arcane valiance, eve mbweni, fyz the goblin, and salisha (taystie park) created by magicalfurry
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Never to sit idle on the sidelines, it's not uncommon at all to see the many multi-colored Mascots of Taystie Park rigging up all manner of games and challenges to keep guests engaged and occupied often permanently. It's honest fun for all parties involved, whether you're playing along or merely observing from a safe distant, there's no telling what perils and pitfalls might await on your way to claiming that ever elusive thrill of victory, right from the jaws of total defeat...~

Take Salisha here for example: Since opening hours, she's been welcoming all comerscummers to try their luck at surviving a one-way plunge down her hungry cock. The rules are simple: just try not to melt into a puddle of salamander jizz. But of course, like most things in the Park, it's easier said than done! Not a single soul so far has re-emerged alive and whole. One look at the "Loser's Bin" behind her says all you need to know, and yet she's never left long without some new hopeful to step up thinking they might be the one to finally defy the odds...

Yeah right. 😜

A Certificate of Willful Death is pretty much a give-in, but luckily these forms and waivers usually get signed ahead of time. And if not, well, there's definitely more than enough evidence to claim they had full knowledge of the danger and the possible side-effects (EG: Fatal Liquidation) that await. You'd have to be some kind of naive idiot to really believe you had a shot at "winning" a game that's so obviously rigged from the get-go. Luckily, ignorance is no defense in Taystie Park, so let's hope your house is in order and you got to say your goodbyes, because Salisha doesn't deal in second chances and do-overs.

It's one-and-done and on to the next one for her!~ Never the first nor the last, so enjoy your stay while you can! Though deadly as can be, the digestive process that'll melt you into a thick white wad of girl-jizz is thought to be tremendously pleasurable for pred and prey alike, it's as if Salisha's balls were made to milk the most out of you! Don't believe me? Then there's no excuse to find out for your yourself...~

Just keep in mind that if (and when) you do lose that struggle with staying solid down there, there's more at stake than just your meager little life. If you thought there was an afterlife waiting for you on the other side, or you were looking forward to a chance at reincarnation, a Mascot's Purgatex-Weaved™ interior will leave you disappointed. Every last drop, soul included, gets siphoned down to a hot load and nothing more, as a way of ensuring our customers never leave!~

*GLORP* And then it's game over!

So what's in it for you?~ Why, the honor of keeping our loyal and devoted Mascot's cock and balls well-fed of course! Salisha will tell you herself that you've earned her eternal gratitude too, which is perfect since you're destined to be cum forever anyway!~ If anything, you demise might inspire a bit of latent jealousy in your friends and family, giving them that extra bit of motivation needed to tempt them over the edge and into a fittingly familiar end waiting just around the next corner. Taystie is only best when you're teetering between your next lewd adventure and total, unending oblivion!~

*Note: One (1) Everlast® Condom Coffin come free with every game played! Entombment inside said condom NOT guaranteed however. Condoms are single use and may not be resold or put up for auction without written permission from Taystie Park, Taystie Co., and all other Subsidiaries Et. All. Taystie Staff and Mascots are not responsible for any accidents, stains, or pregnancies that may occur within the "Splash Zone". All games and outcomes are non-reversible and non-refundable.


So, do you like your chances? Or maybe you'd like to open your own sideshow attraction and churn a few hopeful guests into your ball batter? This is just a little taste of what Taystie Park has to offer, being both a community of fun and friendly kinksters, and a no-limit carnival-themed setting. All characters, kinks, and fetishes are welcome!~ Take part in Art and RP while you hang out in a place where you can be yourself without shame or fear of judgement. Vanilla fun is just as welcomed and encouraged! Feel free to ask me if you have any questions or concerns, and I hope to see you there soon!~ 💙💙💙

Taystie Park - Extreme Kink ERP:

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