kamali and mesanpu created by missebony
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The Reunion

The third entry in the Passion of the Nile series written rhazzazor and accompanying artwork by missebony, both of whom I'm very grateful for the privilege of commissioning. :D

Summary: Now settled into her new life as an Egyptian noblewoman and happily married to the jackal veteran MesAnpu, Kamali the lizard soon finds out that her husband isn't done making her happy, not by a long shot. ^_^

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Flickering red light emitted from two oil lamps was cast upon the strong, yet soft and gentle hand, coated in silken black fur as it moved slowly over smooth green and grey scales, following the gentle curves of the young body as it moved up and down in a slow, sensual rhythm. Faint sounds of pleasure rose from her elongated reptilian snout. She tilted her head high, her long black hair covering most of her slender back while her firm breasts protruded into the warm air of the night. Her scales glistened in the unsteady light from droplets of sweat that their long lovemaking had cast onto her.

MesAnpu let his hand wander over Kamali’s back further, then moved down to her backside, gently stroking and massaging her cheeks while his other hand was still intertwined with hers. He imagined that he could see her smiling down at him and he smiled back. He would never get tired of touching those scales, those soft, smooth, yet firm skin that was so different from his own pelt. And he loved feeling her muscles working underneath it. He wasn't sure when during the night she had woken up and decided to wake him by crawling top of him, but it was a wonderful, sultry experience being able to lean back and enjoy the amenities of her small body.

He knew that she enjoyed it too, not just from the occasional sighs and moans or the fact that she started this on her own, but she had told it to him a few times before. When he had chosen her, she had been a virgin, but she had quickly come to enjoy the arts of lovemaking and was now just as skilled and passionate during their time in bed as he was. Initially, she had caught his eye because her uniquely beautiful reptilian form stood out among the row of girls offered to him by the pharaoh upon his return, and he had always been curious about her people. In which ways were they different? In which ways similar? But he didn’t return from the campaign looking for another woman to bed, he wanted to settle down with a wife to love and cherish. And after spending just a few hours with her, he knew that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. He didn't just want to spend a single night with a beautiful girl who sated his desire and curiosity, he had wanted her, that kind and vulnerable, yet strong on the inside young woman and merely a day later, they were married. His people usually didn't waste too much time until they took this step, but in their case, given that she was of a vastly different species from a foreign land, it was still a very unconventional arrangement. But he didn’t care what others might say about them, he was determined to make their marriage work, to devote himself to making her happy above all else. When he first saw her, her sad eyes stood out to him just as much as her beauty and uniqueness, and signified great hardship and loneliness. He could only imagine what she went through in the palace before they met, and he was determined to give her a much better life than what she had before. And now that sadness in her eyes was gone, replaced by joy, warmth and vibrancy whenever he gazed into them, and the sight filled him with such happiness of his own. For the first time in his life, he felt he had something to truly live for.

He gasped. Was Kamali going to do this all night long? Each time she lifted her hips up and moved down onto him again, he felt her warm, wet insides embracing his shaft. Besides the fact that he had already reached his peak earlier in the evening, he could feel that she could easily make him climax again at any time she wanted. But instead, she just went on with her slow pace, completely in control. He felt her hands moving over his chest, nimble fingers sliding through the fur, then stroking along his neck as she leaned in, altering the sensation. Her body flexed almost snake-like and her pert breasts pushed into his chest as she whispered: “Does my husband want to come in me?”
“Yes.” He gasped.
Smiling, Kamali started to accelerate her movement, sliding up and down, gasping and moaning herself each time his hard shaft slipped deep into her petite body. He knew that he couldn't hold back much longer and from her words, it was exactly what she wanted. So, moving against her, their bodies soon slapping into each other’s, he soon reached his peak, throwing back his head as he climaxed, shooting his seed into her insides, triggering an orgasm in her as well and making her collapse onto his strong chest moments later.

“I love you.” she whispered into his ear as she lay on top of him, his manhood still inside of her.
“And I love you.” He gently replied, his hand stroking her black hair. He hadn’t forgotten the morning after their wedding night, when she surprised him with a declaration of love. Truth be told, he had fallen in love with her when he first laid eyes on her, and the short time he spent with her only made his feelings even stronger, but he didn’t want to unsettle her by telling her so soon into their marriage...only to learn that he had uttered them to her in his sleep the night before, which made her realize that she loved him too. It had been a great surprise to him, but that surprise was quickly replaced by intense elation as he declared his love for her, willingly this time. Her tears of joy at his words warmed his heart immensely, and the passionate lovemaking that immediately followed rivaled what they had experienced during their wedding night mere hours before. Now, MesAnpu had finally felt complete.
After a while, she moved from him, sighing as he slipped out of her body, before she snuggled up against him, resting her beautiful face against his chest, her finger playfully drawing little circles into his fur: “I like being on top.”
He chuckled, his arms still wrapped tightly around her: “So I've noticed.” He paused for a moment: “I'm glad that you enjoy it this much, I do as well.”
“That I have noticed.” Kamali replied, smiling up at her husband.
“How was your trip to the docks today?” MesAnpu asked, feeling that they hadn't talked enough yesterday, since their passion overtook when they met in the evening.
“Good, very good, I've found a merchant who will bring us the wood from the north next time he returns. His name is Ptahsep.”
“I know him.” MesAnpu nodded: “And he's trustworthy.” Kamali had stated that she didn't want to be just a noblewoman who spends a life in luxury, waiting for her husband to spoil her. And she had proven to be a surprisingly skilled tradeswoman, despite her young age.
“But-” Kamali sighed.
“Yes? What is it, my love?”
MesAnpu asked, wrapping an arm around her and pulling the young girl closer.
“It's nothing, just...” Again, the girl paused: “I saw some of my people while I was on my way to the docks.
“Ah.” MesAnpu nodded slowly: “Poor beings, where have they been sent to?”
“They worked on the fields next to the river. I saw them all dirty and carrying clay and straw for the dams.” She continued, not wanting to sound ungrateful, but she just couldn't forget about those who had been less fortunate than her. She hadn’t been the only member of her tribe who was taken into slavery months ago, and he could tell that she felt guilty about the life she now had while the rest of her people continued to toil in servitude. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t be bringing this up now, I...”
“I can understand you, of course you care about them. It wasn't right to bring all of you here against your will.” MesAnpu explained.
“Yes, I miss my home.” Kamali's voice was low, then she smiled at him: “But if this didn't happen, we wouldn't have met.”
The jackal whipped a lock of hair out of her face: “And that would be very unfortunate. Still, I can understand your feelings. I want to see you happy, and I'll do what I can to help you - you and your people.”
Kamali looked up at him in surprise: “Y-you...you will?” The wide-eyed look on her face reminded him of their first night together, when he told her he wanted to marry her. “But...how?”
He gently stroked her side and spoke in a soft voice: “I will be attending a meeting with the pharaoh in a few days, I’ll see if I can persuade him to help your homeland in some way. In the meantime, it will be a simple matter to track down the rest of your people brought here. I will make arrangements to buy them so they can be returned home.”
He smiled down at his wife, who now wore a look of total shock on her face: “You-you would do that for me? For them?”
“Of course, didn’t I tell you I’d do everything in my power to make you happy?” He squeezed his arm around her, hugging her closer to him, and he savored the feeling of her bare body warming his side. “The cost of a few slaves is a pittance to me, and I hold enough influence with the pharaoh that I should be able to do something. You make me the happiest man alive, Kamali. The least I can do is try to give back what was taken from you. All of you.”
“I...” Tears welled up in her eyes, and the sight made his heart melt. “I don’t know what to say...thank you.” She cuddled even closer to him. The light from the oil lamps began to flicker out, slowly leaving them in darkness.
“You don’t have to say anything, my love. Everything will be alright, and I want nothing more than to see you happy. Rest now and don't worry.”

For a while, she listened to his calm breathing and it calmed her as well, when she was already half asleep, she again heard him: “I love you, my wife.”
“And I love you, my husband.” she whispered her reply, and she felt her love for her husband stronger than ever.

MesAnpu had difficulties following the elder ibis. He was one of the royal scribes and the list he presented was seemingly endless.
“-The flood will be perfect this year, our water gauges to the south indicate that. We should make sure that the fields in Aniopel are secured though, the flood has damaged them last year.”
The middle-aged cheetah, dressed in white linen, decorated with gold and blue glass nodded slowly: “You are of course right Tenut, sent a messenger to give the order.” The pharaoh turned to MesAnpu. It was a great honor for the highly decorated soldier to be allowed at the royal meeting. Still, he had always been just an ordinary soldier and knew little about politics.
“The governor of Kalisk sends his regards to you. And he respectfully asks, if you can sent one of your princesses as wife for his son.”
The pharaoh turned to another adviser by his side: “Is this appropriate?”
“It is a bold request, but Kalisk has been a loyal ally during the war and they pay their tribute without complaining.”
“Good, tell the great queen and mother of the hire to choose a suitable princess and start educating her so that she will know about her new home.”
“Yes my king.” The scribe bows.
“Then there is the problem with the Tingis basin.”
“Problem? I saw that the dam is ready.” the pharaoh stated.
“Yes my king, and we have hardly ever conquered as much land as this project brought us.” The ibis confirmed, but then continued: “Still, the former swamp land needs to be cultivated. It is vast and we lack the farmers that could live there.”
“I see.” the cheetah rubbed his chin.
“My king, if I may make a suggestion?” MesAnpu stood up.

MesAnpu returned back home late in the evening. The sun was already setting behind the hills on the western desert and cast the mansion into a deep orange light. As he looked around, he saw his wife playing with her servant, Thanee. The two had quickly become friends. Maybe Kamali just needed someone to trust aside from her husband, or did they get along so nicely because they were both young and full of energy? True, Thanee was still a child, but Kamali clearly wasn't too old for ball games either. While the lizard girl wore a bright white loincloth with golden trim, with the rest of her body was exposed to the light and the gaze of her loving husband, Thanee, the mouse girl was completely nude, running and playing around in her young carefree nature.

“My dear, may I speak with you for a moment?” MesAnpu asked as he stepped closer. Only now, Kamali noticed him and the smile that appeared upon her face as she turned to him made his heart melt yet again.
“Of course, what is it?” She asked, stepping closer, her scales shining in the sinking sun, accenting her curves wonderfully.
“Sorry to interrupt your play.” He said to Thanee.
The young servant bowed: “It's nothing, we can continue tomorrow.” With that she winked at Kamali, turned and left.
The jackal placed one hand upon Kamali's shoulder: “What would you say about a little trip?”
“A trip? To where? There's still so much I need to see and learn here.” Kamali said, then stopping, wondering if her implied argument was appropriate.
But MesAnpu just smiled at her: “Of course, if you don't want to, we can stay here, but I have a feeling you will like this trip.” He smiled like a young boy who had just set up a really funny prank.
“Good, now you have to tell me all about it.” Kamali said, placing her hand against her hips in mock annoyance.

Two days later, a group of six ships was loaded at the bank of the river. Sailors rushed from bow to stern, making sure their light vehicles of wood and reed were ready for the journey. Dockworkers and slaves carried the last of the provisions and water on board and a small band of soldiers stood nearby, saying goodbye to their families. It wasn't meant to be an overly long trip, but any trip needed to be well prepared in order to not end in disaster.

Kamali was standing at the bow of her boat. It was of the same size and the same basic structure as the others, but there was a little hut erected in its center, a wooden frame holding curtains of white linen. More a tent than a house, but it provided shelter and privacy, something rare on such a boat. MesAnpu stepped up behind her and wrapped his arms around her slender waist: “The captain said we can set sail any moment now.”
“I'm nervous.” Kamali answered, leaning back against him.
“I know, but all will be well, my love. We have the best crew in all of the two kingdoms.”
Kamali exhaled: “I know, but...it's only been weeks, but so much has changed - I have changed.” The young lizard explained: “What if they don't want to see me anymore? What if they are scared, or ashamed of me?”
MesAnpu gently squeezed her hand: “They are your family. They love you and they will be happy to see you again.”
She turned her head and smiled at her husband: “You are right, I'm worried about nothing. Thank you love.” With that, she leaned in for a deep kiss, forgetting about their surroundings for a while until a slight trembling brought them back into reality, as the sailors pushed the boat off the dock.

Even the land seemed to have changed over the course of just a few weeks. Of course, Kamali knew that it was still the same land, even the same season. But the sharp rocks, the sand of the desert and the patches of green fields along the river seemed to have lost their hostility and alien intimidation. It was a beautiful land, a land gifted by the gods and even though she was looking forward to getting back to the south, she knew that this was now her home.

The ships passed by valleys with rich fields, cities and lone temples. Endless lines of rocks and sand, the landscape barely ever changing as they made their way south. After three days, they could see the massive forts, watching over the river from both banks. From this point on, it was foreign land. Still under the dominance of the pharaoh, like her people had to learn not long ago, but it wasn't considered to be the land blessed by the gods themselves.

Kamali felt her heart beating fast when she walked over the narrow plank to set foot onto the land again. She hadn't eaten much this morning, being too nervous. Somehow, she had expected the ground to feel different, for it to make a difference as she returned to her old home, but it didn't. Though, other things felt different. She had put on a rather long skirt that covered her upper legs and her knees. In addition, two simple straps over her shoulders held a loose top that covered most of her upper body except for a thin strip of bare scales of her belly. It already felt weird covering herself like this. When she had arrived in the pharaoh's palace, she had to get used to being topless. It had been a hard and humiliating experience at first, considering that her own culture expected women to cover their upper bodies with clothing. But once she was free from slavery, she quickly got used to it. It felt so nice and free in the warm environment, it made her feel beautiful, and she knew that her beloved husband enjoyed the sight of her young body being exposed to the caressing rays of the sun.

Kamali took his husband’s strong hand. He felt her nervousness and pushed a little harder, making her turn her head and smile at him. He had a keen sense for her emotions and he knew how to calm her as they approached the small group of huts.

Only now Kamali realized how miserable the live of here people here was. Back when this had been her home, it had been everything she knew, but now she knew another, better life away from these lowly huts, the infertile fields and the swamp that seemed to fight with them for every meal. Most likely, it had only gotten worse since she was abducted. She knew that after the lost war, the villagers had to pay more taxes for their lords in order to rebuild their army. And they had become so fearsome! When their ships landed at the shore of the river, the sailors and soldiers jumping onto the dry land first, they had acted as if they didn't notice them, simply continuing their work.

Again, Kamali gulped, happy to have her love by her side, but it also made her nervous. Her people used to avoid other races, and here she was, returning home with a jackal for a husband. What would her parents, his parents-in-law say? Against her will, she had to smile at the thought. The whole thing was just surreal.

As they came closer, she saw the familiar faces and everyone who raised their head and saw her stopped and looked at her wide eyed or with open mouth. She actually enjoyed the attention she got. Then suddenly, as they rounded two huts and the central square of the village came into view, she saw her. Her mother was holding a basket and kneeling on the ground, spreading out some berries they had been collecting to let them dry in the warm sun when she looked up. Her basket dropped to the floor and the remaining berries rolled away, but her mother didn't even bother to look at them, she looked as if she couldn't believe what she was seeing. And most likely, that really was the case.

Finally, a young boy found his composure. He jumped up and ran towards another hut, screaming: “Kamali, it's Kamali! Kamali is back!”
Kamali and her husband approached the central square and finally, her mother regained at least a part of her composure. She shoved the basket aside as she strained herself. Her gaze wandered up and down the young woman, then to the jackal by her side, then back to Kamali. Her mouth opened as if she wanted to speak, then she closed it again.
More villagers left their huts, the shouts of the boy drawing their attention and when Kamali looked over to the small building she had spent her youth in, one after another, her brothers, sisters and finally, her father came into view.

“Kamali, is - is that really you?” Her mother finally asked, her voice trembling.
The addressed smiled, her tail moving slowly from left to right. Her heart was beating fast and she squeezed MesAnpu's hand hard. She feared that her voice would fail her, but still, she had to speak: “Yes, of course, it's me.” Letting go of her husband’s hand, she stretched her arms out but her mother stopped a good distance away. Kamali's father had stepped up to the shocked elder lizard woman while the children, more curious but also uncertain due to their parents reaction remained in the background.
“How?” He asked, then bowed to the warrior by her side: “My apologies, we greet you in our humble village.”
MesAnpu nodded gently, accepting the bow of the two adult reptilians as the only gesture of submission they needed.
“I will explain everything.” Kamali continued: “But I'm back, isn't that what matters?” She saw tears forming in her mother’s eyes and her father’s strong hands trembled.
“Kamali!” She heard a young boy’s voice.
“Jassif? Is that you?” She asked, but before she could get an answer, her young brother ran around his parents, over to Kamali and hugged the girl madly, though he only reached up to her waist. The little gesture seemed like a relief and all of a sudden, both her parents bridged the remaining distance and engaged into the hug as well, tears of joy running down their cheeks.
MesAnpu smiled as he stood by. For this moment, he was left out, but while Kamali was still surrounded by her family, she already looked over to him and her thankful and loving smile was all he needed to know he had done the right thing.

After a long moment in which the reunited family just stood there, everyone trying to understand what miracle had just happened, it was her father who regained his composure first and made a step back. He bowed towards MesAnpu: “My lord, I appreciate that you granted us this moment with your-” he gulped hard: “-slave.”
The jackal was almost shocked, but of course the elder tribesman would think that was the case.
Then he heard a giggle behind him as Kamali freed herself from her siblings and her mother’s embrace: “He's not my owner.” And after a pause, she added: “He's my husband.”
The shock amongst her family was almost as great as the one when they had first seen her.
“Your...what?” Her mother asked.
“Yes, you heard right, he's my husband.” Kamali said, walking over to MesAnpu and taking the tall warrior’s hand again. “We’re married.” She said with a smile.
“But how? Why?” Her mother stumbled.
“Maybe we should go inside, it's a long story.” Kamali suggested and with bows and gestures of submission, her parents asked her and MesAnpu to follow them inside.

Some of the children had returned to playing on the floor, while others were still sitting on the simple beds made from wood and reed. The four chairs around the table in the center of the houses only room were occupied by MesAnpu, Kamali, her mother Tamene and her father Narma.

Tamene had just remembered how to be a good host and placed a bowl of fruits onto the table: “Excuse me, my lord, I - I don't have any other kind of food, I hope this isn't insulting for you.” She stumbled as she sat back onto the table. But MesAnpu took a fig and quickly bit into it: “No, they are delicious, just what I was hoping you would serve.”
“We didn't expect to-” Tamene gulped: “To see our daughter again and less still to be in the company of-” She searched for words.
“A soldier of the pharaoh we challenged.”
“Fate sometimes takes unexpected turns.” MesAnpu nodded and there was a brief pause.
“What are those clothes made of you're wearing?” Narma asked into the quietness.
“You like them?” Kamali asked proudly: “They are linen. Back in the north we have a special technique to make it this thin and light.” Only after she had spoken she realized that she had said we, was she already feeling that much at home? She didn't see a reason to tell her parents that she usually wore much less though.
“It looks expensive.” Tamene replied.
“Well, there is cheaper clothing yes, but we have the wealth and even the poor people to the north far doing -.” What should she say so not to insult her parents who were working so hard to enable survival for their family? “Life is easier there.”
“I'm curious. Why did you marry my daughter?” Narma asked MesAnpu. The jackal took his wife’s hand.
“Because I love her.”
Narma nodded: “I can see that. It must have been a difficult choice still, considering your different races and her being a slave.”
“It was, but I never questioned my decision, it was the right one.”
“We ran out of water. Kamali, will you help me?” her mother asked, raising a clay pot.
“Of course.” Kamali nodded, standing up, kissing her husband onto his cheek, before she left the house with her mother.

“I'm sorry we couldn't protect you.” Tamene sighed as they were halfway towards the well.
“I know, you all would have gotten killed. Don't worry about it anymore.” Kamali replied.
“Still, if we had been stronger, none of this would have happened.”
Kamali shrugged: “Yes, it was difficult at first. But, you see, I'm happy now.”
“You really mean it?” Tamene stopped and turned to her daughter, trying to find a hint of dishonor in her expression, but she couldn't.
“Yes, isn't MesAnpu wonderful?”
“You're really happy with him.” It was half a question and half a statement.
“I love him.” Kamali had hesitated for a moment to say this, but then she stated her feelings with vigor.
“I have to admit, he's handsome.” Tamene forced herself to smile: “But still, he's a mammal and you were a slave. Surely he must have forced you into it.”
“He didn't force me to do anything.” Kamali said, feeling warmth spreading on her cheeks as she remembered their first night. “He...he noticed me when he visited the place where I worked. He was looking for a wife to settle down with, and he offered to free me and marry me.” She smiled: “Of course I was happy to accept. I don’t regret it one bit.” She decided it was wise to leave out the part where the she had been offered to him as entertainment for the night before he proposed to her. Even though she ended up loving it, she still had no choice in the matter, and she knew the circumstances in which she lost her virginity would likely sound bad to anyone who wasn’t there. Better to just let her family assume she married MesAnpu before she slept with him, the situation was strange enough as it was.
Tamene shook her head. They had continued walking and finally arrived at the well: “I'm sorry daughter, it's just, that is all a bit much for me. I'm sure I'll get used to my new son-in-law.”

When the two women arrived back in the hut, MesAnpu turned to Kamali: “I was just about to tell your father about the plan we came up with, but maybe you would want to explain yourself?”

The wooden floor moved slightly and from outside their quarters, Kamali could occasionally hear the creaking of the ships planks and mast. Though it wasn't noticeable at night, they progressed much faster down the stream and would arrive at their destination soon.

With a swift movement, Kamali pulled her top over her head and threw it into a corner of the room. She quickly pulled down the skirt and stepped out of it: “Finally.” She said.
MesAnpu laughed from somewhere out of the darkness of the dimly lit room: “Oh? I was already beginning to worry that you had gotten used to so much clothing again.”
“I think I'll never again.” She said, placing one hand on her hips in a seductive stance. She had been reluctant to show herself due to her culture at first, and the mammals that surrounded her during her time as a slave had only reinforced her feeling that she was inferior and ugly with her furless, scale-covered body. But her husband had washed all of this away. He had shown her how beautiful she was, how much one could desire her and for the first time ever since she had been enslaved, she felt happy and proud to show herself like this.
“That's what I wanted to hear, come to me my love.” MesAnpu, sitting on the bed, opened his arms as she approached him.
“I can hardly wait until we arrive north. I'm just so excited.” Kamali babbled.
“I hope you can wait at least this night.” Her husband said and she was sure she saw him smile.
“I think I can, I have to say thank you for this plan after all.” She answered, walking closer to him, her hips swaying and her tail moving from left to right as she approached. He was sitting on the bed, nude, his gaze transfixed on her body. She caught sight of his already hard shaft and the sight made her tremble as desire rose in her.
“It's okay, I know just how much - oh-” MesAnpu stopped, as his wife got down on her knees in front of him, gently shoving his knees apart. She was so much smaller than him, but as he was sitting on the bed, she was in just the perfect position. But he knew that she was still new to this, so maybe he should instead lift her up onto the bed and make her enjoy their time together? But how could a man reject such an offer?

Warm and red and hard, Kamali's heart beat fast from the sight of her mate’s shaft. She had never been with a male of her own kind, but she had heard other girls talking about them and she was pretty sure that they were different, most likely not that big and not that bumpy. Her hands stroked over the short, smooth fur of his thighs even as she moved forward, opening her mouth and blowing her warm breath over his tip, making MesAnpu gasp. Her tongue flickered out, moving over him, tasting him and eliciting another sound of approval from him.

“Oh Kamali, you are incredible.” He said, making the young woman smile and her cheeks burned in her blush even as she blew a soft kiss onto his hard organ. She soon licked him up and down, enjoying both his taste, the anticipation of her own body to feel him inside of her and his powerful reaction to her treatment. Then, she opened her lips and let his tip slip past them, allowing him to fill her mouth with his presence as she began to suck and move back and forth, back and forth, slow and controlled.

Again, MesAnpu gasped, his hand came to rest upon her head, stroking her silken hair as she pleasured him. Soon, he moved his hips against her bobbing head, his cock was throbbing in her mouth and his breathing accelerated. Would she be able to make him come just by doing this? One of her hands wandered from his thigh to his groin, gently touching, sending a shiver through him as her other hand vanished between her own legs. She had barely noticed herself getting this wet and her own touch sent pleasant sensations through her.

After a moment, MesAnpu seemed to get his control back, he was still panting hard though and as time passed, he finally gasped: “Stop, please, I want you.”
Kamali did as he wished, moving her head back slowly, looking up at him, enjoying the expression of lust and joy in his face, as she once more stroked along her own wet sex. Then, she crawled onto the bed.

“Stay just like this.” He said as she was still in her crawl, right in the middle of the bed on her hands and knees. So far, they had never tried this position, but she had imagined how it would feel. His hands wandered over her slender body, making her shiver with each touch. As always, he took his time to feel her, to enjoy her smooth scales and young, nimble body. His fingers moved along her tail, then one hand took gentle hold of it, pushing her tail upwards as he got into position behind her. She wriggled her behind invitingly, excited about being presented like this to her beloved husband. He held her tail out of the way, as his shaft brushed against her butt-cheek, then slipped through her labia and finally pressed against her entrance, easily penetrating her wet sex and sinking into her, leaving both of them moaning as one. She felt his strength almost pushing her over, but at the same time, he held her in place, giving her the chance to fully concentrate and enjoy the sensation as he penetrated into her.

He let his free hand roam over her back, such smooth, yet soft scales, it sent a tingling sensation though him each time he touched her and in moments like this, where all his senses were focused and tense, he felt her all the more. Her young body was tight around him and he could feel her quivering and squeezing as he slowly pulled out, only to move his hips forward again, driving his shaft deep into her trembling body. Her moan of approval encouraged him to go on, sliding out and back in in a slow, powerful motion. After a while, he leaned forward, panting hard, he kissed her shoulder and neck, his hand moving around her, taking hold of her breast, squeezing it slightly. Kamali turned her head into his direction and while he kept on moving inside his petite wife, they engaged in a passionate kiss.

He felt so wonderful inside of her, it was as if the whole world was washed away whenever they made love. Sure, their bodies moved in carnal desire and she embraced it, but there was something beyond that, something above. True affection, love. She moaned into their ongoing kiss, their tongues playing as he picked up the pace. After a while, she had to break the kiss, moaning and panting hard as she felt his shaft rubbing against her tender inner flesh, felt him bringing her closer and closer to the edge. Again, MesAnpu sat up, their bodies slamming into one another as she moved back against him, eager to feel him even better. Finally, she tensed, groaned and then let out a cry of lust as she came hard, convulsing and shaking around him, sending him over the edge as well. With a howl, he came, unloading his seed into her shaking body, only adding to her pleasure as she felt him climax.

Kamali embraced MesAnpu after they flopped down onto the bed, both of them needing the rest. She enjoyed how exhausted but happy he always was after their lovemaking.
“I love you.” He whispered.
“And I love you my husband.” She replied.

The next day, the small fleet passed by the capital and yet another day later, they already arrived at their destination. The last few miles had been difficult, the captain navigated them into a narrow side-arm of the Nile, avoiding sandbanks and shallow waters until they finally arrived at a tiny harbor. Actually, it had been a larger structure, built to maintain the working camp while they drained the Tingis basin. Now, only two piers were left operational. So, the ships had to dock and unload one by one but of course, the one with Kamali, MesAnpu and the second with her family were among the firsts. The group formed an improvised procession as they turned away from the side-arm of the river towards some only slightly higher ground. Birds sang and frogs quacked as they walked.

“I'm so excited.” Kamali winked at her husband. Again, she had dressed in a fashion that her people would be comfortable with and she knew that the eyes of her parents were still resting on their backs. Her brothers and sisters had very soon gotten used to her relationship, they were more curious about their new brother-in-law than they were afraid of that warrior from a foreign land, but the older members of her family, including her parents were confused, surprised, some even shocked. She knew that her parents, deep down, were happy that she had found love and a gentle husband, but still they couldn't fully shake off their reservation and the grief over the lost war-and the daughter they had thought they lost forever until recently. It would take time.

The reef blocked the view for the group until the small path made a sharp turn and the village came into sight. Small, round clay huts, arranged in a wide circle, surrounded by trees already carrying various fruits. It was like a copy of their village down in the south, just a bit bigger, more spacious and of course, new and clean. As they approached, the lizards already occupying the village sat down their pots and baskets, shouting out for their fellow formerly-enslaved tribespeople that came running towards the caravan, surrounding all those who had been willing to trade their old home for this new one. Kamali fell into the arms of Andane, a girl she had played with as a child, then she was tapped on the shoulder by Jonokam, a strong, sturdy male she had thought to have lost to the mines. Chatting, hugging and tears of joy were everywhere and MesAnpu smiled as he observed the scene. He had never before seen Kamali as happy as this and he was grateful that he had been able to make this possible. This was her family, her people after all. As he was thinking this, Kamali turned to him, her hair flying and she smiled at him, freeing herself from a friend’s hug, she rushed over to him, falling into his arms and kissing him with passion: “Thank you, thank you so much.”
“Anything for you, my beloved wife.”
She had tears in her eyes: “You saved all of them and now, I can go and visit my family whenever I want. This is the greatest gift I could have asked for.”
“Don't you want to celebrate with them?” MesAnpu said as his gaze wandered over the group of lizard people.
Kamali smiled: “Maybe later, right now, I want to be with my husband I love so much.”
Kamali remained in a loving embrace with MesAnpu as they watched the joyous scene before them. Whatever the future may hold for them, she would gladly face it with her beloved husband at her side.

The End

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