moira burton (resident evil and etc) created by ivanks


While some S.B.O.Ws that are capable of communicating with us using traditional speak, like for example Zenith, Skraja and Varalica other S.B.O.Ws despite being capable of understanding what they hear they cannot reply back using speech, they communicate with each other by using roars, growls, clicks and hisses and they communicate with us by using body language.

We always assumed that they had regressed to more feral methods of communications but in reality they still communicate the same way, what we have here is not a language barrier, its a frequency barrier, S.B.O.Ws speech travel in several wavelengths both super and subsonic this allows them to communicate with extreme details and accuracy from great distances, their enhanced senses are also able to pickup minor changes on each others scent or body language so they can even pick up on each other state without even speaking.

So what is happening is that when a S.B.O.Ws tries to communicate with a human its not that we don't understand their language its that we are picking up just pieces of the message with our not enhanced senses, so we only hear the roars, growls clicks and hisses.

this also explains how even if each S.B.O.W sounds radically different they are able to communicate with each other we assume they share some common frequencies so while they might not understand each other completely they can understand each other partially for example if Kifaru spoke to Kusu and said "I'm going to jump" Kusu would probably only pickup "I Jump" even if its partial, its enough for them to communicate.

We are currently conducting test using Varalica and Zenith as interpreters this should allow S.B.O.Ws to communicate better with us and the other way around, this of course will help us greatly in future S.B.O.Ws encounters

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