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The powers of the wolf, given by Daedric Prince Hircine, has unlocked the true potential of the Inner Circle of the Companions. Granting them considerable strength and stamina to outmatch any foe. However, some have been experimenting; and have found other and unique ways to enjoy these new forms and the abilities they possess.

(Decided to experiment with interior lighting and fluid mechanics. Though ran into issues where the fluids rather detracted from the render than add to it so I removed them. Going to do more isolated experiments before attempting this again. Noted that interior lighting is not as easy as a simple SUN XD. Having to balance multiple light sources takes time, furthermore requiring some adjusting in the video editor as the output was too dark and still kinda is.)

  • Comments
  • goldanthrowolf said:
    This is some good stuff, like how the females actually have a fortune cookie instead of a typical human style vulva.

    Good animation, maybe switch to close up every couple of frames.

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  • cybercraft said:
    I wanted to zoom in on the action.

    well you can kinda do that in the page just hold CTRL and mouse wheel up or down to zoom in or out.

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  • I'm overjoyed by the increase in animated female Skyrim werewolf porn, especially when it's as well made as this! Though an alternate version using any one of the female werewolf models that has breasts on it would be nice...

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