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All the usual bullies got all nice all of a sudden.
Gave Dakka all their fruit juices for the pup to drink, talking with him and having fun.
Once Dak had to excuse himself to go and pee they grabbed him and chained him to the fence.
Undies got pulled down, the cage got clicked in place, and they waited.
and they waited ;w;

  • Comments
  • CandleJake said:
    I just... DON'T UNDERSTAND chastity. Like, you know that game you love? We're going to take your favorite part of it and LOCK IT UP! You can't do that thing in the game anymore.

    And that's supposed to make it better??

    It's probably more about the domination/humiliation aspect of things as well as delayed satisfaction. So, to go with your metaphor, it'd more be like if someone took away your favorite game until you finished your chores or prove you're disciplined enough to not play it for a while, all while taunting you about it.

    Might not be everyone's cup of tea, but neither is piss unless you're a gangstar.

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  • CandleJake said:
    I just... DON'T UNDERSTAND chastity. Like, you know that game you love? We're going to take your favorite part of it and LOCK IT UP! You can't do that thing in the game anymore.

    And that's supposed to make it better??

    What if the game they love is being locked up and humiliated?

    I don't understand people who feel the need to announce that they don't understand a particular fetish. Look, bud, if human sexuality was easy to comprehend than there would be no need to have in-depths studies about it.

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  • Counter-the-Courier said:
    What if the game they love is being locked up and humiliated?

    I don't understand people who feel the need to announce that they don't understand a particular fetish. Look, bud, if human sexuality was easy to comprehend than there would be no need to have in-depths studies about it.

    So that we can learn more when people like gwmp68 explain it.

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  • CandleJake said:
    I don't understand why people feel the need to announce how much they disagree with someone else, but then you're the one with the upvotes, so I dunno.

    So actively going out to the pics of fetishes you don't like to post about how much you don't like them is okay, but if someone wonders why you would do that, it's bad?

    uuh, you've lost me there, mate.

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  • zatch said:
    So that we can learn more when people like gwmp68 explain it.

    Which would be fine if he wasn't so condescending and rude about it. A better way to ask it would simply be "Could somebody please explain this fetish to me?" but it's clear that he wasn't looking for explanations.

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  • CandleJake said:
    I just... DON'T UNDERSTAND chastity. Like, you know that game you love? We're going to take your favorite part of it and LOCK IT UP! You can't do that thing in the game anymore.

    And that's supposed to make it better??

    I'm guessing you don't know the wonders of prostate stimulation.

    I like chastity because it helps you learn howto focus the pleasure on other parts of your body. And let me tell you - a prostate orgasm feels 100 times more intense than a regular one, in my experience. It's reaaaaally good!

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