naxther and vellareth (mythology) created by ammylin
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Breaking The Darkness - Part 2

There was something, what woke Naxther. It was some weird smell, and he instantly realized that is probably some ammonia. He quickly tried to sit down, and amazingly, he did not have much on him. Okay, he had still the muzzle, collar and chastity cage but that was all.
Reth was standing next to the bed, petting Nax, who was growling at her. “Good morning sleeping beauty, as you see you managed to win our challenge yesterday. Today, we will be doing something else, are you excited?” She asked him.
He responded with shaking his head in disagreement, trying to hold himself back and not attack her with his claws.
She smiled at him, petting him again, just to see his angry eyes. “How about you cook me some tasty breakfast? How about that?”
Naxther was not good with cooking but it was his opportunity to at least kill her with a knife, or at least wound her and then escape. He nodded then.
She smiled at him, taking ahold of the lead and started pulling Naxther with it towards kitchen, where there was normal things, like pans, knives, forks, microwave oven and so on.
He took some eggs to start trying to do some fried eggs but at the moment where she was looking out of the window, he took a knife and then charged at her, trying to at least do some damage.
Without realizing what she managed to do, the material from around his neck was probably partly on his caged cock because before he even managed to get close to her, something entered his urethra and started expanding, not by much but it was enough to make him fall to his knees while trying to grab his cock and stop the pressure.
He was whining and growling at her as Reth started laughing at him then leaning down to him on the ground, petted his head again.
“Ach, poor Naxie, you knew the rules… if you will try attack me, there will be consequences… but for now, I will let you be, next time be certain that you will not be able to cum again,” she grabbed his chin to force eye contact between them. “Are we clear?”
He nodded, with a pained expression, just waiting for it to ease. It stopped a few seconds after his nods, he observed the material leaving his urethra.
“I still want my breakfast,” she shrugged, looking at him and tugging his lead a little bit, even though she was pulling it the other way, where he actually was.
Nax stood up holding his caged cock for a moment and with some growling went to the kitchen to finish the fried eggs, the lead remained in place.
He managed to fry some bacon, dividing it between two plates, more on one with the second plate had less with little bit burned parts.
Placing it on the table, with bigger portion of food before him and smaller and burned portion for Reth.
She sat down eating her breakfast and smiling at Naxther, because he had still that muzzle gag on his mouth. “What Naxxie? Wanna eat? You can… you have a lot of it on your plate, go on…”
He suspiciously looked at her, raising his arms to his head just to cut the straps which were holding the muzzle gag.
Before he even touched anything, his collar released some straps, grabbing at his wrists and pulling them to his neck.
“Mhmhm….” He rolled his eyes over, he knew that it was a trap.
She laughed for a bit, straining her body over the table to pat him on his head.
“Mhmh… mhmhmmhmh?” He was asking her something but the muzzle gag was preventing speech.
“Okay, I will remove your gag, but remember our rules, no speaking, or there will be some punishment,” with these words, she unstrapped the bindings on his head and pulled the muzzle off.
He opened his mouth just to stretch out his jaw and then just stared at her, wondering if she will release his hands.
“Eat… or I will place it to the ground,” she ordered him and even pointed with her fork at his plate.
He sighed and lowered his head to egg and tried to grab them. He was kind of used to do eating like that with his feral form but she was giggling, because it was probably very funny seeing him, like that.
It took him some minutes to eat it like that, but after that, he ate it all.
“Okay, if you will be a good boy, I will maybe let you cum today,” she shrugged her arms, leaving him just staring at her.
“Really?” He asked after a minute, but only thing, what he got was a big strike on his snout by her whip, leaving him angrily hissing.
“What did I say about speaking?”
“You sa…” another strike by her whip, and another hiss by Naxther, almost flipping the table at her, if he had been able to do it because his hands were still bound to his neck.
“I think we should begin with program for today… you know, another word from you and you will never cum again, and I really don’t want to see you cry…”
He hissed at her again but not saying anything else.
She pulled him by the lead to the room where he had been a ‘dog’.
“Okay… don’t defend yourself or there will be some punishment, do you understand?”
He nodded and she took a big black colored straitjacket. At the end of each sleeve, there was no opening for fingers and it was made from leather. There were straps on both gloves, like normal straitjackets in pandemonium, but just black. Another under the elbow and last one was on his wrist. There was no room for struggling or moving his hands, it appeared that this was made especially for him or at least specifically for dragons.
The same process were made on his other hand, leaving his hands useless. He even tried to cut out of it, but because of the strap on his wrist, it was impossible.
“Cross your hands…” she ordered him, and as he did so, she tied both ends, like nothing, both hands behind him and tightened it. She even fastened some purple straps, to prevent him from moving his hands up or down. The weirdest thing was some gold ending on top of the neck.
“Stop! It hu…” he did not even complete the sentence because she kicked his leg, forcing him to knees.
“What did I say about speaking? Should I really let your cock explode?”
He shook his head from one side to the other in answer, she patted him again, making him growl.
“Okay, now legs…” there was a bag that was probably for his legs. He didn’t like the shape of the end because it looked so sharp, with some reinforcement. It was a big bag, similar in length to his legs, again made from leather, but the reinforcement was made with leather and metal, holding a metal ring again.
Because he was still on his knees it was no problem for Reth to push him to his belly, making him moan a little bit, because he was laying on his tightly bound hands and caged cock.
“You are so weak…” she commented on his physique, and started putting his legs to that big bag. Again it was suited for dragons but before she completely covered his legs, she ordered him: “Okay, hold your ankles tight, or I will break them…” she even positioned her tail above his legs, just to reinforce her words and show that she wouldn’t have problem doing it.
He did as she wanted and she finished putting the bag over his legs. He immediately realized, what is happening. The reinforcement held his ankles in an uncomfortable position.
But still, he was not saying anything, he just rolled over, as she wanted and looked down. There was only two holes. One for his cock, and second for his tailhole.
He was again in a bound position where he couldn’t do anything other than struggle and maybe say something but that was all. She again tightened the bag with some strings and about 5 more straps. 3 on his thighs, 2 under the knees. Ankles were reinforced so there was no need to make tight that area.
She took ahold of his tail and using some regular tape, starting from the very end and continuing up to his body. It made his tail unable to move more and more, and after probably after 6 layer, only she was able to control the position of where his tail will be pointing. She let the tail almost next to his bound legs.
She took a big shaped dildo without a tail ending like yesterday but there was a hidden surprise he just didn’t know it yet. As she started lubricating the big dildo, Nax gulped and said: “M-mistress?”
She looked surprised, because Naxther was not a dragon who would simply obey someone. Maybe his mind was broken already?
“Yes, Naxie?”
“Can we skip the part with this thing?”
She smiled and stepped closer to him and whispered into his ear, one word: “No.”
He instantly changed his face expression, saying: “You fucking bitch, I will…” in the next moment he was unable to say anything as she forced the dildo into his mouth, making him almost vomit.
He gulped few times, struggling, because it was in his throat. His mouth which was able to stretch to allow him eat just as a snake does was not helping him.
“Don’t worry, you will be using your tongue soon…” she smiled still forcing the dildo down his throat.
“You are sorry and you will not say that I am a bitch Mistress?”
“MGMHMHMMHMHH!” He nodded slightly, as he could only move a little.
She removed the dildo from his mouth, totally covered in saliva and some lubricant. With a few steps to his tail hole and without any procrastination, she forced it all the way in. He moaned as hard as he could, trying not to yell, but there was no use, a loud yell escaped from his mouth. It was touching his prostate again, at least that was something, but NOT really because he had the chastity cage still.
“Last few things…”
She took a small mask, it went over his mouth making him unable to open his mouth much, but the main purpose was to cover his eyes, to rob him of sight. And the last item. A ring gag, forcing his jaw to remain open and causing him to drool. She petted him again and said: “You still don’t know how to behave… here is the rule, if you behave badly, this will be a normal routine, like yesterday… 60 minutes, if you manage to find the remote controller, you can sleep… have fun…” she pushed something but there was no vibration on his cock… this time, the dildo in his tail hole started vibrating, making him even more horny as the vibration was directly stimulating his prostate.

She returned after hour and saw one interesting thing, Naxther was not able to find the remote controller, still squirming and trying to find it. After all, he was constantly drooling, taking heavy breaths, just to find remote controller.
“Poor Naxie, unable to find the remote…” some giggles issued from her but he was just ignoring her while trying to find the remote controller, to switch it off.
She switched it off, he stopped squirming and lay on the ground, trying to catch his breath. Taking some steps up to him, with her claw she poked his hard cock, making him whine and try to get away from her. Repeating it again and again.
“Do you want to cum?” And poke.
“I am glad that you are actually excited now as you weren’t this morning… or are you really?” Another poke, now stronger.
“MHMMHMHMHMMHMMHMHMHMH!!!” Fast nodding and trying to get on his belly.
“OK, I take it is as a yes… don’t move, I will not poke you again, just trust me.”
He immediately snorted a little, doubting that he can trust her, after all she has done.
She took some strong ropes and threw them at a pulley which was hanging from the ceiling. The other end was tied to a ring on the end of the bag which contained Nax’s legs.
Then, she just gathered all her strength, pulling the rope and with it, pulling Nax upside down, to hang in mid air. He was a meter and half above the ground, spinning slowly, he was very uncertain as to what will happen. Reth secured the rope to a winch, allowing her to easily change his distance from the ground.
The collar changed too. Now, it’s appearance was more like a neck brace from his shoulder, up his neck, forcing him to keep his neck straight. But Reth took a gold bar, connecting it to straightjacket, collar, and his mandible. Two straps over his mouth forcing him to bite to the ring gag even more.
“Mhmhmmh.” He said up to her. He was blind, constantly drooling, upside down, bound and he didn’t know where she is or what she intended to do next.
“Okay, here is the deal… I will take off the chastity cage but you must make me climax with your tongue… to prevent you from climaxing there will be a ring, holding you back… but after you make me cum, I will let you cum, okay?”
It was quite a deal for him, because he knew that he will at least get something, but he was unable to nod due to the big collar around his neck.
“Mhmhm… mhmhm… mhmhm…” he tried to say same word 3 times, just to give her approval, even sticking out his tongue to ensure she understood his agreement.
“I am glad that you are with me, Naxieeee”, she raised one arm up to his belly, clawing him there making him whine and struggle even more, because that was not what he wanted.
She continued doing it for at least a minute and when his skin was irritated, she simply took her whip and struck him there a few times, making him moan and whine even more because it hurt him so much. She even bit him under his ribs, causing him to actually bleed, not allowing him to reanimate.
She adjusted his height off the ground to give him a good opportunity to make her climax with his tongue, she then started slowly taking the chastity cage off, unlocking it but the material made a small ring around his cock, preventing him from cumming.
“Mmhmmhmmhm,” he moaned with pleasure when she took it all off, even though he was unable to cum it was still better to be in this position than still wearing the chastity cage and teased by the dildo.
She stepped closer exposing her sex and allowing Nax to get to work. He was not enjoying this as his tongue was very sensitive to flavors and he actually did not like that “taste”, but he knew that if he didn’t do this he will not cum again.
She grabbed one of his horns, pulling him towards her and with her second hand, petted his cock, teasing him.
It took him so long, over 10 minutes, even though after 5 minutes she had taken hold of both of his horns, pulling in closer to her sex. It was so hard for him to breathe but even with it, he managed to do it, at last making her climax.
She stroked his cock for a moment but because he was so horny after she released the ring at the base of it, he instantly came.
She didn’t mind that he did, she tasted his cum even saying: “You don’t taste bad…” taking a bit of his cum and placing it on his tongue, just to give him a taste.
“Mmhmhmh!” He instantly groaned, trying to get rid of it. It was not what he wanted right after that long awaited great moment.
She lowered him to the ground, pulling him towards the bed, all tied up, petting his cock for a bit but not making him cum, just to tease him, saying: “Sweet dreams Naxie, I hope you will behave nicely tomorrow.” Covering them both with a blanket and transforming Nax’s collar to the normal state. It wasn’t very satisfactory because his feet were numb and he knew that he will have big problems walking tomorrow.

  • Comments
  • VORP said:
    Would be Naxther any day of the week.

    VORP said:
    Would be Naxther any day of the week.


    VORP said:
    Would be Naxther any day of the week.

    T really I mean if u had a little more control over the situation then yea but she is just too bold

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