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Parent: post #1672727 (learn more) show »

You wake up one day with your Lucario in a compromised position, to put it lightly. Apparently all this time your lucario had a crush on you, and didn't know quite how to express themselves. So like any needy mon, they enjoyed some alone time with their favorite trainer while they sleep! Seems you enjoyed it at least. Who's to say how long you were awake for. This will certainly make your future travels interesting~

  • Comments
  • Holy fucking shit!
    The level of detail and quality in the fur and the movements is absolutly god tier.
    Kuro's animations are just getting better and better.

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  • Ground under all that blue aura assmeat, at this point, I'd think I'm still dreaming!

    As usual, Kuroodod delivers excellence!

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  • I'm always at a lost for words to describe seeing Lucario like this. Lucario is so very sexy, fluffy and beautiful. I want to see more of Lucario in 3D.

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  • I don't see why this is flagged for "not working" we have multiple comments commending the quality and this comment is the only complaint.

    aset4l8r said:
    It might work for you, but not other people. It's happened before.

    Get a better computer or something ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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  • aset4l8r said:
    It might work for you, but not other people. It's happened before.

    I use my phone browser and it plays just fine so not sure whats wrong with your setup. Might want to get that checked

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  • aset4l8r said:
    It might work for you, but not other people. It's happened before.

    If that happens, it should still be figured out why, we generally don't like hosting files that do not work for software/hardware it's supposed to work on. Generally these posts are deleted, replaced or fixed and that's exactly why the flag option exsists as well.

    protogenoffluf said:
    waiiit it works fine in 480

    I feel like this might be the case here. This is 4K video after all (and 35FPS for some reason?) and pretty short loop, so if you do have lower end/mobile hardware, it might be super hard to run this flawlessly.
    Simply selecting 480p or 720p from dropdown below the video should help for this.

    Don't see anything immidiately problematic or wrong with the file.

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  • Shouldn't there be an ambiguous gender tag because you can't really tell the Lucario's gender? (it's not the Lucario's penis you catch a glimpse of, its their hand) also at the main website where the artist actually posted it himself, it's labeled as ambiguous gender. (wow the poster changed it because my comment)


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