ceylon, kagero, and theallseeingeye (mythology) created by justmegabenewell
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Reprieve of Her Radiant Depths 01 - Anal

Kagero stretched out on the couch with his feet up on the coffee table, hands behind his head. It was time for a vacation and he was enjoying every minute of it. He and the rest of his crew had taken a break from excavating the ruins in North Arrenthen, since hurricane season was starting up and that region was often battered by torrential downpour that time of year. All seven of them were in the northern region of Kerolioa, sitting in the living room of a cabin with the fireplace crackling nearby. They were eating smores, a local favorite!

Coudie and Alabenne were both cuddling up in the loveseat, purring with enough vigor to almost douse the sound of the fire. To Kagero, their feline bodies seemed to be twisted and contorted around one another, as they were cuddling in a way only felines could. Silly Jysar. Veiron was near the fireplace, sitting cross legged as he absorbed the heat; it was shocking that he couldn't handle the heat since canines were one of the most durable of the northern races.

Opposite Veiron next to the fireplace was Yeshoi, an avian sitting on a perch with her plumage puffed out for maximum warmth. It made sense that she was not fond of the cold, as she was a tropical bird from Arrenthen; she wasn't built for a half meter of snow. In another chair across from Kagero was Kieran, sharing the same pose with heads resting in his hands and feet up on the table. He was Kagero's trusty sidekick since day one.

Finally, there was Palusa, a rather large pegasus draft mare from Arrenthen with black and white stripes as well as a short mane and black wings, evoking memories of the Gryphon Goddess Ceylon. She had recently joined the crew as a student of the Capitol mere weeks before hurricane season emerged, and had grown to be part of the group quite quickly, in part because Kagero got a feeling of divine pleasure while around her. Veiron loved her, both Coudie and Alabenne seemed to like her, and Yeshoi bonded with her quite quickly. Unfortunately, Kieran wasn't as keen on her becoming part of the team, as he was a little prejudiced against the equine race.

The interesting thing about the situation was that Kagero – the founder of the expedition and leader of their team – had quickly become the object of Palusa's affections, much to his delight. When he hired her, she tried everything she could do to to thank him for it, up to and including ambushing him in his tent after hours. Since he was initially influenced by her similarity to Ceylon when he hired her, Kagero was curious to see if she could invoke the same feelings he held for the Gryphoness Goddess.

Truth be told, Kagero had a heart for only one lover in his mind, but Palusa was forward and endearing to him to the point where she eventually got him to crack and lie with her. He told himself that it was only going to happen once, and that it was only to allow himself to be closer to the one he worshiped, but their midnight rendezvous soon became tradition as he came to see her as a surrogate for Ceylon. She shared many of the same features of the goddess, such as the black and white striped pattern as well as a pair of wings and – most importantly – a plump pussy between her powerful legs.

He wasn't the type to use someone for his own desires or ends, in fact he felt the opposite, but he had no idea when he would be getting another visit from Ceylon in the future. the best way to invoke the positive memories of their last encounter was to fantasize when with Palusa, imagining her as Ceylon.

After a month of fraternizing with the young mare, he confessed his love for the Goddess and admitted everything from his original desire to hire her to the fantasies that swirled in his mind when they were together. To his delight, she had embraced this roleplay and incorporated it into their future sessions. Unfortunately for Kagero, his surrogate gryphoness – the pegasus mare Palusa – wasn't anywhere near big enough to take his whole body within her.

As a result, he got to fist her, and mount her, and suckle that massive clit of hers, all while fantasizing about Ceylon, even if it was never quite the same and he always felt a little guilty about the whole situation.

Still, she sat next to him on the couch, with her large body hovering over Kagero's relatively small human frame. She urged him to cuddle into her, since they were on vacation and not in a professional setting, but Kagero respectfully kept his distance. Palusa was a beautiful mare and reminded him of Ceylon in many ways, but she had a scent about her that was less sweet and a little more earthy, which shattered the fantasy in his mind. Regardless of that, he had a hard time resisting her charms; every time they met eyes Kagero was transported back to that time in the temple when he offered himself to Ceylon's body.

“Well, I think it's about time to go and get more firewood.” Kagero declared as he rubbed his hands together and got up. He gave his beard a gentle stroke before glancing over to Yeshoi. “You want any seed while I'm out?”

She flutter-chirped at him. “Real funny, Kagero. Give the bird some seed. I see how it is.”

“Glad you do. Anyway, I'll be back in about an hour or so. Just gonna head out and stretch my legs a bit. The weather is surprisingly mild and I'd love to enjoy the beauty before the snow melts.”

Palusa extended a wing towards him, gently caressing him on the arm. “Would you like me to come with? It's late, you don't want to be attacked by bears or something, right?”

“Bears in this region are almost entirely diurnal, I am pretty sure I have nothing to fear but thanks. Honestly, I just need some alone time. You guys are just, the worst!” He winked to show his jovial nature, which only got a few waves and a wing flutter from the others. Only Palusa gave him the needy, longing eyes that indicated she felt hurt.

He hopped into his boots and put on his jacket on top of his khaki shirt before bounding out the door to challenge the nocturnal wilderness. He stood tall with his fists on his hips, chest puffed out and smile on his face to take in the late evening scenery.

All around him was a winter wonderland of white and brown highlighted by the pale blue of the full moon. Snow blanketed the ground with patches of white in the trees, but a steady sound of dripping could be heard all around as melting snow splashed in puddles. He grabbed his axe and headed out, ready to best the closest branches and logs he could find!

The northern wilderness was quite pleasant for Kagero since he liked the cold, even though he was more used to the warmth of the tropics by this point. He was originally from a northern location in Yelfrit, but his work had kept him in Saff'Rald, Untheria, Tehgol, Koluma, and especially Arrenthen over the previous years – all tropical environments. He was happy with the cold, but he was most comfortable when offered warmth through his Goddess.

Well, he was at his most comfortable when curled up inside the Goddess' womb or belly. No matter what happened in life, he found some way or another to circle back to that time the Goddess herself made herself known to him. He had always revered the Gods and Goddesses, all of them; it was why he got into archeology in the first place! Though he admired and respected all twelve of them, he had a special love for the pair of Leera and Ceylon, because those two were known to eat their followers and in his mind that would have been the best way to submit oneself to the Gods.

Then, on a trip to an Arrenthen Temple – as if they read his mind – both Ceylon and Leera appeared, taking turns with him, consuming him in every which way. Ceylon the gryphon stuffed Kagero in every hole she had, while Leera swallowed him whole and passed him through her body like only a Goddess could. It was quite a ride for him, and it changed his life forever. Too bad he couldn't realistically share his experiences with anyone.

Not until he met Palusa, at least. After he confessed he had only hired her because of her resemblance to Ceylon, she seemed genuinely proud of that fact. As it turned out, she had dyed her fur specifically to match the patterns and looks of the Gryphon Goddess. She didn't know that her loins resembled Ceylonas well, since there was nothing in the lore that stated Ceylon's vulva matched that of a mare. This revelation further bolstered her love for Ceylon, and she barely flicked her mane at the fact that Kagero claimed to know such things.

Though she never asked, he was eager to share his story, explaining why his desires to be with Ceylon was so strong. To his shock and pleasant surprise, she accepted everything he said and embraced it, saying that she just knew the Gods were real and not just myths.

Ever since that point, he had slowly grown a bond with that mare, knowing full well that the two of them were only close because of their mutual appreciation and admiration towards a Goddess.

“That's alright.” He said to himself as he trudged through the forest. “She's actually a really good archeologist, so it'll never be conspicuous that I hired her and keep her around.” It was true; while his initial reason for hiring her was a somewhat selfish one influenced by his heart, she had proven herself to be quite skilled, matching the strength of Veiron with the diligence of Coudie and Alabenne. She had wings, but her body was too heavy to fly, so they were clipped and there mostly for show.

Also, Kagero loved it when she used her wings to cuddle him, another way it incited memories of Ceylon's last visit.

The light bubbling sound of the creek could be heard nearby, so Kagero walked toward it, curious to see what fresh mountain water tasted like. He knew the layout around the cabin, and knew that no matter where he ended up he could follow the twisting creek to return.

He stepped out from the treeline to see that a family of deer were drinking from the running water on the opposite side. The mother looked up and cocked her head to the side as she glanced at him, assessing Kagero as a threat or not. He froze in place with axe resting on his shoulder, not wanting to startle them. When the mother deer decided he was no threat, she put her head back down and continued drinking with her two babies. A brief moment of hesitation passed in Kagero as he wondered why that had happened – Deer often give birth to only one offspring in any one year.

Oh well. Not his concern. Humans often had only one baby, too. Uncommon things weren't impossible.

A snapping sound could be heard behind the deer, making all three of them scatter and bound their way down the opposite shore, hooves splashing in the water before abruptly turning back into the forest behind them. Kagero had no idea what was out there, but he didn't think twice about it; the region's only predators were wolves, bears, and a few medium sized mammals this time of year. Bears were not nocturnal, wolves never attacked humans, and the smaller creatures weren't a threat.

The threat of Dragon attack was plausible, but dragons often flew when they hunted; crawling through the forest would tear their wings apart.

Kagero stepped forth next to the stream and bent down, cupping his hand into the water to get a taste. It was crisp, cool, and clear right down to the rocks and boulders that dotted the creek's bed. While there, he heard another snap of a branch in the forest on the opposite side of the creek, this time a little bit closer. He narrowed his eyes and slowly got back to his feet, not sure what it could be that was nearby.

Though the moon was bright and the stars were out, it was still relatively dark in the forest and he could barely see past the first layer of coniferous trees. He wasn't far from the cabin and he had an axe, so he wasn't scared, but his scientific mind had him curious as to what could possibly be waiting for him.

Upon standing back up, he rested the axe blade down with the handle leaning on his hips. He unzipped and relieved himself in the creek, confident but cautious at the same time. When he was done, he zipped back up and turned to leave, only to once again hear another snap of branches in the forest, followed by a groan of a tree trunk twisting, likely against something heavy.

Crows cawwed as they flew into the sky above the treeline, signaling it must have been time for Kagero to return to the cabin. He remained collected, but his heart was starting to race as he conceptualized the dozens of things that could be out there.

He briskly paced his way up the creek shore, making his way through the snow to approach a shallow waterfall where the creek water crashed a few meters down into a pool that drained into the rest of the creek. Just as he was about to climb up the rocks, he heard another groan of a tree trunk twisting before hearing a crash. He froze in place, the frigid mist of the waterfall lightly billowing over him. “Who's there?” He asked, calling into the darkness despite knowing nobody would answer.

Another snapping branch could be heard, followed by the silhouette of a massive beast poking its head out between two of the closest coniferous trees. Kagero couldn't make it out due to the twilight, but from what he could tell the head was comprised of thick ears and a curved beak.

Were gryphons part of this region? The question washed over him with dread, only to have an odd sense of serenity overcome him. He wasn't scared in the first place, but he seemed content, like he was smelling freshly baked apple cinnamon pie. In that brief moment, he felt like nothing could be wrong in the world.

Before he could ask any farther questions, the massive beast stepped forward, revealing more of their body. Black beak, black eye stripes, piercing blue eyes, white feathers, and speckles down her front. “Calm, my child.” She said in a voice he clearly recognized. He knew this gryphon, and the realization coaxed a smile across his face. It was Ceylon, the Gryphon Goddess.

He never expected to see her here. “C-Ceylon, is that you?”

“Indeed, my son.” She said as she stepped forward, talons and paws hovering a meter above the choppy water. “I've missed you.”

Kagero melted, his knees nearly giving out as his mind darted betwixt a thousand scenarios that could have brought his Goddess here to see him. He wanted to reach out, to meet her above the creek, but he felt he should keep himself composed. “A-and what brings you to the great cold north? It's a far way away from Arrenthen, isn't it?”

Ceylon kept walking on the air above the creek, where she bowed gently. “Indeed it is,my son.” She paused in place, then smiled with a gape on her beak. “I would love to tell you that I am everywhere, or that I can be anywhere at will, but the reality is far more mundane than that. Like you, I can only be one place at a time, and by chance I was here with you, today.”

“I am very fortunate to be blessed with your presence.” Kagero acknowledged, bowing gently. “By what manner of luck have you ended up here, with me again?”

She stepped forward, joining Kagero in the snow. “I have a confession to make, my dear. I've been watching you over the past few months. Perhaps a bit closer than you could imagine. I know how much you have been devoting to me, and I must admit that it is inspiring.” She leaned in, brushing her beak past his cheek to preen at his hair. “And I do love to have such a devoted follower.”

Kagero leaned into her, cupping her cheeks in his palms as he nuzzled back. He had goosebumps all over, and his hair was standing on end. He had no idea what Goddess Ceylon had in store for him this time, but it must have been good. She was thanking him for his devotion, complimenting him on how devout he had shown himself to be. Nothing but good could come of this. “I am eternally pledged to you, mama Ceylon.”

“I know, I know.” She walked past him, lightly brushing her wing past Kagero's cheek. The far larger gryphoness dwarved the human, standing taller than him at the shoulder. “But I think that girl, Palusa is her name I believe, deserves a bit more of your love. I watch from afar, but I cannot be with you all the time, and she's about as close as you could get to being with me when I am away. Enjoy it. Enjoy her. Treat her as you would treat me, she will feel loved and I will feel your admiration channeled through her.”

He looked up at her, smiling. “But you're here now. I don't suppose there's anything I can do to prove my love for you now, is there?” He seemed hopeful and eager, as if he knew what the answer was before he asked it.

To his shock, she declined him. “No, my son. There is nothing you need to do to prove yourself to me. You have done plenty and will continue to do more, I am sure. Asking more of you would be selfish of me, and I cannot bring myself to command anything of you.”

“I don't see it that way.” He explained, reaching out to gently rake his fingers through the fur on her haunches. In an odd twist, it reminded him of Palusa. “I don't see it as a chore or obligation to serve you. I do it because I want to do it; I love to offer myself to you, in any way I can. I've already pledged my life to you, so I'm yours to do with what you will.” In his heart, he was a little disappointed that she was denying him the right to please her, but he respected her decision.

She kept walking by him, letting her long tail brush over his shoulder with the tip giving him a bit of a flick before she turned. “I understand that, and I appreciate that you care so much, but I feel like I ask too much of you.”

Kagero narrowed his eyes a bit. “How so? I don't think you've asked anything of me, except that I preach your values – something I was already doing before we officially met. Everything else I've done has been of my own volition and will. I offered myself to you as a meal. I offered myself to Leera. I happily and enthusiastically offered my whole self to your pleasure on both occasions we met. You didn't ask, I insisted and you accepted.”

Ceylon's look melted in a warm gaze of admiration, a deep purring emanating from her chest. “No matter how many people I meet and lives I touch, I will always be happy to know that I have you. My own personal cheerleader.” She stepped forward and wrapped her neck around Kagero's shoulders, pulling him into a hug. When she pulled away, she lightly tapped him on the head with the underside of her beak. “But I want you to know that, no matter what we do and no matter how much you dedicate yourself to me, I will forever be thankful. I do not demand a thing of you, as you've already proven your fealty twofold.”

As if on instinct, Kagero brought his hands up to lightly caress at Ceylon's chest plumage, a natural reaction to having such soft feathers nearby. He wanted to give her a massage, to scritch her from head to tail and maybe be swallowed up by her back end, then continue the kneading from within. No matter what happened, he was happy. “So tell me again, what can I do to please you? Remember, anything I do for you, I do out of the depths of my heart and not of dutiful servitude. I just want...I want to make you happy. Making you happy makes me happy.” He paused and leaned back into her, offering another gentle massage. “If you feel like rewarding me for my fealty, I'd love if you let me pleasure you.”

Ceylon lightly spread her wings and glanced over to the waterfall and the mist that was billowing up from it. “Well, if you so insist, I could find some way to properly thank you for your loyalty. It is cold and I could definitely offer warmth, if that's what you desire.” Her beak gaped open in a sly grin, her cool blue eyes squinting a bit in to accentuate her positive emotions.

Kagero stepped to the side, offering a hug to her shoulder as he gave her flank a bit of a nuzzle and rub. “I appreciate it, my Goddess, but it's really not that cold and I kind of like the co-” He paused mid sentence as he came to realize what Ceylon meant by that. When he pulled away and glanced up at her face, which she had spun around to look at him, he blushed a bit as his eyes went a bit blank. “O-oh. I see.”

She nodded slightly, happy to see that Kagero had picked up on her not-so-subtle innuendo. “Anything for one as devout as you.” Her tail lifted up, with the end of it opening to reveal the three jaw-petals of her tail's maw. “The only question is...by what method would you like to take your gift?” She lifted her head high and trotted a few steps away, giving Kagero a clear view between her rump cheeks as her equine vulva winked. A bright red slit of flesh could be seen between the plump ebony lips, all glistening in the cool blue light of the moon.

Once again, Kagero's knees went weak as he imagined what it would feel like to part those lips and dive in, having that soft, bright red flesh smothering him. He reached out, lightly petting at the air behind her as though he was failing to caress her. “A-any way, my goddess.”

A deep rumbling purr emanated from her depths as she backed up into him, pressing her rump cheek to his palm as she winked again. “Well, if you insist, I'd be happy to bestow upon you all the warmth my body has to offer.” She arched her back and pushed into him, nearly knocking him off balance as her haunches nudged his shoulder; her tail bunched up behind him to ensure he didn't land in the snow, pulling him back up to his feet with his face mere inches from her glistening ebony lips. She chirped as she looked back, a gape grin parting her beak.

“Well, this is quite nice.” He whispered to himself, all pretense of modesty melting away as he member swelled in his pants. It was clear that Ceylon was in both in the mood and eager to enjoy his offerings, so he was happy to lean into her and lightly kiss at her nether lips. In response, her body twitched and another wink folded her clitoris out, giving Kagero an opportunity to lean into her. He cradled her haunches with both hands as he nuzzled at her flesh, his own lips suckling on that engorged clitoris of her while his beard tickled her inner thighs.

Out of the corner of his eye he was able to glance down and see Ceylon's hind paws curling into the snow, digging at the dirt as a faint shudder of pleasure rocked her body. He was doing something right, so he kept it up by closing his eyes and pushing in deeper, relishing the softness of the velvety flesh that parted around his nose and upper lip.

“There you are.” Ceylon cooed at him as she arched her back. A twitch ran through her backside that squeezed her pussy walls tight, forcing Kagero out while soaking him in her juices. She giggled a bit as she shuffled on her hind legs, further widening her stance so he could get back in there. “I offer you the comfort of my body, my son. Please don't be shy.” As she spoke, she pressed her chest to the ground and wagged her tail, rump end practically sitting on Kagero's head.

Though he knew Ceylon wasn't quite ready yet, his own desires took hold of him and he embraced her weight, lightly rocking his neck back and forth to rub every bit of his head against her loins, soaking him to the shoulders in her juices. He tried his best to push up into her, but she didn't seem like she'd relaxed enough to swallow him from that end just yet so he pulled back and gave her another passionate kiss.

She trilled at him, lightly bobbing her hind end against his suckling lips as she teased. “Getting a little ambitious back there, my dear?” She was, of course, referring to his brisk attempt to insert his head into her.

Kagero blushed and pulled away from her lips to look her in the eye. “S-sorry mama. I'll be more careful; I would never want to hurt you.”

“You can't hurt me, dear, but it's okay to go slow. We have as much time as you'd like and I enjoy a little foreplay, too. You've gotta warm me up as much as you would Palusa.” She winked her clit again, then relaxed her pelvic muscles in a way that it actually gaped her pussy open right to the womb. A billowing cloud of steam emanated from deep within her, trickling up from under her tail.

“O-oh. I'm sorry. I'll be slower. Anything for you.” He leaned back into her, hugging her haunches and closing his eyes while his lips came to suckle that fist-sized clit of hers. The sensation of her velvety lips rubbing on his cheeks and silken inner flesh caressing his tongue put in in a state of euphoria. This was really it, he was going to enjoy the deepest, most intimate of times with the Goddess once more.

She tasted wonderful, with a bold tanginess dripping like honey from deep within her for him to lick up. Her smell was an aromatic concoction of sweet and earthy blasting him in the face and washing over him. Her flesh felt as soft and tender as he could possibly have hoped for as she rubbed and grinded against him, her hips gyrating while pushing down on his face. In response to her eager motions, he reciprocated by pushing back and slipping both his hands around her haunches to tug on her lips, parting her canal open so he could see into her.

“Eep! Your hands are cold, hun! Be careful!” She chirped at him, her pussy walls clenching against his prying fingers. Eventually she relaxed, her cavernous depths heaving in and out with her breathing.

Naturally, his instinct was to shove his face into her with gusto, but he held back from that since Ceylon made it clear she wanted him to be a little more patient with her backside. Instead, he let go of her lips to watch her walls collapse in on themselves, the softness of her depths smothering his view. He wasn't yet prepared to let go of her body or lose out on what warmth she had to offer, so he pulled back and licked his lips, disrobing and tossing his jacket to the side. He wore only his Khaki T-shirt, allowing him to roll up his sleeves and once again lean into her.

He pressed his palms against her inner rump cheeks, parting her folds with his thumb as he buried his face under her tail, tongue slipping up and down her slit to taste the flavor of her depths. After offering the gentlest of suckles to her clitoris, he took in a long deep breath to sample her scents before cupping her plump clitoal mound in his palm with all four fingers gently resting just inside her. He gasped a bit as he watcher her plump lips smother and swallow him to the knuckles, begging him for more.

In one fluid motion, he eased his fist into her to the elbow, gasping and shuddering as he felt the heat of her pussy walls enveloping him. The sensations were heavenly on their own, but were amplified when he felt her canal squeezing him as though she were enjoying an orgasm. A moment later, a gentle trickle of her natural lubricants dribbled down the underside of his arm.

While inside her, he started pumping in and out, balling up his fist and extending his fingers to caress the spot that pleasured her the most: her anterior wall between clit and cervix. He could feel the soft mounds of flesh and muscle tensing up against his touch, clenching with inward waves as though she were trying to swallow him or gulp him down. The sensation flashed him back to the last time he used his whole body on her, and the memory aroused him to the point his member popped out above his belt line.

Eager and willing, he brought his second hand up next to the first, sliding fingers in next to his forearm to double fist her. Inside, he interlocked his fingers, making a knot-like bulge with his knuckles facing out to massage her flesh every time she clenched. It was supposed to make her feel like she was being mated by some well-endowed knotted creature, but all he could fantasize about was diving in or having her sit down, pussy lips swallowing him up in one gulp.

In and out he thrust, punching at her tenderized walls with an audible squelch emanating from her depths between every motion. She clenched as he pushed in, sucking his fists in deeper before relaxing and pushing out to nearly force his hands out entirely. Her flesh gaped and spread, her pussy winked and shuddered in delight with Kagero growing increasingly passionate as the two continued to have their fun.

She seemed loose enough, her cavernous depths softened up enough to envelop him and deposit him within her womb. When she relaxed, her flesh seemed to pull away from him, leaving him with only the sensation of silken fabric draped over his hands as opposed to the tense power of her clenching.

He balled up his fists and started to thrust in and out with an intensity he didn't know he had in her. In the back of his mind he worried that he was hurting her, but she had assured him that he couldn't, and she just seemed to be getting more and more enthusiastic with every aggressive thrust of his arms.

Just as he was about to go for it by nestling his face in between his biceps and dive in, Ceylon's entire body shuddered and she collapsed forward. Her motion pulled her rump end away from him as her walls collapsed and clitoris winked; everything from the underside of her tail to her inner thighs just above her knees was soaked in her arousal, a cloud of steam billowing up from there.

Kagero stood in place, knees weak and arms soaked in the viscous, slimy lubricant of her depths. His member was hard as could be, but he didn't know what to do next. He simply kept frozen, waiting for Ceylon's next move.

“Hmmmmm, yeah!” She moaned as she stretched out, arching her back. “That's why I love coming to you, my son.” She rolled onto her back and folded up her talons over her chest, hind legs up with nether region fully exposed. Was she inviting him to mount her? Begging for his member, or all of him? No matter what she wanted, he was eager to share and offer what he could.

He stepped forward with a nervous shake, testing to see what was next. He thought she was ready, and was proven right when her tail whipped around to cradle his rump, pulling him in and forcing him to flop down on her belly. Rather than act surprised, he nuzzled into her, rubbing his cheek against her belly and chest plumage. All the while, he was careful to not let his boots land on her, since he respected her too much to want to get mud and snow in her coat.

“Someone's excited.” She trilled at him, referring to the erect shaft that was squeezed between them. “Don't worry, I won't leave you wanting, I'd never let someone so loyal go without their due.” She leaned in to peck him on the cheek, tongue lightly prodding him behind the ear as her talons grabbed at his shirt and undid the buttons. His naked chest felt the cool chill of the night, but she still aided him in tossing the shirt to the side, leaving him naked from the waist up with his cock tip exposed against his lower belly.

Though he wasn't trying to be shy and knew that Ceylon thought no ill of him, he couldn't help but blush, his entire upper body growing a light pink with goosebumps all over. He was straddling her belly while sitting up, gooey hands on her chest as he stared her in the eyes. Ceylon was always kind to him, but this moment felt, to Kagero, like the kindest she had ever been to him. Her eyes met with his as she smiled, a warm and inviting expression on her face.

While he was transfixed in the blue of her eyes – the same shining shade as the full moon – he felt a tug on his foot. Upon looking back he saw Ceylon's tail maw biting down on the heel of his boot to pull it off and toss it to the side. The entire tail was like a tentacle, delicately arching around while it's length moved in waves to find its target Within seconds, it had plucked both boots and both socks from his feet, proving itself to be far more dextrous than he expected, especially with such big jaws on the end.

This left him wearing only his pants and underwear.

He glanced down at his body, as well as the cock tip poking up from his belt line. “So, I guess this is next?” His voice was meek but eager.

Ceylon nodded, gingerly grabbing at the belt and undoing it, pulling it from the belt loops and tossing it over with the pile of clothes she'd been making near her rump. She followed it up by slowly undoing his button and pulling down his zipper. The two of them worked together to pull his pants off, leaving him with only his underwear.

The blush he had covered his entire upper body, but he was still eager to have Ceylon finish undressing him. He wanted to just jump out of his undies and cuddle, but everything about her body language told him to wait, and to let her go at her pace. This was very important to her, it seemed, and he was happy to give her what she wanted.

To reward his patience, Ceylon craned her neck up and used her beak to bite at the top rim of his underwear, jerking it down over his thighs to expose his member fully, the glistening tip bobbing just above her furred belly. He shifted from side to side, letting her yank them down over his legs, eventually kicking them off himself. Just then, a light breeze washed over him and the cool air gave him a bit of a shiver.

“I was wondering how long it would take for you to get naked. Kind of hard to share my warmth if you're dressed, remember?” She cooed at him as she raised her wing up and urged him to nuzzle into it, using the feathers as a shield from the wind. She was, of course, referring to the last time they were together in the Arrenthen temple; Ceylon didn't enjoy having a clothed person exploring her body and Kagero was keen on abiding by her rules.

Her radiant warmth smothered him from head to toe as he rolled onto his side between her front legs. Her wings wrapped around him, with her fur and feathers tickling at every bit of his exposed flesh, leaving only his head and shoulders exposed to the cold. He couldn't help but shuffle and squirm against her touch, comfortable and cozy. “So what now?” He asked, secretly hoping to end up inside her one way or another.

“Well, my son, I actually was thinking of offering something I don't ever offer anyone.”

His eyes went wide as he slowly looked up at her. “Wh-what's that, mama?” Was he being rewarded for all his years of devotion? Perhaps, but she was granting him gifts now by sharing her body with him; he couldn't think of anything she'd possibly be willing to do that would be more rewarding than this.

She rolled onto her side, letting Kagero fall into the cradle of her wing as she looked him in the eyes. Her steely blue irises seemed to glow in the twilight. “Well, I've taken a long time to think, and of all the people in all the world, I don't think I've met one as devout as you. I can sense it, I can read your thoughts and I know that you are entirely and wholly sincere with your desires to please me and make me happy. For that reason, I was thinking of taking you to my home. High above the clouds in the Cradle of Dalon.”

Kagero took a moment to think about that. He knew about the Cradle, it was a valley in the tallest mountain range in all the world, high above the clouds of Saff'Rald. No aircraft could fly that high, no avian creatures were able to fly that high either. The cliffs leading to the valley were so steep and high that nobody had ever ascended and came back. In retrospect it made sense that the Gods lived there, because even magic users were repelled when they attempted physical magic in the region, like a barrier had been erected.

Hundreds of years passed, without anyone knowing for certain how to get there, and the Saff'Rald government had labeled the entire mountain Range off limits past the 10,000 meter altitude.

This was where the Gods apparently lived, and this was where Ceylon wanted to take Kagero. A gift no living mortal had been granted as far as he knew. “You...want to take me back home?” He asked, swelling with pride.

“I do. It won't be forever, perhaps a few weeks or so, but I'd be honored to show you the place I call my own. I don't bring many up that aren't granted the same divine status as myself and the eleven others in our pantheon, but I think you've earned it.”

He blushed. “A few weeks? That's a long time, and I'll enjoy every second of it! I mean, my team might miss me, but I'd sacrifice anything to spend a week with you. You know that.” His mind became filled with thoughts of how his disappearance would be perceived, with Palusa and the others tracking him in the snow to find that he had just disappeared. They might put out a missing person's case, declare him dead after a couple weeks...only to have him come back when his journey had concluded, perfectly safe and sound.

Such a trip would raise many complications in his daily life, people would ask questions, and he wouldn't be able to answer them because he'd never betray his Goddess. Even if he did tell them where he was, nobody would believe him. Either way, he'd likely have to come back to adulation and appreciation thanks to his sudden disappearance and reappearance.

But then he thought about all the fun things he could do with Ceylon, alone in the mountains with Leera and the others all being nearby. In the end, he found it to be entirely worth everything he'd have to sacrifice; nothing could possibly make him happier.

“Not all of the others would be there, though. Leera spends most of her days in the cradle, as does Satsierra and Keran.” She explained, as if she was reading Kagero's mind. “Talba and Vaulix are currently in Arrenthen – ruling the country, as I'm sure you know – and the same is true for Yelena and Sanfrit in Yelfrit.”

“R-really?” He asked, somewhat surprised. “So the gods....they actually live the lives of their successors? Queen Talba and King Vaulix aren't just named after the gods, they actually are the gods reincarnated? Wow. Mind blown. I mean, it makes perfect sense now that I think about it, but that's still...wow. Did not know that.” He snuggled up into her, eager to hear more. “Tell me, what else do the other Gods do? You've got me all curious.”

She rolled onto her back again, holding and hugging Kagero into her chest plumage. “Well, let me think. I keep myself free to do whatever I'd like, roaming the world, finding wonderful people like you who love us and rewarding them in accordance to their loyalty. While I am out, Leera remains in the highest cave in the tallest mountain – the Dagger to the Skies – and enjoys her time alone there. She's pretty reclusive. As I mentioned, Yelena and Sanfrit are the Emperor and Empress of Yelfrit, Talba and Vaulix are king and queen of Arrenthen, and I have to think about what everyone else is doing.”

Kagero nuzzled into her feathers, rubbing his cheek against her. “Well I'm curious about Countess Valencia. She's Cute.”

Ceylon chirped. “Oh right. She's like me, free to fly on the wind in the skies, bestowing her gifts upon those who she deems worthy. Who knows, you might meet her one day. But, uh, don't call her countess. She doesn't like that title. Call her by her name or Mrs. Freyens, then she'll be a pup.”

“That would be nice, yes.” He took a moment to imagine himself with Valencia, the canine avian hybrid Goddess that resembled a bat.

While still together, Ceylon continued. “Ilorek, her mate, currently teaches at Klyneth Academy of Science and Magic, which is the same place I think Keran used to be the dean of. His life just came to an end, though, and he returned to the valley in the skies, which is why you might get to meet him.”

“That would also be nice.” Kagero commented, even though his enthusiasm wasn't as great as with the others. He had an affection for the Gods and Goddesses, but as a straight male, he didn't have the same level of excitement reserved for Ilorek and Keran. He also knew that Ceylon could probably read his thoughts, and could scold him. He looked up to see if she had been doing that and saw only a look of very slight disappointment on her face, indicating she was definitely doing such. “Very nice!” He reaffirmed. “Would love to meet him!”

She stroked his hair, lightly scritching him with her sharp talons. “It's okay, my son. You don't need to explain your admiration or the circumstances therein. I know the many reasons you feel the way you do, and Keran lacks the anatomy to indulge your fantasies.” She winked at him, letting him know she was being facetious. “Plus he's kind of a prick to mortals, so I think we can agree to keep him far away from you.”

Kagero nodded enthusiastically before hugging her tight. “I appreciate it. And thanks, mama.”

“Anything for my son.” She purred back at him.

While cuddling, his thoughts returned to the Gods and their positions in the world. He recounted ten of the twelve, realizing that neither Olfrin nor Luero had been described. Before he could ask, Ceylon explained. She really was reading his mind!

“Honestly? Nobody ever knows where they are. Both of them travel the dozen oceans, much like I do in the skies. Olfrin knows of dozens of cultures that live underwater, and both he and Luero spend their days there. Sadly, my telepathy is greatly reduced when trying to find things underwater, that's why we just don't go there.”

Such a revelation was fascinating Kagero, because he never thought that the Gods or Goddesses could possibly have any sort of limitation. His readings and everything he'd come to know about them made him think that their magical ability was practically limitless. “That...is good to know.” He said. Of course, he had no idea how to respond to such a thing and was simply going with whatever she mentioned. It filled in the gaps, either way, so he was happy to let that line of questioning.

Then, following with the theme of Ceylon reading his mind, she happily changed the topic. “So this brings me back to the real reason I'm here.”

Had Kagero possessed ears like a cat or dog, they would have perked up. “Only good reasons, I hope!”

She nodded and smiled at him with beak agape. “Yes. See, I told you I was here because I had been watching you and wanted to reward you. This is true, but I have my selfish reasons, too. I may be divine, I may be immortal and be able to control virtually limitless magical power, but I am still a gryphon. My body remains flesh and blood, and as such I am also the vessel of a womb and ovaries-”

“I know, I've been inside that womb! It's a wonderful womb.” Kagero interrupted with a broad smile peeling back his lips to show his pearly-whites amidst his dark bear. “Speaking of which, may I return?”

“Shhh.” She hushed, pressing a talon to his lips. He felt the slightest bit dejected, but did as he was told. He wanted nothing more than to please his mama. “Yes you may, but let me explain why. Like I said, I have a reproductive system, and therefore an estrus cycle. I have needs and go into heat the same way any mortal gryphon would; that's why I want to take you to my home and keep you as my own for a few weeks. I hate to ask for your services, but masturbation just isn't all that exciting after living for an eternity and Leera isn't that sexually active.”

Kagero blinked and gulped heavily. This was like a dream come true to him, and he had no idea how he should convey that fact without just pouncing her and wrapping his arms around her neck while smothering her with a thousand loving kisses. Instead he grinned broadly to once again show his teeth. “I would be honored and eager to dedicate myself to you, no matter what form that takes. And besides, Hurricane season is for another month or so in Arrenthen, so it's not like I'll be missing work!” His eyes darted around as his imagination ran wild; this was the best news he had ever heard! Even better than meeting Ceylon for the first time!

“I'm glad to hear that, my son. I knew that's what you would say, which is why – in all of Dalon – I chose you. But, in the mean time, I think I could use some attention. I don't suppose you'd mind taking care of it, would you?” Her hind paw came up to lightly tug and pry at his rump cheek, poking without piercing his flesh. She wasn't trying to hurt him, just playfully caress the only way a feline's paws can! “And think about it, how will I take you to the Cradle? Too cold to have you on my back, so I think that means you'll be travelling first class inside....”

He gulped again, eye twitching as he came to realize what that meant. “Anything for you, mama!” He acknowledged. Before he finished his sentence, he was already turning to burrow under her wings down her belly, making his way to her hindquarters. There, he laid down flat with his legs spread over her sides for balance. He was warm, sure, but the part of her that he wanted the most was her soft and tender pussy. Kagero was going to make his way to his womb.

“Glad to hear it.” She cooed at him, writhing a bit in the snow, her tail coiling up with all three jaws opening to show her glistening gullet at her other end. “Feel free to take whichever route you desire. I want you inside me, Kagero.”

Had he been able to projectile nosebleed like in the cartoons, he would have. Before him lie three entrances, three equally appealing paths to her radiant depths. Closest to him, her plump pussy lips; they emanated a sweet aroma and were already soaked and slimy from his previous trip there. Between that and the base of her tail was her equally plump, perfectly round rump hole. It was a little wet, with the velvety flesh soaking dark patches around its opening. Then, farthest away, was the end of Ceylon's tail maw, hungry jaws open and drooling her saliva or whatever juices they were.

Though Ceylon's sex was likely the quickest and easiest of the three, Kagero had a difficult time not going for that delectable rump hole. He'd felt that before, and it was utterly divine. The thought of burying himself face first in that soft doughnut of flesh made his cock throb against Ceylon's belly fur; there was a brief moment of hesitation and embarrassment before he realized that there was no shame when with his chosen mama.

A moment passed where he bit his lip and contemplated his actions, but then quickly went to offering himself for Ceylon's pleasure. He leaned in close and deep, rubbing his face against her clitoris to excite her once again, sucking it and giving it the gentlest of nibbles. Her form shivered and tensed up beneath him, which told him his stimulation was working.

Seconds later, he saw a bead of her self-lubrication forming in the posterior crack of her pussy lips, the bulbous rim of it reflecting the light of the moon. Though he had the desire to shove his face into it and lick it up, he needed the lubricant to help getting other places. He was dedicated, he knew what he wanted, and he was eager to make it happen as soon as he could. With a cupping of his palm, he scooped up that bead of slick fluid and transferred it to the middle of Ceylon's rump hole, a web of gooey strands extending from one hole to the other.

“Oh? So that's where you're going?” She asked, chirping and purring beneath him; her abdomen's reverberations further stimulated his member but he was more keen on the pleasure of her depths than that, so he was able to keep his focus.

He rubbed at her anal flesh, starting in the middle and working his way out to caress and coat every bit of that ebony velvet flesh with her slick fluids. She was secreting a copious excess of fluids, so he had no problem getting her to the point that, when he pulled his hand away, bridges of fluid connected his fingertips and her rump hole.

In he eased his open hand, lightly pushing his hand into her bowels through her tight tailhole to further disperse her own lubricant deep into her backside. As expected, she was exponentially warmer the deeper he went, and he found it increasingly difficult to not just kick off and force himself face first into her. When he pulled out, he was pleasantly surprised by the fact that his hand came out gooier and wetter than when it had went in. Seems her mama – The goddess Ceylon – had the ability to secrete lube from any hole!

When he looked back at her, she chirped and nodded, urging him to continue.

So he did. When he plunged his hand back inside, he could feel her every muscle tense beneath him ending in her pelvic region as her clit winked against his chin. Without thinking, he craned his neck and wrapped his lips around it, suckling hard as his free hand continued to probe and thrust in and out of her cavernous depths.

He could feel her flesh open up just a few inches inside. Her rump was tight and snug, but once he pushed enough of his arm into her he could feel her bowels open up, wide enough that he had to push his palm as far as it would go to touch her walls. While still laying on his belly to suck on her clit – thus urging her to maintain a tensed up position of a wink – he brought his other hand and buried it deep in her rump flesh next to his first hand. Before him, that plump pucker parted for him revealing the deep red of her insides in a star-splashed sliver.

Kagero had quite the powerful will, most of the time, but seeing that beautiful inner flesh drove him well beyond the point of reason. He immediately wiggled his body down over her pussy as his arms shifted and twisted in her rump, his chest getting smothered in her juices in the process. There, he took one final glance back to Ceylon over her body to get approval before continuing.

She was a little distracted with the pleasure his body offered, as her head was back and her chest was heaving as she purred. That seemed permission enough to Kagero, who dug his toes into her lower belly and kicked forward, arms extended outwards as he literally dove into her backside.

Though her rump flesh was soft and snug, it was also stretchy and malleable. As he slid downward, he could feel the muscle expand and quiver in delight as his wrists, elbows, and eventually shoulders passed into her. He looked up through the crook of his outstretched hands as her flesh smothered his face and swallowed him up; everything went dark as her pucker effortlessly gulped him down. With a sudden lurch, he felt the (relatively) tight rim of her opening burst past his shoulders completely to clench around his upper torso.

His mind was utterly scattershot at this point. His member was hard as a rock and drooling precum all over Ceylon's belly for the brief moment before it slid into the roomy crevice that was her pussy. The soft silken flesh of her pussy walls squeezed him tight as her winking clit caressed his ball sack – something he never knew he wanted to feel.

Inside, he found he was able to part his hands and spread his elbows within Ceylon's bowels; she was roomy enough that he could press out as wide as his elbows would go, but not much farther. As he pawed at her walls, he felt them shift and slide around his skin like it was made of silk and he was brushing it in a pool of water. Her bowel walls depressed and readjusted naturally with ease, making Kagero feel like he was floating even though it was gently constricting him from every angle.

From that stance, he was able to curl up in the fetal position with his hips and everything below them out on Ceylon's belly while his torso and everything above that was nestled comfortably into the coziness of her rump's accommodations. There was a distinct change in temperature from the cold air of outside to the warmth of her body surrounding him.

Up to this point he'd been holding his breath; he knew from his previous experience that he could safely inhale Ceylon's lubricating fluids, but he also remembered it was a little discomforting at first while his lungs adapted from the gaseous to liquid atmosphere. Not able to hold it in anymore, he took one deep breath, finishing with an inhalation that sucked up much of Ceylon's fluids into him.

There was an intense pressure in his chest for about ten seconds before he was able to relax and breath normally – well, as normally as he could while laboriously sucking in fluid into his lungs. Perhaps it was because he'd done it before, but every time he entered her like this, that part got easier. Now, breathing was almost as easy and natural as it was normally.

Outside, he could feel Ceylon's tail base squeeze him tight as the walls collapsed and shook around him. She must have been having an orgasm, because her tailhole was squeezing his midsection pretty tightly and was actually clenching in waves, sucking him in.

His toes curled in delight as his cock slid through her pussy, rubbing first on her clit then temporarily plunging into her depths before having her rump suck him up and force his length to bend down against the tightness of her tailhole flesh. As she gave another squeeze, he shifted just a bit deeper, and his member slid between her rump folds, giving him something to thrust against.

Such snug pleasure was short lived, as he soon was forced the rest of the way in thanks to Ceylon's tail wrapping around his ankles and pushing him until only his feet were sticking out. All around him her bowels quivered and clenched, shaking in delight against the pressure of his hands pushing out and massaging her from inside. Nearby he could both hear and feel the throbbing of her heart and the gurgle of her belly, only it felt like it was happening all around him, and he was floating inside her.

His hips bucked into her soft, tender walls and he nuzzled against her flesh to give her a kiss, his feet twisting and contorting in such a way that he was still pleasuring her even as he was forced inward. He could feel the glorious mess of fluids squishing in between his toes for that last second before he pulled them up into Ceylon's tailhole with the rest of him.

Everything was warm, cozy, and wet as her bowels continued to rhythmically pulsate and clench around him. Perfect. He couldn't imagine a better place to be at that time; whether he liked the cold or not, he liked the warmth of mama's radiant depths better.

Around him, he could feel a shift as Ceylon rolled onto her side and shook herself free of snow. He knew they were headed to the Cradle, his heaven.

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