carver (twokinds) created by raidon world18
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After Carver woke up and accidentally ran into the basitin sisters, he realized that he was on the basitin island. Without wasting not a second, he tried to escape from them. But they, like ninja, followed him at every step, until they made a trip with a spear, from which he lost consciousness. He woke up tied to a tree, watching his sisters cook something in the cauldron. He began to think that they wanted to eat him. But suddenly they overturn the cauldron and pour a mysterious liquid onto it. This substance began to change his body, turning him into a female basitin. The satisfied sisters took him with them. Now he began to live with them as a new basitin sister.

  • Comments
  • My one complaint: Assuming its like in Harry Potter, wouldn't they need to use some form of magic to finish the potion?

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  • mrjellyboi said:
    My one complaint: Assuming its like in Harry Potter, wouldn't they need to use some form of magic to finish the potion?

    Mana crystal is one of the ingredients.

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