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Original post description:

"Depressed Berman boy saves Gasco felineko girl from prison camp, boy and girl falls in love, stuff happens.

But then there's this Gasco caninu boy who used to hate Berman boy for being Berman, then they realize they have a lot in common, then they kinda become friends, and Gasco boy starts to find Berman boy cute.

Then depressed Berman boy becomes less depressed and Gasco boy finds out its because Berman boy found himself a nice Felineko girl. Now, normally, one would expect jealousy and melodrama and fights. But instead, Gasco boy simply walks in on Berman boy n' Gasco girl having a "date" and invites himself in. Berman boy wasn't really in a position to stop him, and quickly realized that he liked being between two cute Gasco kids.


Anyways, more Fuga fanart, this time featuring Britz and Sheena in addition to Jin, and more experimentation with the new shading style.


Jin Macchiato, Britz Strudel, and Sheena Falafel are owned by CyberConnect2

Art is by me!"

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