rescued dragons, wolverine, logan, tony the tiger, boris, and etc (spyro reignited trilogy and etc) created by rickleone
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Zangief and Jon Talbain, two Japanese characters fighting on the ring. They couldn't help make it an anime showdown with yelled moves and speed lines everywhere. It's going to be stupid, it's going to be epic.
lso, just for you my lovely patrons, I've isolated the members of the audience that feature in these two panels, so you can admire and use them as you prefer.
Sorry for having made you wait, but life got in the way, like the bathroom sink clogged and trying to remove the clog the pipe went rusty powder in my hand, and that's just the first voice on my accident list.
Also, I did more "research" on this matchup since I don't want to disappoint any fan on these two characters, which are from actual fighting games, with established fighting styles. And since one of them won't show his moves anymore, they will both display their most iconic sets for this occasion. And that's quite difficult because Zangief had like 15 iterations, while Jon… two?
It was even removed from some of the updates in favor of new female characters back at the time. Poor doggo.
This is has been also more challenging from a purely technical point, for me and the PC itself, with many layers and background characters.
I hope you like the new font. It was made from my handwriting, still some irregularities, the "I" is awfully big and not the entire punctuation is present. But I will hone that. I felt like I need something more organic than the sans-serif font I was using and not hackneyed like that comic book font that everyone (myself included one year ago) is using. At least is not Comic Sans.
This is Celebrity Bangmatch, a Rule 34 Tournament where patrons get to decide who's gonna win and which fetish he's going to exploit.
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  • Comments
  • Alright! Jon starting things off with his iconic BEAST CANNON! I love it. Hope we get to see his INFERNO DRAGON, WILD CIRCULAR, CLIMB LASER,
    WILD CHASER, MILLION FLICKER (nunchuck attack), MOMENT SLICE, and his MIRAGE BODY moves. They were some of the best moves in the game for me and were always my go tos when I was getting backed into a corner.


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