created by visorelle
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Artist's description:
Corinne's dad, who felt inadequate around his Changed wife, took the Change and turned into a woman, albeit with a dick. She's pretty weirded out by it all, but she thinks she'll end up okay with it in the end.

Derek is from this story:

"With Grace" by Visorelle

[Warning - Contains: TF(man->futa cat anthro), BE, multibreast, implied age regression]

“Are you really sure about this? You do realize this will probably turn you into a woman, right?” the scientist prodded. Her name is Emily; she’s leader of Project Glimmer, and made entirely of an alien crystal suspended in a humanoid-shaped body of water.

The middle-aged man sitting across the table from her didn’t lift his glance to meet hers. “I…” he thought about his words carefully, then looked up to stare pleadingly at Emily. “I know. But what choice do I have? I-if I don’t do something, my marriage is going to crumble…”

Emily leaned back in her chair. “Do you really think Diana would let that happen? I thought she was all about family. I mean, hell, she joined The Changed just to convince your daughter that she didn’t hate her.”

Derek sighed. “But that’s exactly the problem… She’s just… got so much energy now. At first, it was great! I haven’t seen her that vibrant and youthful in years. But… it only took a few days before, well, I couldn’t keep up anymore…” he admitted. He hung his head, blushing. “She says that she understands, but I see how disappointed she gets…”

“You know, if that’s the problem, I’m sure you could see an actual medical doctor about some little blue pills…” Emily suggested.

He looked up at her again and shook his head. “I-I know that. But it’s more than just the sex. Living with Diana and Corinne… I’m… starting to feel… wrong. Like, they’re both unique and interesting, and I’m just a lumpy dude… I don’t fit. So… that’s why I’m here. I… I want to volunteer for The Change.”

“And does Diana also know that this will probably turn her husband into her wife? She didn’t seem like the bisexual type.” Emily shrugged. “But maybe I’m wrong, I dunno.”

“W-well, she’s not, but… When I told her what I was considering, she encouraged me to do it. Or at least, to do whatever I felt was right. Presumably, she’d be fine with whatever I became, so long as I was happy with it.”

“But what about you?” Emily asked, gestured her gloved hand at him. “Would you be okay with that? We’ve been working on tweaking The Change to work with males too, but results have been inconclusive. In all likelihood, this will turn you into a woman. Are you really, truly, okay with that?”

“I… I mean, if I could avoid it, I would, but… how bad could it be?” Derek asked. “B-being a woman would be fine, right?”

“That’s what I’m asking you, Derek,” Emily insisted.

He fidgeted in his seat. After a few moments, he asked, “And there’s no one way you can make it work and keep me a guy?”

Emily raised her shoulders. “Sam and I can see what we can do, but no promises. The only other guy we used this stuff on turned completely into a woman like the other Changed – several breasts, a vagina, hyper-fertile womb – all of it. She’s fine with it now, and she didn’t mind when I warned her. But if you’re particularly attached to your masculinity, you should probably reconsider.”

Derek put a hand to his chin and thought for a long while, about what being a woman could be like, about how he and Diana would get along if that happened, about what it would feel like to have one of her long, thick tentacles… inside him… Derek shook the thought away and sighed. “I… I want to do this.”

Emily looked at him for a moment, then nodded. “Okay. What animal are you after?”

“Cat,” he said simply.

The scientist chuckled. “Funny, Corinne and Diana both rejected that one for being too normal.”

“Th-that’s kinda the point… If I’m going to have to learn how to be a woman, I also don’t need to have the added challenge of being something extremely compromising…” Derek reasoned.

“Alright, fair enough. If you want to head back out into the lobby, Sam and I will call for you once we’ve finished preparing The Change.”


Sometime later, Derek was guided into a large room with a white-tiled floor and walls, and a simple medical bench for him to sit on. The only other feature of the room was a large pane of blacked out glass on one wall of the room. Presumably, Emily and Sam were on the other side, waiting for The Change to begin.

He gripped his arm where the shot had gone in, but the ache was already starting to fade. Instead, a pleasant, but also somewhat alien, feeling of warmth spread over his body. He smoothed out his hospital gown that they had changed him into, trying to distract himself, but the feeling was only getting stronger. He fidgeted in place on the bench as the warmth seemed to focus lower and lower and a bulge began to form under the gown, between his legs. His arousal was rising, and with it, his penis was growing quite erect. He was blushing furiously, not only from with the heat within him, but also from the realization that the scientists on the other side of the glass could likely see what was happening.

He sighed, and decided to ignore the people watching, since he couldn’t see them either. This was likely the last time he’d get to see or stroke his dick ever again, if it was bound to leave him during this, so he rolled his gown back and gripped his rock-solid member. It had grown redder than it was normally, and it was extremely sensitive. “Aah-” he moaned as he touched it. The anticipation of The Change was beginning to get to him. Would he feel it shrink into him? What would that feel like?

The next thing he noticed was quite strange, then, to him. Rather than shrink, his cock seemed to be swelling. “Wha…?” he muttered as he loosened his grip to take a look. The redness had completely overtaken his penis, which now was growing thicker and slowly longer. Meanwhile, the head was growing narrower, and his shaft grew lumpy. The small lumps developed into small spines as his rubbed them, causing him to gasp.

“It’s… Th-that’s a cat dick! A… really big cat dick…” Derek muttered. Had they done it? Had Emily and Sam found a way to keep him a guy after all? His feelings were somewhat mixed about that.
His thoughts were broken as a wave of nausea and cramping took over his midsection. He grimaced and gripped his belly, breathing heavily as he could feel his mass shifting. Frustrated that he couldn’t see what was happening, he ripped his gown off and gasped. He had always been a somewhat hefty man, but in seconds, his waistline had shrank. The weight moved upwards and downwards, rounding out his thighs to be shapelier, and his chest began to grow puffy. Pleasant feelings blossomed across his torso, and he couldn’t help but stare at the growing mounds. Breasts. Not man boobs or anything, proper breasts. They were… soft, and shuddered with his heaving breaths. “I-I… have boobs…” he said aloud in disbelief. His glance shifted downward and verified that he did indeed still have his now-bestial dick, even larger and harder than it was moments ago. Before he could process this further, he let out a moan as he arced his back involuntarily. His increasingly thinner and sexier body felt incredibly good, meanwhile, the mass being taken from his waist served to swell his increasingly larger breasts. Additionally, four masses began to swell beneath them, pushing them upward even more. He moaned again, a sound more feminine now than it was moments ago. The feeling of breasts sliding across breasts as they swelled together nearly brought him to orgasm. “G-god help me…” he mumbled as he slid off the bench. As he came to kneel against it as he tried to catch his breath.

“Nngh…” he let out as something tugged at his tailbone. Frantically, he reached an arm behind him and grasped the growing appendage. It seemed to squirm as it stretched longer in his grasp, and he quickly let go, as the feeling of holding his growing tail was just too weird to process. After reaching a length of roughly three feet, it grew increasingly itchy as fluffy fur grew in quickly, starting first at the tip, then rushing across the length of it towards his back. It was white at the tip, but was mostly a dusty gray, with dark gray stripes. As the fur reached the base of his spine, it splashed across his back and wrapped around to his torso. The feeling of fur spreading across his new, sensitive breasts was enough to bring him to the edge of orgasm again. The floor beneath him was slick with precum.

The fur spread downward next, racing across his legs, and he quickly grimaced as he felt his bones shifting around in calves and feet. Cat paws. The fur raced down his arms similarly, but as they reached his hands, thankfully, not much changed. His fingers grew somewhat stubbier, but still usable, and his palms grew pink pads. Then, the fur reached his face and he cried out. His voice was even higher now, but he was in too much discomfort to notice. Emily had warned him this was always the worst part. He panted and gripped his face as his mouth and nose pushed against his paws into a muzzle. His teeth grew sharp, and his nose turned black, small, and leathery. Suddenly, he winced as something sprouted from his face. Whiskers. Derek shuddered as his ears grew longer, rounder, and migrated to the top of his head. As he felt them, he noticed that his hair had, at some point, grown longer and fluffier, now resting at his shoulders.

Still breathing heavily, he leaned against the side of the bench, trying to calm his heart. But he was just too damn horny. Glancing downward, he saw nothing but his breasts, so after twisting himself somewhat, he could glance at his throbbing, spiny dick. It was a foot long, at least. Even his balls were larger now too, and coated in plush, white fur. He couldn’t resist any longer. He reached down and fondled his cat dick, rubbing his thumb against the highly sensitive spines on it. With a decidedly girly moan, he finally came, spewing more cum than he ever had before. In addition to the ropes of white fluid that came from his dick though, he felt a strange, new gushing feeling release out of him from beneath where his balls hung. After panting momentarily, he reached a shaky hand down there and yelped as his brushed against a thin opening. A few more prods confirmed what he assumed – just below his balls was a vagina. How had he missed that growing in?

He leaned against the bench once more, trying to catch his breath. Glancing downward, he looked himself over. His orgasm – orgasms? – had left him soaked. The fur on his legs, balls, and hands were matted with cum. But he couldn’t bring himself to care. In truth, he felt great. He was fit, and he felt stronger than ever. Sure, he also had six tits and a nice, round ass, but… what was so bad about that?

He was distracted from his musings as the door slide open. A green, plantlike woman stood in the door, smirking. “Looks like someone had fun.”

Derek blushed, but it wasn’t too noticeable under his fur. “It was… intense,” he admitted. With a small gasp he brought a hand up to his throat. “M-my voice…” It was much higher and feminine than before. He sounded, frankly, like a girl.

Sam nodded. “Are you really that surprised?”

He glanced down at himself. “I- I guess not.”

The leafy scientist took a few steps into the room and held out her hand. “Come on. We need to get you cleaned up, and then we need to run a series of very invasive tests in places you didn’t even know you had! It’ll be fun!”

Derek looked blankly at her.

“Okay, it won’t be fun,” she admitted. “But it’s necessary. The more we know about you, the more we can help you learn about the new you!”

Finally, he took her hand and slowly lifted himself to his feet. He took a sharp breath as his breasts jostled against each other. “W-will… they, you know, always feel like this?”

“Mm, sort of. You kinda get used to it after a while. Though it may take longer for you to adjust, considering…” Sam suggested, trailing off as she lead him out of the room.

He nodded sheepishly. “R-right…”


Several hours later, he was all cleaned up, and sitting on a bench in a strange clothing boutique of sorts that was inside the research facility. There was no one around at the moment, so he was left with just his thoughts. He ran a hand across the fur on his arm and marveled at how soft and fluffy his fur was, especially after having that shower. His tail flicked idly back and forth behind him. If he thought about it, he found that he could control it, but generally, it just moved with his mood.

Glancing across the room, there was a full body mirror, presumably so folks can try on clothes. He pulled himself up from the bench and walked over to it. Looking at himself was a strange experience. It was him, he knew it was him, but it still felt alien. There was one thing that was fairly apparent though – he definitely didn’t look like a ‘he’. Sure, he still had a dick, even if it was hidden inside a strange sheath thing, or whatever, but… He sighed. “Who am I kidding?” Even his voiced betrayed his new femininity. And he couldn’t deny it – looking at himself in the mirror – he was sexy. His breasts were large and perfectly shaped. His face was cute, even with all the cat stuff going on.

As he stared at himself in the mirror, a short woman with auburn hair wearing a trim purple dress stepped out of some backroom, looking at a clipboard. “Alright, looking at my schedule, I presume the person standing in my studio would be… Derek?” She asked then looked up from her notes and donned a confused expression. “Um. Are you Derek…?” she asked tentatively.

“Y-yeah…” he admitted sheepishly. “Doesn’t look like it much anymore though…”

“Ah.” The tailor looked him up and down then nodded. “Okay. So what are we thinking?”

“L-look, I just need something to throw on so I can get home. My wife can help me with the rest. So, I guess, a shirt, and I guess, what, a skirt?” He looked down and gripped his top right breast. “Guess I’ll need some bras for these, too, huh…”

The tailor blinked, then nodded. “Yeah, you would. I know it’s probably embarrassing, but they’ll hurt your back if you leave them unsupported. As far as the skirt goes, that’ll definitely be the easiest option, but if you wanted something less feminine, I can definitely throw together some pants for you, even considering the tail, those legs, and that… er, package you’ve got there.”
Derek shook his head and looked in the mirror. “Nah. I mean, look at me. Hell, listen to me. I’m not a guy anymore, cock or not.”

“Well… None of that matters, you know that? All that matters is what you feel like. Tell me what you feel, and I’ll help you,” the tailor offers.

“Th-that’s just the thing. You know, there are people out there born as the wrong sex, and they know that, they can feel that. So I thought, that even if The Change turned me into a woman, I’d still feel like a man, ‘cause that’s what I was. But…” He trailed off as he placed a hand on the mirror. “I really don’t feel like a guy anymore. Though… honestly… I’m not sure what that even means.”

The tailor mulls this over and nods. “Did you want me to make that skirt then?”

Derek looks over her shoulder and smiles. “I think I’d like that.”

“Alright,” the tailor says, then wanders towards a cabinet against the wall and selects a number of supplies to begin measurements. “In that case, what should I call you then?”

The cat girl waved it off. “Just keep calling me Derek. I’ll… think of something eventually, but… I think I’ve changed enough for one day.”


And there's Derek's TF. I had the picture done for a while, just need to find motivation to do the story.

On that note, I'm sorry that Party Under the Lunar Solstice is taking so long. The job I work is quite stressful right now with all the pandemic stuff going, and it's put me in some kind of mood, and my art drive is completely shot. I'm trying to power through it, but I all I want to do is play Animal Crossing in bed whenever I have freetime...

Derek's designation picture:

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