piles of trash eating chip bags & licking out pizza boxes. She licked dishes clean & ate old food off the floor, by the time Coach went to bed an hour later, Tabby was buried in the mountain of trash known as the bathroom.
In the morning, Tabitha, her head pounding like a drum, woke up in a nest made from the garbage in the middle of the living room. Remembering yesterday like a vivid nightmare, Tabitha, able to string together basic thoughts once again, stood up slowly, rubbing her head. Looking around, fear & dread began filling her as Tabitha looked down at her disgusting, stained hands, realizing it wasn’t a nightmare. Waddling as fast as she could Tabitha searched for a mirror, beelining it for the bathroom, Tabitha found a full-length mirror hanging on the door. It appeared to have been recently licked clean. Tabitha stared into the mirror, crying as a fat bloated Gothorita stared back at her. No longer just flabby, Tabitha had become downright obese, shooting up to 360 easily with her arms & legs looking like overstuffed cylinders of fat & her gut folding over itself. What shocked Tabitha the most though, was her now-massive saggy pendulous titties that were leaking a greasy fluid. Disgusted by what she saw & praying it was fake, Tabitha tried to rip off the suit but to her horror, it seemed fused into her flesh, not stretching or pulling away in the slightest as she tried to rip it off. Stumbling & wobbling as she frantically tried to pull the suit from her body, a task that felt like trying to rip off one’s skin, Tabitha fell backward into the garbage-filled bathroom with a massive crash, waking the coach.
Sitting bolt upright from the crash wonder for a moment if the FBI had found him, a sick grin formed on Coach’s face as he remembered that he had a house guest. Swinging out of bed & swigging another bottle of southern comfort, Coach went to find his new “Fuck-pad”. It did not take long, seeing how she was sprawled out in the bathroom trash.

“Still rooting around in the garbage like a fucking animal I see.”- Coach said, taking another massive swig from his bottle.- “Well whatever, I’m not above fucking livestock.”- Pouncing on her & plunging in his cock since the zipper was still down, Coach was pleased as punch when Tabby began to scream.
“Scream all you want Fuck-pad, only one trailer around here besides mine for miles, & the lady there’ll just get off to it.”

Grabbing one of Tabby’s nasty titties, Coach began to stretch & knead it as he trusted.

“Damn fuck-pad, you got some big udders now.” - Coach admired, clearly impressed.- “Wonder what they would look like filled.”
“Please!”- Tabitha pleaded.- “I just wanna go home!”
“Home? Home! Got news for you fuck-pad, this is your home now!”
“Wha… What!”
“Yep, Lopunny’s law: “If a Young Mon(s), regardless of character, is noted to have been or is being neglected, abused, or otherwise uncared for by a parent(s) for an extended period as determined by a reasonable Mon of sound mined & judgment. Then any members(s) of the community can imminently & without notice, permanently take said Mon into their custody. With the guarantee that, under no circumstances, will the Mon in question be removed from their custody so long as they see fit.” - “You know what that means fuck-pad?”- Not waiting for an answer, Coach continued.- “It means this is your home now, & I guess that makes me your daddy! Now… kiss daddy.”

Howling with laughter, Coach stuck his tongue down his new daughter’s throat, his disgusting breath & mouth, causing Tabby to gag & dry heave as they worked their way deeper into her sinuses & taste buds. Getting bored of missionary, Coach, without skipping a beat, flipped Tabby onto her belly, holding her ass up & forcing her head down, now fucking her in improvised doggy style. As he continued to thrust, Coach could physically feel the fat & cellulite compiling on Tabby’s ass & body as the face-down Mon couldn’t resist shoving anything & everything in the garbage-filled room down her throat. Four hours this continued, Tabby getting fatter as the minutes passed & Coach’s stamina & reservoir of cum seemingly limitless. By the time Coach called for a break, Tabitha’s stomach, bloated to the extreme with everything she ate, nearly reached the ground & she snorted & snuffed like a pig as she vacuumed trash down her gullet. Unsurprised by her current state, Coach concluded that Tabby ate in response to trauma, her subconscious viewing it as the last bit of control she had over her life. Leaving her to it, Coach grabbed a beer from his fridge, then sat down to watch T.V.
Six hours later, Coach woke up with a snort as the beer finally fell from his grasp. Looking over at the cable box clock coach cursed the fact it was 3 am. Since the school was back open tomorrow, he had to be up by 6. Making his way down the hall, Coach stopped in awe at the open bathroom door. The room had been scrubbed clean, every piece of filth gone, every bit of mold, eradicated, every nasty odor vanished, & there in the middle of it lay Tabby. She was passed out on the toilet, seemingly trying to pass all the nastiness she consumed & her boy was currently digesting. Grinning broadly, Coach flicked off the light & walked to his bedroom, thinking of all the possibilities of having a living garbage disposal the whole way.
The next morning was the start of what would become Tabitha’s daily routine, Coach roughly woke her up wherever she passed out, forced her to suck his dick with the threat of tooth removal, then Coach dropped a handful of rare candies in whichever room he wanted Tabitha to clean. Once Coach got home he would have dinner, give Tabitha’s pussy a deep lick (For some reason), then fuck her until eleven. Her entire life was centered around what he wanted & Tabitha couldn’t think of anything that would change that. This routine went on for weeks. By week two the double-wide was spotless, or at least as spotless as an old trailer with decaying furniture could get. So Coach took to bringing back 95-gallon trash bags of the cafeteria trash for Tabby to eat, dumping it in a pile on the living room floor with a handful of rare candies so he could fuck her while she ate & watch T.V. at the same time. By week three Tabitha’s I.D. had officially changed, with Coach officially renaming her as Tabby Roberts on official paperwork & listing himself as her father (Her actual father having gone on a cruise now that he was free of the money-draining burden that was a daughter). He also signed her up for homeschooling, taking care of that pesky truancy issue she was facing. After that pretty much every day was the same for Tabby, occasionally, Coach or Daddy as she was forced the call him, would bring the lady from the other trailer, an 800 lbs Gardevoir woman who, Tabby was shocked to find, had 10 kids, over to observe when he licked her, something about making sure he did it right, Tabby was unsure as she tried to be a million miles away whenever Coach touched her.
It was an unsuspecting Thursday during Tabby’s 6th week of capture when it happened. Coach Roberts had come home, as usual, Made himself dinner & dumped Tabby’s usually garbage bag of trash on the floor with a handful of rare candies on top (The only thing keeping her in that awful place). Dropping to her hands & knees, Tabby began to cry as she could not help herself & began gorging on the rotten food. Her bloated & overstuffed body jiggling as she snorted & snuffed, stuffing trash in her rotten mouth. Finishing his dinner, Coach got down on his hands & knees spread Tabby’s pussy wide (She wanted to stop him but couldn’t stop eating) & gave it the usual massive lick. Standing up to fuck Tabby, Coach smacked his, was something different? He could not tell. Quickly getting down again, Coach gave Tabby’s pussy another deep lick, causing her fat body to quiver. For a moment Coach thought he must have imagined it, but then he tasted it again, it was faint but it was there; a different flavor. Standing up excitedly he rushed to the phone to call Gardevoir & ten minutes later the massively obese Mon was huffing & puffing her way through the front door.

“You sure.”- Gardevoir wasted no time asking pointedly.
“Yeah, I tasted it.”- Coach responded excitedly.
“Well, let’s see.”- Bending over, (quite the feat for her), Garevoir stuck one massive finger in Tabby’s ass.- (Well… it looks like your right.)- Gardevoir exclaimed excitedly.

Listing to all this, Tabby wanted to ask what was going on, to yell at them to stop touching her, to lash out however she could. But she just couldn’t stop eating. However, Tabby was not in the dark for long as the Gardevoir turned to coach & said:

“It’s early but she’s fertile.”

This was enough to stop Tabby from eating.

“What!”- Tabby exclaimed, now facing the pair.
“That’s right Boo-boo child.”- Said the Gardevoir, oddly lovely.- “You can have a baby now.”
“That’s right, & you’re going to have one.”- Coach added, grinning wickedly.

Tabby tried to scramble to her feet but faster than she thought possible, Gardevoir rushed in, flipped her around, & stuck her head back into the trash pile.

“Shhh now, don’t fight it child”- Gardevoir cooed. - “It will be wonderful.”

Unable to continue resisting the trashes sultry allure, Tabby began eating once again, tears now accompanying her snuffling & snorting.
Wasting no more time, Coach grabbed Tabby’s ass, lined up his dick & plunged his nasty cock into her worn pussy. Letting out a squeal as it happened, Tabby was as powerless to stop Coach now as she was any other day & he knew that. Taking his time, Coach slowly but deeply fucked Tabby, really digging in his cock before pulling it out to the tip, the putrid smell of her pussy making him all the horner. For twenty minutes this went on & as Coach’s pleasure increased so did Tabby’s fear, both knowing what was to come. In front of Tabby, the couch groaned & sagged as Gardevoir sat down on it. Pulling off her massive sweatpants to masturbate to the pair, the massively gaping dark-green pussy between her legs made Tabby gag as it stank worse than even her own. All things must come to an end though because, with a deep squeal, Coach buried himself balls deep inside Tabby letting loose his potent load.
Swimming with purpose, Coach’s nasty sperm swam up Tabby’s birth canal, breached her cervix, & entered her womb where her first ova, fresh & pink swam.
Swimming without a care in the world, the ova did not notice the sperm until it was far, far too late. Trying to flee the ova was quickly caught & assaulted by the sperm. Digging & clawing their way through the ova’s defenses, the sperm forced their way into the nucleus & the ova’s DNA. They twisted & mutated it, corrupting & modifying it into some sort of creature whose only purpose would be eating & breeding. Back outside, as Coach continued to blow, the thoughts of what was happening proved too much for Tabby & she began to panic. As she panicked, her heart raced & adrenaline filled her system. Tabby thought her chest would explode from the massive pressure building within it But instead, she began to glow silver.
Waking up with a throbbing headache the next morning, Tabby awoke to herself sprawled across the massive Gardevoir lady’s lap, sucking a green slime from a pendulous breast. Pulling herself off the breast with a jerk, Tabby was starving & the temptation of the titty was great but through sheer force of fear, she got off Gardevoirs lap. Waddling as fast as she could, Tabby made her way to the bathroom’s full-length mirror where she gasped, stood in shock, & began to sob. Staring back at her was the fattest, most disgusting Pokemon she had ever seen besides Gardevoir. Having easily swelled up to 500 Lbs, Tabby was no longer fully covered by the suit, to her horror, she instead stood in a cropped shirt that only covered her arms and her chest above her breasts, a band between her breasts, & a micro skirt that exposed her massively gaping pussy & bloated anus. Worst still, evolving had advanced her state as a mother-to-be as Tabby’s stomach was a rockhard ball with a popped out belly button that shook as something moved within it, even though she was only inseminated last night. Disgusted & dry heaving at the thought of the life growing within her, anger surged in Tabby as she heard Coach’s all too familiar chuckle behind her. Whipping around, Tabby prepared to unleash a verbal tirade on the coach but with a calm look on his face, Coach simply put his finger to his lips & the words died in her throat.

“Now, walk back to the living-room.”

Eyes widening in surprise, Tabby obeyed without question, much to Coach’s glee. Now standing like a statue in the living room after Gardevoir commanded her to halt. The pair looked her over & began to talk excitedly.
“I can’t believe it worked.”- Coach ecstatically said.
“I told you it would, I did the same with my rebellious daughter.”- Gardevoir smugly replied.
“Im betting she’s confused.”- Gardevoir said, pointing to Tabby, who indeed looked extremely confused. Turning to face her, Gardevoir continued.
“It’s simple, by knocking you up as he did, Coach claimed ownership of you.”- Smiling at Tabby’s horrified reaction, Gardevoir continued to explain. “Your body is his to control, you may think your own thoughts but your body will follow his commands & the commands of whomever he sees fit to share control of you with.”
“Now.”- Gardevoir said, sitting back down.- “Get over here finish your meal.”- She said, holding up a pendulous breast. Having no choice in the matter, Tabby obeyed.

From that day, Tabby’s life went from bad to hell. Besides controlling her, Coach wanted to knock her up to prevent others from doing so, as now he finally executed his main plan. Taking a leave of absence from teaching, Coach packed Tabby & Gardevoir in his car & began touring the Sinitta region. Stopping at every dive bar, biker, club, back alley hangout, & whichever awful places they could find. Coach Roberts had Tabby on her back all day every day, her disgusting holes getting fucked for free by any mon willing as her face was stuffed with a landfill worth of trash. Days turned to weeks & weeks turned to months. For over eight months the trio toured with Tabby taking, on average, taking over 100 dicks a night & gaining over 100 pounds, spending all day getting fucked & forced-fed as she sobbed. By the time the trio finally returned to Coach’s doublewide Tabby could barely walk, not having accumulated to her ever-growing size & weight as Gardevoir who, due to her own vices, was now sitting comfortably around 1K Lbs had.

“Well, that was fun.”- Coach said once the trio was inside.- “Don't you think so, Tabby?”
“Yes, Daddy.”- She choked out between sobs (Tabby had been ordered to answer yes daddy or mommy whenever Coach or Gardevoir spoke to her respectively).
“Now I think it’s finally time, we made you perfect.”- Coach said, looking at Tabby.- “You see, I’ve always wanted a big family & you pumping out 1 or 2 at a time once a year is far, far too infrequent. So Gardevoir’s going to fix that right now.”

Smiling psychotically motherly, Gardevoir produced a syringe full of glowing blue liquid for a drawer in the kitchen. Staring at it in wide-eyed terror, Tabby was surprised when instead of injecting it into her, Gardevoir pulled off her pants, & with a lustful moan, injected it into her pussy. The neon blue of the candy extract contrasted heavily with the dark green of Gardevoir’s pussy & its horrific smell was amplified ten-fold as Gardevoir’s pussy began heavily dripping a green-blue liquid mixture.

“Lay on your back child.”- Gardevoir commanded. Tabby, having no choice but to obey did so.

Positioning herself above Tabby’s face (who was heaving & gagging), began to lower herself. Staring up in disgust & terror, Tabby could do nothing but sob as, inch by inch, Gardevoir lowered her pussy onto Tabby’s face, intent on enveloping her head. Forced to watch the pussy get lower & the light of the room to fade around her, Tabby’s last thought before contact was:

“Why didn’t I just try dieting?”

One Year later: Coach got out of his car & walked inside, worn out after a long day of work. Grabbing a beer, he made dinner before walking into the living room where Tabby waited patiently on her knees for him to give her “Daddy’s yummy cummies” right in her mouth. Forced to eat out Gardevoir’s supercharged pussy a year ago, Tabby had undergone not an evolution but a transformation, with her DNA being physically altered, just like the child in her womb. Now an 800 Lbs blob of fat & cellulite, Tabby had three sets of massively pendulous breasts, her face had become that of pigs, & most impressive of all, her massive pregnant belly, swollen with a dozen Mons & resting on the ground. With her figure also went her intelligence, having been reduced to the average “Stoutland” Tabby now ate from a bowl on the floor & spoke at a first-grade level. Mostly just expressing her joy of being with “Daddy” & following his orders, Tabby’s life was not just eating, sleeping, & breeding & she had never been happier.

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