bandai namco and etc created by gerrkk
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This is it. Yup, I went there. This is the hill I'm willing to die on. Deal with it, Internet!!

Digimon is a franchise that has many anime, manga, games, etc. That also means it has tons of characters, one better than the next. Each of them has their own legion of fans that loves them for different reasons. Be it because of how they behave in a specific anime. Or their status in a certain game. Or, perhaps, just because it's a very hot Digimon.

Whatever the case may be, it's natural that Digimon is one of the franchises out there that has the most number of Rule 34 pics based on it. So, Digimon has looooots of porn. And some Digimon has way more porn than others. Digimon like Agumon has much more porn than say Tentomon for example.

However, while Rule 34 with Digimon is very common, that doesn't mean that you see things like orgies with them every day. Especially big orgies. And even fewer 100% Digimon orgies since usually people commission or artists draw one or two Digimon in their orgies. I think the only time I ever saw anything like that was with Skycroc but he stopped drawing years ago.

So...what if that changed? What if we do get a full Digimon orgy pic? And not only that, but we use most or even all of the male rookies of the first three seasons? It would be a massive pic, with lots of characters so a lot of work would need to be put into it.

Lots of things and details also have to be thought of. Like, would the characters play with each other? Or with someone else acting as the "minions"? Or maybe a mix of both? What about the background? Should the pic have a cum version? And what about the cost? Plus, which artist to even try with such a herculean task? Certainly, it would not be easy to try to get such a behemoth of a commission by myself...

...but just like the typical Shounen protagonist, I'm not alone!

Thinking like that, I approached alexaxel, Amarao, DarkWolf79, Dcatkuro, LegendaryKay, Lionxie, MrAnonArtemis, RandoBear, Rikika, Serrilchu, Shadowhamham, Shunfer, Theunnamedpawn to talk about it. So, together, we discussed the idea and also chose the artist for it.

The idea was basically those Digimon being captured by Gazimon that had corrupted them to turn them into their sex slaves. And for the artist, we believed that Gerkk would be able to deliver on it in the work and care that such a picture would demand.

However, because of Gerkk's massive backlog...this commission took almost three years to be done! xD

Buuuuut now it's here! And even if it took that time, I think it was worth the wait. More than has become the best Digimon Rule 34 pic in the history of the internet! I don't see any other Digimon pic out there that can take the crown from this one! I doubt we will ever see anything that comes close to this!! But...who knows! :3

So? What about you guys? Like the result? What is your favorite "scene" from the orgy?

If you like this for whatever reason, remember, there's no way I could have commissioned this alone. We need to thank my pals alexaxel, Amarao, DarkWolf79, Dcatkuro, LegendaryKay, Lionxie, MrAnonArtemis, RandoBear, Rikika, Serrilchu, Shadowhamham, Shunfer, Theunnamedpawn for being heroes to join me in this crazy ride, willing to wait for it to be ready after all this time. You guys rock! Thanks a lot!! x3

A commission like this shows what it is possible to get if more than one person joins to commission stuff together since it allows for crazy ideas like this to be possible and quite cheap! So, if you want to see more crazy pics like this of Digimon or other Rule 34 stuff...try contacting me and we see what we can commission together~

And, of course, thanks to Gerkk to accept this insane idea in the first place and treat it with the love it required to be this good!! :3

Because of FA's policy, this picture will be deleted on day 30 of this month or a bit before it. So feel free to comment and such but if you want to leave a "permanent" comment it's best if you do so in my IB, where I also uploaded the pic. The main reason I uploaded here is because it's not fair Gerkk can't post it because of that policy but he deserves recognition for his amazing work. So I'm willing to bite the bullet for him!

And remember, if you want to see more amazing pics like this, contact me so we can see what we can commission together~

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