penelope (mythology) created by rainbowscreen

dreddjr60 schrieb an askthepoolqueen:
That was an interesting pizza order you made, you ever have a triple shrimp calzone? I'd split with ya :D

  • Comments
  • GODZASSASSIN210 said:
    Which is awfully rare when you think about it.

    I know right? Hey have you seen Feretta's big ass comic, "tale of tails," or slypon's, "Dragon's Burn," they're the two most memorable comics on this sight that I've seen.

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  • insanegodcuthulu said:
    I know right? Hey have you seen Feretta's big ass comic, "tale of tails," or slypon's, "Dragon's Burn," they're the two most memorable comics on this sight that I've seen.

    Jesus, Dragon's Burn is right up there with daylight and running water in my books. Shame slypon has the upload speed of a slug.

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