adrian kruger, amanda kruger, and garrett cooper (mythology) created by trias
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Garrett is friends with Gene, and of course Gene's daughter Amanda took a liking to the big sexy dragon. Over the course of a few weeks, they grew closer, became friends. The two would get high together and watch movies and generally enjoy each others' company. But one day, the two smoked just a little too much pot, and they decided to have some fun in bed. They went at it like there was no tomorrow, Garrett being an experienced bedder of ladies, was accustomed to the famed 'pull out' method, so he had no worries about rawdogging the ladies and giving them the time of their life without risking pregnancy. Unfortunately the buzz impaired both of their better judgement, and Amanda neglected to use any birth control, and the passionate sloppy sex captivated Garrett so much that he completely forgot to pull out. The two of them passed out in each others' arms and a great, comfy sleep.

A few weeks later, Garrett is at home when he gets a text from Gene. Amanda was pregnant. Garrett had flashes of his life as he knew it crumbling down over a simple mistake, he freaked out, he was too young to be a dad. Gene managed to calm him a little, assuring his friend that it was okay, and that the baby would be taken care of just fine, that there would be no impact on Garrett's life. The baby would grow up happy and loved in Gene and Amanda's care, and as a member of Gene's constantly growing family. While Garrett still had a bit of existential dread over the fact that he's a father now, he was relieved that his life wasn't over just because he forgot to pull out.

Nine months later, the baby was born, and it was a boy. Amanda named him Adrian. Amanda would sometimes text pics of Adrian to Garrett to tease the poor guy, but she was just being playful with him. Garrett didn't visit Gene's house for over a year because of how freaked out he was. But eventually Garrett chilled out and agreed to have some limited contact with his child. Gene was Adrian's father figure for his upbringing, and they eventually told Adrian about Garrett being his dad, but maintaining that Gene was "daddy" and Amanda was "mommy." This went well, and any time Garrett would visit the house, either to hang out with Gene, have some (safe) "fun" with Amanda, or both, Adrian would call him Uncle Garrett, and the two were as close as nephew and uncle, positive, close, but not nearly as close as a father-son relationship. Adrian merely looked up to Garrett, for his real father, regardless of genetics, was Gene. It all worked out just fine, a beautiful painting, a happy little accident.

  • Comments
  • I don’t get why Garret can’t just be the dad, the family liked him enough, he’s still able to bang the mom and Gene is just with taking all the responsibility?

    Sorry for being anal about this story but kinda questionable. Still Hot tho

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  • NeutonPhox said:
    I don’t get why Garret can’t just be the dad, the family liked him enough, he’s still able to bang the mom and Gene is just with taking all the responsibility?

    Sorry for being anal about this story but kinda questionable. Still Hot tho

    Maybe if he was more anal, this situation wouldn't have occured.

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  • NeutonPhox said:
    I don’t get why Garret can’t just be the dad, the family liked him enough, he’s still able to bang the mom and Gene is just with taking all the responsibility?

    Sorry for being anal about this story but kinda questionable. Still Hot tho

    Gene has a really big family and loves raising his kids and grand kids as a single dad. Garrett ain't about that dad life.

    Here's a family tree I put together for Gene. He has over 30 drawn kids/grand kids on it, and more coming.

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