created by varcolaroux
From source

The product of generations of careful breeding.

ebba had a birthday last week, so I made an anthro of one of her retarded obese cats. This one ain't even obese -- she just got wide hips -- otherwise she'd look EXACTLY LIKE THE REGULAR CATS.

durrsona time for a Valentine

  • Comments
  • ippiki_ookami said:
    Why do I get the feeling that there's a underlying meaning to this?

    the fact that we look for sex so much, we don't even see their face anymore. there is more to art than just tits and pussy. unless you like the other 50-70% of furs who are just here to fap, like me. lol

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  • Pawzy said:
    the fact that we look for sex so much, we don't even see their face anymore. there is more to art than just tits and pussy. unless you like the other 50-70% of furs who are just here to fap, like me. lol

    Never actually fapped to fur porn. I'd feel like I was crossing some forbidden threshold from which there's no going back. As if I would no longer be able to say that I just "dabble" in fur, but actually am one. Sure, some of the art is hot, but so is my wife ;)

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  • if you go to the source you will see that there is really no meaning behind this picture other than as a joke.. xD

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