foxhole: persistant online warfare and etc created by ganii
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  • why would this be the superior version? it has a higher resolution sure, but it's also missing the context...

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  • hdplayer said:
    why would this be the superior version? it has a higher resolution sure, but it's also missing the context...

    I think this version should be kept regardless because it doesn't have the massive compression artifacts of the parent post

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  • bruh117 said:
    This is fucking hilarious

    idfk12543 said:
    I am unironically dying of the thought that this dude thought he was getting some foxpussy but instead had to face the horrors of ww2 💀💀💀💀

    zero3d said:
    “Where is the fox’s hole, Machine” -Gabriel, Guardian of Hell

    dirtyratmatt said:
    "If you stare into the foxhole long enough, the foxhole stares back at you."

    - Friedrich Nietzsche, probably.

    Here's an overview of the most popular and / or funniest posts from the other one, in case the original post gets deleted.

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