doomentio and oveja (doomverse) created by papriko

Hey, al chile necesito opiniones, puede que lo tome en cuenta, puede que no, puede que haga 2 versiones, no lo sé realmente.

Quiero aclarar que yo no busco burlarme de nadie haciendo esta animación, aunque está en cada quién pensar si esta gente lo merece o no, aún no logro diseñar al doom, por eso es un maniquí sin brazos, y sí, sé que le puse mucha verga, pero también muchos muebles de fondo, así que no hay pedo (Bueno, nomás el esquizo).

¿Opción A o B?

  • Comments
  • papriko said:
    Upvote for option B

    Upvote for option A

    So... upvote for both? Lmaooo
    Edit: I never understood what they meant lmao


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  • papriko said:
    I'm glad u do, I'll try ro finish it soon

    By the way, assuming you reply back to this, may I ask what doomverse actually is? I honestly have no idea.

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  • talk1ng-sheep1sh said:
    By the way, assuming you reply back to this, may I ask what doomverse actually is? I honestly have no idea.

    It's a lolcow thing, they are 2 of the members of this so called "doomverse", there actually darker topics, but between them, these guys pretended to be some sort of neo-nazis, they moved all together to this "nazi-cave", and welp, it didn't work for them, they got very hated on internet, not making a living out of YT (where they first started), one of them is illegal on another country, so he can't get a job, and the other struggles to get a job, but when he had a chance, he didn't want to work on a call center cause that job had very low standards for him.

    There is a lot more info, but that's the reason I selected that background, they are unorganized, one of them literally fucked a bed, so, we all think they live in a mess.

    Hope u understand better all this

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