emerald jewel and fan character (my little pony and etc) created by ficficponyfic

Emerald decides to go and study at the library. He calls for some of the easier goat magic books again and starts reading.

>Emerald learns more about Goat Magic!

After a few hours his stomach starts to rumble. He completely forgot to eat breakfast!

Oh well, he was thinking about going for a walk anyway. Storing the book in his bag he makes his way out the door and over to the fountain district. Once there a delicious smell of grilled vegetables meets his nose, and he comes across someone selling kebabs, which he buys one of, and then a second once he finds out how delicious they are.

While he eats he looks at a nearby directory of the city. It's very basic but it appears that the city is broken up into five parts. A North, South, East, and West district, as well as a district in the center called the Castle District. There is a short blurb on the map about each district. It seems the north district is known for it's harbor, the west for it's trading, the east for it's shopping, and the south for it's industry. In addition, the castle seems to be known for it's governmental facilities. Emerald is thinking about walking among one of them, but then sees a crowd of people gathering around... Something. There is far too many to see anything, but he hears arguing, and one of them is almost certainly a pony his age.

M-maybe he should keep his distance though. He doesn't like the idea of being in a big group of people and possibly getting discovered.

What does Emerald do?

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