created by gaiawolfess and malakhael
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  • godzillarwby2 said:
    is that a vickers mahcine gun. im pretty sure it is. either way i dont satnd a chance in a fight against this thing.

    That depends. Just because littol burb got a beeg gunn, doesn't mean that littol burb got a beeg chance. A big gun does big damage, yes, but it's heavy and clumsy, meaning you could potentually outmatch him with accurate shooting and cover

    But if you got none of that then yeah rip

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  • fiendherd said:
    That depends. Just because littol burb got a beeg gunn, doesn't mean that littol burb got a beeg chance. A big gun does big damage, yes, but it's heavy and clumsy, meaning you could potentually outmatch him with accurate shooting and cover

    But if you got none of that then yeah rip

    because you can definitely take down an MG by yourself with no additional support.
    to be fair he doesnt have any support either, support for the gun that is.

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  • fiendherd said:
    That depends. Just because littol burb got a beeg gunn, doesn't mean that littol burb got a beeg chance. A big gun does big damage, yes, but it's heavy and clumsy, meaning you could potentually outmatch him with accurate shooting and cover

    But if you got none of that then yeah rip

    This isn’t even considering the amount of recoil space-birb would have to endure for continuous fire

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