nintendo and etc created by fuf
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Little did others know what she had to deal with..
Commission for the commissioner
Art by Fuf

  • Comments
  • rodrigulino said:
    Well... Absol is eating a sweet thing while rattata is drinking salty things. Peculiar.

    I think its like: On a warm summer day, Absol is enjoying some nice blueberry pie... while at the pokebrothel *cum noises, grunts, groans*.

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  • Oh, okay, I get it now. Absol/Weavile were like 'Okay you take the day shifts on we'll take the nights' while plotting individually to not go and leave the other girl to take the nights, so neither one shows and Rattata is forced into 24/7 sexings.


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  • lurkingfox said:
    Given the previous panels, looks like Absol (and Weavile) are playing hooky while Rattata is stuck filling in.

    Or stuck... getting filled in!

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