juno (beastars) created by fulconarts
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Us wolves should stay together... right, Legoshi-kun? ❤️

It had been another long day at Cherryton Academy... For the past couple of weeks, everyone had been sitting exams back-to-back till the day finshed ~ Oh, when would it end?! Summer break was only around the corner now and it was evident that students were becoming ever-restless, longing to spend their summer holidays at anywhere but school! Legoshi hadn't got it too bad, actually - him and his friends had already sat most of their exams already and were now waiting on their last mathematics and biology tests. Days seemed to stretch out forever when waiting for the next exam, with nothing to do but to sit by the fountain and gaze as pupils queued up outside the gymnasium, all ready to shuffle hurriedly into the hall to sit their exams upon the exam officer's command. All Legoshi could do was wait and watch as the sun set into the late evenings...

"Legoshi-kun!", rang a familiar voice in the distance.

"Legoshi!" - again, this time closer than before.

Legoshi turned to meet his eyes with a certain amiable gray wolf, Juno.

"..." - Legoshi uttered not a word, now blankly staring into Juno's eyes.

"Ohh, Legoshi-Kun! I've been looking for you all day! What are you doing here by the fountain? - You know us wolves should stay together as a pack, right?", giggled Juno. "Listen, I've got something secret to show you, but not just yet!". She span to reveal her arm from behind her dress and handed Legoshi an envelope, sealed with a pink decorative ribbon. "I'm sure you wouldn't mind meeting me behind the tennis courts after school, eh, Legoshi-kun?". Juno interrupted before Legoshi had a chance to respond: "Say... I think 8pm will be juuust fine! I can't wait to see you there! I promise it'll be worth it ❤️." And with that, she left as quickly as she came.

"The tennis courts, huh? ..." muttered Legoshi to himself, flicking the envelope in his hands. "Just what could that wolf be up to...?"


So, here's a fan art of the lovely Juno from BEASTARS! This artwork took a bit longer to make than my other pieces largely because I've been working on several projects at the same time lately, so thanks for holding on. (Please note that commissions still take priority over my personal and fan art). I tried to put my absolute all into this piece and worked over the details for days! I really hope it was worth it ❤️. I absolutely cannot wait till season 2 of BEASTARS drops in 2021 and I've got a feeling that Juno is about to become a big character coming up. I've got a lot of unanswered questions as to why she acts in the strange and alluring way that she does!

I've got plans to be doing lots more fanart this/next year, and I've got plenty more pieces already in the works including one contaning a certain blue vixen! Stay tuned for that! Thanks to everyone for supporting my furry antics! ❤️

Juno is the intellectual property of Paru Itagaki (Series Creator).
Do not re-upload this artwork anywhere else.


Juno © Paru Itagaki (Series Creator)
Artwork © FulconArts FulconArts


My Commissions are Open!
If you have any enquiries at all, feel free to pop me a note! Thank you.
Please note that I will be increasing my prices at the start of 2021. My prices will remain cheaper and fixed until then.

If you'd like your character(s) illustrated, my Commissions start from just $30!

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