oliver (sony interactive entertainment and etc) created by iamghostdivision
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No One Escapes Booty Island!!!

Most people don't realize how hardcore it is to play Booty Island, its like Jumanji except the vines and random animals will literally rape the shit out of you its so intense!!!! Hence, you got to be crazy good at video games, or just like doing the Booty shuffle.

You guys have seen tentacles, you know where this is going.

Art© Iamghostdivision

  • Comments
  • Alright, I'll bite. How the FUCK can someone be that oblivious?!? God damnit we as a society are too plugged into the net nowadays, he says as he looks this shit up on his phone.

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  • MasterGeezus said:
    Alright, I'll bite. How the FUCK can someone be that oblivious?!? God damnit we as a society are too plugged into the net nowadays, he says as he looks this shit up on his phone.

    that aint a phone. i dun remember any phones with controlsticks n buttons ^.^ i think its a PsP

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  • MasterGeezus said:
    Alright, I'll bite. How the FUCK can someone be that oblivious?!? God damnit we as a society are too plugged into the net nowadays, he says as he looks this shit up on his phone.

    He's not oblivious to it, he's just so plugged into the net that he thinks entirely in memes.

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