gale featherbeak created by hoot (artist)
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I commissioned the always delightful Hoot Hoot for this one. Thanks so dang much, Barley!

Beyond just being a freelance gonzo journalist of some repute, Gale has expertise in a few areas. She has well-formed opinions on the best places in and outside the Forest to get a good burger and shake, on what the best kind of french fries are (any within reach), and if you ask Ms. Afolabi, being a nuisance and source of general disorder. She's also a bit of an aficionado when it comes to fine adult toys! She reviewed that very fancy one for her readers some time back, but she also has a nice collection for her own uses. There's just so much variety in shape, size, and features that it's hard not to add to her hoard when she finds something new! Sure, maybe it's a little intimidating for intimate bedroom visitors to find a bookcase and trunk absolutely stacked with exotic phalli, but surely you can't begrudge a girl her hobbies!

Today, Gale is spending some quality time with a model called Stubbs. Stubbs is actually marketed to non-anthro dragons as a comfortable choice, suitable for beginners, smaller dragons, or anybody else with a preference for easier play. For Gale, though, he's quite a ride! "Short" for a non-anthro means that Gale can just barely get the whole thing inside, but that girth! Stubbs gives her such a pleasing fullness that she's delighted just to hold him in place and squeeze around him while she touches herself.

This is perhaps the sort of scene which could intimidate those of insecure tendencies, but not our cinnamon bun badger Kurtz! Sitting just out of frame to watch the show, he beholds his sweetheart spread around her toy to a degree that most bird girls don't reach without eggs being involved, and he might as well have cartoon hearts for eyes. His thoughts don't get anywhere near the comparison between what he can bring to the party and the impossible-for-anthros standard on display here. Instead, he's filled with awe and appreciation for yet another talent from the multiverse's best seagull (he might be a little biased), and the simple joy of being able to watch such an exciting feat in person. Gale often can't help but feel just a little flattered by her badger's pure-hearted love, and the fact that he tends to give her that same dreamy expression when they're just having dinner doesn't do anything to reduce the little flutter in her belly to be seeing it now. She holds out her hand, inviting him over to help, and she almost laughs at the way he springs out of his chair, shedding clothes in every direction as he hurries over. With Kurtz here to pilot ol' Stubbs, things are about to get a lot more fun!

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