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This is my second animation ever, so please go easy on it, I know its not perfect.

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  • So........ how is any of that rape or forced.....? She seemed pretty willing to me. I mean, heck, she slid down hereles... (Unless I saw that all wrong)

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  • Sei said:
    So........ how is any of that rape or forced.....? She seemed pretty willing to me. I mean, heck, she slid down hereles... (Unless I saw that all wrong)

    That is a good point :)

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  • PenisFire said:
    For once, I'd like to see a FEMALE panther rape a GUY... never thought I'd ever say that.

    I have thought of this, But I don't have any male models as of yet :/

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  • PenisFire said:
    For once, I'd like to see a FEMALE panther rape a GUY... never thought I'd ever say that.

    Totally agreed

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  • karlington said:
    as the panther thrusts forward i imagine his head going towards the wall as "bonk bonk bonk bonk bonk"

    Yeah, might want to move the bed away from the wall. That way it'll look more natural for the panther to move his head out instead of curving so it points down. More resolution is a good point too.

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  • I dunno what to say. I've stop trying out 3D animation such a long time ago, and was never really good at it anyway, so I can't really give you any pointers, but I'll try something.

    The setting doesn't need to be more than what it is. I think it seems adequate and simple.

    The lightning seems adequate as well, simple, but adequate. I'm gonna guess you already know about ambient, natural and artificial lights. The mix of different lights sources at different intensities, positions and settings can procure a better feel to the scene. Of course, but I'm sure you know about that already, this means more ressources when it comes to rendering.

    The models themselves are believable, I think. (I wasn't good at modeling either. XD) And the rigging seems very functionnal. (Which I wasn't good at, as well! XD)

    The texturing is kept simple with a bit of enhancment for lightning and a more natural feel, which is perfect when you don't wanna have yet, again, a long rendering process. Too much polish ain't necessarly a good thing, in my opinion.

    As for the animation itself, that's where I think you are working the most to make something out of it. It doesn't really seem choppy to me and rather fluid. The way the characters move does seem believable to me as well, with a few minor imperfections, of course, trying to make it as realistic as possible is one heck of a job and demands a lot of work, but nonetheless, I find it believable and decent.

    There you go. I couldn't really give more in-depths suggestions, since I dunno how the 3D process works anymore, other than what I remember, but I hope, maybe, I might have helped you get a better idea about where you stand and you could need to focus more on, if you haven't already... which I doubt you haven't. XD

    Then again, don't really take MY words for it. Maybe you could ask some other 3D artists about what you make, if you haven't already. They will be able to answerr ya better then I did. XD That is... if they are willing to.

    Anyways, keep up your good work, dude! I think the thing you want to work the most on, and what I think you probably have been trying to get the most out of, is the actual animation itself. Other than that... depending on what you want to produce later on, seems pretty fine to me.

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  • I'd think you should work on making the thrusting one's hips move more as opposed to the thrust moving bot hcharacters at the same time and giving the impression there is no movement in or out of her, however it is otherwise pretty nice.

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  • Arekushisu11 said:
    Anyways, keep up your good work, dude! I think the thing you want to work the most on, and what I think you probably have been trying to get the most out of, is the actual animation itself. Other than that... depending on what you want to produce later on, seems pretty fine to me.

    Thanks! Yeah my animation does need some work, and I'll work on my lighting. I guess I have no choice but to make more animation's and see if I can get any better. :)

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  • Daneasaur said:
    I'd think you should work on making the thrusting one's hips move more as opposed to the thrust moving bot hcharacters at the same time and giving the impression there is no movement in or out of her, however it is otherwise pretty nice.

    Not a bad idea, I'll see if I cant make it work next time. :)

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  • First off, beautiful animation. Solid lighting, camera movements, and setting. I also love your models and texture style. Those don't need changing.

    What does need work is the movement. The walking movement could use some work, but the only words I have for that are watch animal planet or something. Study how they move.

    When it comes to the sex, the panther is awkward. Make sure that the hips are what is working. H0rs3 has almost nailed this. Watch one of his animations and you'll see what I mean when it comes to hip movement.

    The last thing is how the female moves on the bed. While the motion is a nice touch, she's gliding on the bed way too much. keep in mind friction when animating. The bed sheets would allow for a small amount of movement, but the rest of the force would make her body move to absorb it.

    Like I said before. AWESOME work, and it was just those 3 things. I'm looking forward to seeing more from you!

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  • TDGSeal said:
    First off, beautiful animation. Solid lighting, camera movements, and setting. I also love your models and texture style. Those don't need changing.

    What does need work is the movement. The walking movement could use some work, but the only words I have for that are watch animal planet or something. Study how they move.

    When it comes to the sex, the panther is awkward. Make sure that the hips are what is working. H0rs3 has almost nailed this. Watch one of his animations and you'll see what I mean when it comes to hip movement.

    The last thing is how the female moves on the bed. While the motion is a nice touch, she's gliding on the bed way too much. keep in mind friction when animating. The bed sheets would allow for a small amount of movement, but the rest of the force would make her body move to absorb it.

    Like I said before. AWESOME work, and it was just those 3 things. I'm looking forward to seeing more from you!

    Thanks, I'll try studying how thinks move and work on the movement.

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  • Centaur said:
    It's pretty good, but I wish there was more camera angles, and maybe more content...

    Yeah I have to work on that, though my main problem is getting a swf out of all this that will load on E621

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  • I really like this. As somebody who has no idea how this kind of animation is done, and just taking a look at, well, the look:
    - Setting is good. Doesnt need more.
    - Action is good.
    - BUT: Show more of the good action! Higher resolution and more camera angles would be great!
    - Perhaps a bit more detail on the characters; if you will show them in a closer camera angle, they need more detail, of course.

    Overall, and especially for a first attempt, i find this really nice. Would you mind to keep improving this as you get better? We need more Panther bestiality here ^^

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  • LordSirington said:
    I really like this. As somebody who has no idea how this kind of animation is done, and just taking a look at, well, the look:
    - Setting is good. Doesnt need more.
    - Action is good.
    - BUT: Show more of the good action! Higher resolution and more camera angles would be great!
    - Perhaps a bit more detail on the characters; if you will show them in a closer camera angle, they need more detail, of course.

    Overall, and especially for a first attempt, i find this really nice. Would you mind to keep improving this as you get better? We need more Panther bestiality here ^^

    Thanks, my next one will have a chocobo in it though, but I will definitely not forget the Panther.

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