orion schilt and renee gildings created by lonbluewolf
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Character Bonds: Orion/ Renee: Like Cats and Dogs

They say forgiving someone is one of the strongest things you can do as it shows the strength to move on and put the past behind you. Likewise, if you have wronged someone, giving a genuine heartfelt apology can be hard but it’s the first step on the road of recovery and bettering one’s self. HOWEVER, like with most things: there is a time and a place for certain situations. What you’re seeing here: IS NOT ONE OF THOSE TIMES!!!

Renee: So that’s what happened. I’m so sorry I treated you like that, I was wrong to do that. Do you forgive me sweetie?
Orion: y-yeah
Renee: Are you sure honey? You’re not looking at me.
Orion: uhhh..y-yeah Ms. Gildings…I’m s-sure…
Renee: oh thank you sweetheart *giggle*. Also, I’m not your librarian anymore, you can call me Renee. We’re both adults here.
Orion: *nervous chuckle* *Thinking: why couldn’t we do this over coffee or something? *

Well…it seems things aren’t going as smoothly as they could be; but there is a good reason for that. Its time once again for a character bond pic, this time featuring the tiny chihuahua Renee and the black panther Orion.

How they met: During the first 2 years of his high school career, Orion attended the same high school that Renee worked at. Over the first year, Orion and Renee interacted due to the former’s constant visits to check out books for his assignments. Their initial interactions were always positive, with them always greeting each other whenever they crossed paths, be it in the halls or in the library. However, it was towards the mid-point of the 2nd year that their relationship soured and the two grew distant due to Renee’s shift in attitude. It was because of this that Orion began to avoid Renee due to her aggressive demeanor, eventually leaving on bad terms with her due to his parents moving away and the two no longer being in contact. It was years later that the two would meet again, with Renee being Madeline’s assistant and Orion returning from running several errands for Delilah. Upon crossing paths, Renee quickly recognized Orion and wanted to make amends for how she treated him before he left. Explaining the entire situation and her feelings at that time, Renee apologized to Orion for her behavior. Unfortunately, due to Renee’s attire at the time, Orion was more than a little conflicted in regards to how to feel, but accepted her apology none the less. Now on better terms, Orion and Renee moved on and continued on with their positive interactions anytime they came into contact.

Renee’s Side: Renee cares a great deal about Orion both as part of her old occupation and genuinely beyond that. Due to how unproblematic and quite Orion was, Renee always expressed subtle joy when he visited her library; and because of this she was decidedly more lenient with him when it came to overdue books or return times, something Orion never tried to take advantage of. However, as time progressed, Renee began to casually converse with Orion due to the frequency in which she crossed paths with him. This established a steady friendship between Renee and Orion, which quickly led to the former performing more kind and generous acts, such as bringing the panther small treats and rewards or special gifts during holidays and varied occasions. In addition, Renee would frequently console and comfort Orion during the times in which he seemed upset, further highlighting her care for him. However, following the reaching of her “boiling point”, Renee treated Orion to the same vitriol and animosity that she treated others too; believing that he too was taking advantage of her good nature, despite him not once displaying that trait. This created the rift that separated Renee and Orion, with the former realizing her mistake after returning to her senses. From this realization, Renee expressed deep regret that she treated Orion in such a manner despite him being one of the few people she could undoubtedly trust before her shift in demeanor; in addition, she felt worse due to not being able to apologize appropriately before he moved. Following Renee’s reunion with Orion, although she expressed remorse, she felt happy that she would get a chance to apologize for her past actions. After explaining herself and receiving Orion’s forgiveness, Renee grew even closer to him. As Renee is on much better terms with Orion, she hopes to continue where she left off with him; however, as Orion is no longer a child and is no longer a student, Renee has found herself developing feelings for the young man. These feelings are sometimes displayed in subtle ways such as Renee mentioning how “handsome” Orion has gotten or by addressing him in and affectionate manner by using words such as “honey”. However, Renee has sometimes been more forward in her advances such as cuddling Orion in her burlesque attire, knowing just how much of her body is exposed, and inviting him to her home for an evening together. From these indications, it is safe to assume that if given the chance to be more intimate with Orion, Renee would more than likely try to capitalize on the opportunity. However, as it stands currently, Renee is glad to have and continue the relationship with Orion, thankful to have met him those years ago.

Orion’s Side: Orion undoubtedly cares for Renee just as she does him and he makes sure to express that care in any way he can. Orion is extremely polite and considerate of Renee and is very cautious not to do anything that would annoy or cause trouble for her. Initially, Orion was cautious of Renee due to the authority she held and his shyness regarding authority figures. This however, did not deter Orion from talking to Renee, and over time it caused him to relax and feel more comfortable around her the more he conversed with her. It was because of this that Orion would sometimes just chat with Renee casually, further adding to the level of comfort he felt with her. This continued feeling of ease, caused Orion to expand upon his friendliness with Renee by offering what help he could whenever she was working or even doing small acts of kindness such as brining her small drinks or offering her whatever snacks he had on him at the time. Overtime, Orion began to view Renee as a friend despite the age difference between her and him. However, following Renee’s perpetual anger, Orion felt legitimately hurt by how she treated him due to his positive feelings towards her; and though he tried to see what was wrong, his attempts were met with hostility and anger. It progressed to the point that Orion felt betrayed and as time progressed, he steadily began distancing himself from Renee as not to feel the ire she was displaying, gradually losing his desire to help her in any way or be in her presence. After leaving his old high school, Orion felt a sense of relief at not having to associate with Renee due to her behavior, but he still felt a pain in his heart due to the memories he built with her prior to the falling out. After meeting Renee again years later, Orion initially felt the same apprehension he felt during the final moments of his time associating with her, unsure of whether or not she had changed. However, after Renee stated that she knew him and wanted to talk to him, he felt somewhat better due to her none confrontational tone. After hearing Renee’s story and the events that led to her anger, Orion could undoubtedly understand her position and was able to forgive Renee upon hearing how heartfelt and genuine her apology was, thus mending the old wounds he felt back then. Unfortunately, due to Renee’s attire, Orion found it difficult to look at her, let alone communicate unhampered. The main reason for this was due to Orion seeing an adult from his past whom he greatly cared for, nonchalantly wearing revealing attire. Regardless, Orion is happy that Renee feels significantly better and that he received another close friend from his past.

Given how much love Renee can give (https://www.furaffinity.net/view/33822198/ ), i'd say Orion is in for something soon!
Well, it seems that Orion had more prior connections in his past, although I wonder how many more this young man might have. I guess we will have to wait and see XD. This was an awesome little piece done by the ever awesome lonbluewolf featuring the captivating chihuahua Renee as she talks (and subtly flirts) with Orion, who isn’t too thrilled about her ensemble. I hope you enjoyed this new little character bond pic, and be on the lookout for more in the future!!

*TRIVIA: Renee was originally going to be a teacher and former colleague of Pepper from a middle school the mouse taught at.

  • Comments
  • "Ex Three What's this? Owo Notices your bulge, Holds up magnifying glass let's have a little look-see"
    "I was just staying at home to play the new call of duty. This is so not cash money!"

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  • alagarazu said:
    "Ex Three What's this? Owo Notices your bulge, Holds up magnifying glass let's have a little look-see"
    "I was just staying at home to play the new call of duty. This is so not cash money!"


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  • Looks like his friends paid for a brothel girl for him without him knowing to take his virginity, he's not pleased/embarrassed and she finds the situation hilarious and cute. This may sound a bit far fetched but I've read a couple of stories where this exact scenario happens.

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