zezzon created by spelunker sal
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Everyone, welcome my new guy, Zezzon!

He's a burly blacksmith, a bit of a grump, and very much enjoys hitting things with his hammer.

I wouldn't be too quick to call him small either... ;3c

Character Design- Jinta87
Character Artwork: SpelunkerSal
This was done in one of Sal's 5 hour slave streams after various brainstorming sessions.

Sal's a wonderful guy to work with, and he did a fantastic job bringing Zezzon to life for me. Thanks Sal!



Name: Zezzon
Race: Kobold
Age: 40
WT: 90lbs
HT: 3ft1in
Orientation: Bisexual

Naughty Bits:
Length: 8" 1/2
Girth: 6" around
Production: Virile

Personality: Zezzon is your average Kobold in that he loves crafting things. During a bad accident in his younger days, his right arm was lopped off, and he worked diligently to build up a replacement for it. Zezzon is a great crafter of jewelry, metal works, and steampunk mechanics. He's typically gruff, difficult to approach, moody, but when talking about the "Craft" he lights up like a bulb.

Zezzon is never without his hammer, and is often donning his blacksmith apron. His body sports various scars from the Forge life, and he's not afraid to show them either. While only standing at 3 foot and 1 inch, Zezzon is bulky and not to be taken lightly.

He's a bit of a womanizer and enjoys his sexual conquests as just that: Conquests.
He's never considered settling down and shuts down the topic as it starts. However, he has a huge soft spot... But that's for you to find out about!

  • Comments
  • Huh, I've always imagined kobalds as little, kinda adorable, dog-like creatures. Not, well, big, muscular, dragons...

    Still pretty hot, though!

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  • Quasi said:
    Huh, I've always imagined kobalds as little, kinda adorable, dog-like creatures. Not, well, big, muscular, dragons...

    Still pretty hot, though!

    3 ft isnt little?

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