asherwolf created by asherwolf (artist)
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Story by donedonedone

Under-Dog Story

tags: big feral dog, anthro wolf, bondage, abduction, kidnapping, living fleshlight, excessive cum, gay, male, chastity, denial, science, modular transformation, limbless, portals, rubber, unwilling, eventual acceptance

by donedonedone

inspired by art by asherwolfdoodles

accompanying art:

Day 1:

I remember waking up staring at a white-tile floor. I groggily reached for the straps I felt wrapped around me, only I couldn’t get my arms to work. I couldn’t feel them. When I tried to kick my feet nothing happened either. I willed my limbs to move and received no feedback at all.

I jolted awake, but as my alertness grew so did my awareness of a distracting sensation. I shut my eyes tight. Something huge was holding open my tailhole. I tried to focus on anything else, but every jostle drew my attention back to how unbearably full I felt. All I could do was squirm futilely to try and unhilt myself, but the mixed pleasure and discomfort made coherent thought impossible.

“Ajax, come.”

Suddenly the huge furry thing I was strapped beneath was in motion. I scrunched my eyes, desperate to escape the feeling of something hard churning my guts. It slid a few inches in and out with every step of the four huge paws that surrounded me. Even when the movement stopped all I could do was mumble incoherently through the gag in my mouth.

“RUFF!” The gargantuan dog I swung beneath barked, deep and guttural.

“Good boy, Ajax!” A voice said, pleased. “Now that you have a toy you aren’t such a mean dog, are you?”


“Ajax, stay.”

Powering through the throbbing in my guts, I opened my eyes. I turned to the side, only to be blinded by a camera flash.

“Day 1 of study.” The voice spoke. “Subject 621 appears to be a good fit for MetaCanine D14, codename ‘Ajax’. Where D14 once reacted to commands with hostility, he is now eager to obey. Yet another data point that our ‘super-dogs’ simply require an outlet for their ‘super-libido’ to reach their full potential.

“More testing is required, however. Beginning 30-day training program.”


Day 7:

Every waking moment is filled with Ajax. I sleep with him for company. When I breathe I smell him. The dog I’m stuck beneath has barely acknowledged me with so much as a sniff, but he has used me as his cum dump more times than I can count.

Struggle as I might, nothing I do seems to interfere with the horse-sized canine’s behavior. He hardly seems to notice that I exist, filled and knotted with his never-ending erection. Even clenching doesn’t attract his conscious attention, although it does make him throb harder.

I’m not sure what the scientists did to me to enable me to survive beneath a careless dog for so many days. They clearly thought it through, though. I keep expecting to get sick or need to use the bathroom, but I never do. The gag in my mouth dispenses a regular supply of nutritional slurry directly down my throat from somewhere, and something implanted in my bowels must whisk the refuse away. My existence below Ajax is completely no-maintenance on their part.

Whatever crazy science stuff Ajax’s trainers have access to, they’re using it to keep me alive. That gives me hope that my arms and legs weren’t simply hacked off. I get the feeling my limbs are still around and still reattachable, they’re just stacked in a storage bin somewhere.

At least, I hope so…


Day 12:

Ajax’s libido is entirely independent of his personality as a dog. It doesn’t seem to distract him that his dick is always hard, or that I constantly have to feel it. Occasionally he will cum, but it is always at the most arbitrary times. Sometimes he’ll be running obstacle courses, sometimes he’ll be eating, sometimes he’ll just be lying down and resting. No matter what Ajax is doing, I’ll occasionally experience the telltale throbbing that lets me know he’s about to fill me with a fresh batch of his dog jizz. And then he does.

All I can do is groan through my gag as my stomach bulges with Ajax’s latest load. There must be some kind of outflow portal in my guts for his spunk, but it doesn’t work immediately. I have to feel all of Ajax’s release slosh around inside me for a while before it is suctioned away. I carry his cum around for him as he continues on in his dumb dog behaviors, seemingly oblivious.

I think about Ajax because thinking is all that I can do. I don’t try to free myself anymore. If I get out before Ajax’s 30-day training is up I’m confident it won’t be because I got myself out. I’ve already proven that I can’t escape a thousand times over. It’s hard to imagine getting far as a torso. Thinking about trying to escape just makes the situation worse.

Instead I fantasize about someone finding me, or one of the scientists suddenly growing a conscience and smuggling me out of the lab early. When fantasizing grows boring I reluctantly think about anticipating Ajax’s next orgasm. Even after all this time it is still hard to think about anything but his dick inside me. It’s my constant companion…


Day 19:

I think I’ve forgotten what my own orgasm feels like. I haven’t cum since I was installed beneath Ajax. It’s been so long and I’ve been given so much constant stimulation that I think I would cum instantly if my parts were ever reattached. My dick and balls are portaled away just like my limbs.

Even if I’ve forgotten what it feels like to nut myself, I know exactly what it’s like whenever Ajax does it. I actually think I know his orgasm better than he does, the dumb dog. His happiness is evident in his friendliness to his trainers, but he doesn’t seem to realize his pleasure comes from the constant sexual release I unwillingly provide him.

I’ve been focusing on Ajax’s dog dick to pass the time more and more. I feel like I relate to it more than I relate to any of the scientists or even Ajax himself. I think I’m going insane. That thick, needy shaft of flesh is completely ignored by everyone, including the dog it’s attached to. Just like me.

I don’t really want it, but I have Ajax’s dick all to myself. Just me and it. Unless the scientists have sensors inside me, I assume no one can tell when I’m clenching around it or when I’m leaving it alone. No one would care anyway. I’ve forgotten what it was like to not have Ajax’s maleness inside of me…


Day 23

It’s weirdly easy to just ignore everything Ajax is doing for his trainers and focus on his dick. I’ve even gotten used to the jostling. When Ajax runs, bounding around on four tree-trunk legs, my mind no longer struggles to stay focused. I just shut off and the stirring of his doghood becomes my whole world. Even I forget about me.

It’s a welcome distraction, not thinking. It’s certainly better than the waiting and the hoping and the need to cum…

Ughhh. I just wish I could cum. Maybe if I could cum just once I could think more clearly. I only have to make it a few more days and then Ajax will be trained. Surely then they won’t need me anymore…


Day 28

Ajax loves his trainers so much now. I can tell he loves them because he fills me with so much cum whenever they’re around. They’ll be petting him or telling him what to do or praising him and I’ll be feeling pressurized jets of his dog seed distend my stomach in response.

Filled with cum spilled in his trainers’ honor, it’s hard for me not to appreciate his trainers too. They make Ajax cum so much, and him cumming is the closest thing I get to my own relief. I can practically feel the giant dog’s pleasure myself in every throb and spurt. It would be so nice just to give myself up to it…

But… no, I’m so close to the end. Just two more days. I just have to hold on for two more days…


Day 30

“Good boy, Ajax. Good boy!”


“Ahh! Ajax, stop licking me! Ugh, now I have dog slobber everywhere…”


“It’s ok Ajax. You’re still a good boy. You’ve completed your graduation exam! Do you know what that means?”


“Of course you don’t, dumb dog. It means it’s time for your training wheels to come off. Now, Stay really still, ok? Stay. Good boy.”

Ajax stayed perfectly still like the good boy he is while his trainers wrapped heavy metal shackles around his furry ankles. Next thing I knew, someone was messing with the straps holding me up.

The scientists disconnected me and then, with some effort, popped my hole off of Ajax’s knot. White, freshly spent dog cum splurted out and dripped the floor. For the first time in a month, Ajax’s cock slid into the open.

The air felt cold against my gaping hole. I caught a glimpse of Ajax’s girth—dripping, red, and thick as my neck—and struggled to comprehend that that thing had fit inside me so long. I instinctively clenched and gasped through my gag when my hole twitched around empty air. Ajax’s maleness no longer controlled me. He and I could no longer feel each other.

Apart from Ajax I was just a much-reduced version of my former self. With my arms, legs, and cock removed I was more cylinder than wolf. The paws of the scientists carried me out of the room without much effort. Without limbs I was easy to carry and unable to resist.

I didn’t really want to resist, though. Every touch to my needy body was a blessing that I eagerly responded to. The scientists were going to give me my dick back and then I could cum! I let myself get lost in the touch of the scientists’ paws, overwhelmed that someone with intelligence greater than a dog’s was interacting with me. If I had any means of expressing the pleasure they gave me I would have done so.

They set me down on a steel lab bench. My pleasure strained at my empty crotch, eager to finally escape the confines of my inadequate mind.

I turned my head to see that the room was lined with disembodied limbs. Motionless furred arms and legs of all sizes, presumably from other beasts like me, were piled together carelessly or hung from racks on the walls. They looked alive, and the metal portal devices at their bases indicated they were still connected to their previous owners in some fashion. Some of them had clearly been abandoned so long that they were collecting dust.

Such a sight would once have terrified me, but instead I felt relief. My arms and legs were safe amidst all those others, although that wasn’t my primary concern. I eagerly scanned the racks until I saw what I was after: a shelf of disembodied erect cocks and balls standing at attention like sex toys.

I gasped and squirmed with need. My dusty cock would be amongst those, but I didn’t really care which one they picked as long as they attached it to me. My eyes ran over those cocks as I imagined what it would feel like to cum with each. They were so close and no one was using them for anything. I could practically feel my pleasure yearning to squirt out of any of those neglected balls…


Cool liquid rubber poured over my face and chest. I shut my eyes and sputtered for breath but my nose was clogged. After an agonizing moment I realized I could take in air through the food hole in my gag and breathed deeply.

The rubber spread down my stomach. But… I thought I was supposed to be freed! They were supposed to give me my limbs back! Ajax’s training was over!

Almost in time with that thought, I heard the great beast howl from the other room. I squirmed. I could feel the need in that howl with every fiber of my body. Ajax’s call overrode the fear and disappointment that I wanted to feel for myself and reminded me of my need. An image of his neglected erection swam through my mind. It throbbed heavily beneath him and drove him mad without me. Blinded by rubber, I couldn’t get myself to visualize anything else.

The rubber oozed closer and closer to my nethers. As it spread I desperately wished it would give me something between my legs. Anything. Instead it spread perfectly around the metal portal where my dick used to be. It creeped between my legs and into my stretched tailhole.

The movement in my tailhole reminded me of what it was like having Ajax’s dog cock in there, but unlike his cock the rubber provided me with none of the usual reassuring fullness. I actually felt emptier as the rubber held me open, providing me with interior nerve endings I never had before.

When the coating finished I could make the rubber-lined cavity within me clench around nothing, but I couldn’t satisfy my own need. The tapered shape of Ajax’s familiar member came to mind. What that dumb dog happened to have between his legs would fit perfectly inside me, and I would fit perfectly around it.

The last thing I heard before the rubber filled my ears was Ajax howling again. I could imagine his untouched dick with perfect clarity, twitching and ready for his dog toy to be returned. I stopped thrashing. It was perfectly clear what they’d done to me. I had been modified for long-term wear. I knew exactly where they would put me and that I had no means of stopping them and that I wasn’t really useful for much else. The rubber caressed my brain. All concerns for myself struggled to stay surfaced when thoughts of good boy Ajax and his ever-needy cock filled my head.


Day ???

Ajax doesn’t bother to stand before he takes his morning piss. I briefly experience the hot, watery liquid flowing through me before it drains away into the outflow portal. It’s my signal that the giant dog is awake.

Most days Ajax will get up not long after, likely responding to the sound of his owner’s voice. I swing beneath. I’m just as blind and deaf and unbearably sensitive as the cock I contain. I don’t need to think about or know where Ajax is going, I just need to stay between his hind legs and serve my function.

Ajax’s overactive dick requires constant attention. Even after all this time I can’t get over its qualities. Its length, its girth, its warmth, its sturdiness. Just thinking about it and the way it exists inside of me is enough to distract me for hours. Ajax goes about his day being a good boy and I take care of his needs.

My eyes and ears have been closed so long that I no longer feel as though my consciousness is confined to my head. My nerve endings seem to be most concentrated inside me, so that is where my mind feels centered. I exist around Ajax’s throbbing cock.

I experience Ajax’s dick with supernatural clarity. Every distinct vein and ridge of it is etched into my mind. Ajax’s maleness both gives me pleasure and expresses my pleasure for me. His orgasms almost belong to me as much as they belong to him.

I may have studied the dog’s orgasms more than him, but he’s the only one of us who actually gets to feel what it’s like to pump a thick load of dog cum from his balls into his waiting receptacle. I try not to be disappointed that I don’t get to cum. It’s a good division of labor. It would be too much of a distraction for me if I came while Ajax did. I need to focus on prolonging his release. I make sure every drop of his potent canine cum flows out of him and into me, who has an easier time holding it all than he does.

I love being inflated with Ajax’s dog jizz. It’s such a relief knowing that he doesn’t have to be concerned with it. I focus on it for him, thinking about how potent and masculine he is. Wherever the scientists siphon his cum off to, I hope they are using it to create offspring for him.

The thought of more dogs like Ajax being made excites me. With all the success they’ve had with him, why wouldn’t they want more? The scientists would need to find toys for them, too. That means more lucky toys who get to spend their existence between a good boy’s hind legs. Those chosen must feel honored.

I like to imagine Ajax sitting obediently in a row of giant male dogs like himself, each of them with a black rubber toy like me twitching proudly up from beneath. Those dogs would be such good boys for their owners, never being distracted by inconvenient urges.

Such fantasies take place only during Ajax’s brief refractory periods, then it’s back to pleasuring him. Massaging his cockflesh until it delivers yet another creamy load is a purposeful existence for me. I was made for it.

  • Comments
  • That story… I don’t even know what to say. Bravo? Like, that story is so chilling yet still hot, quite possibly the best story on this whole site. Well done.


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  • i love the way he sucums to his love for the cock, i almost wish i could be him... ALMOST i like existing

    update: its about three hours after i saw the post and i cant stop thinking about it. i dont wish i was him i need it.

    (full day after orginal comment) this post lives in my head, rent free, ive thought of nothing but this four almsot 24 hours, i need this. i will give up everything that i could ever have for this. my mind is occupied by nothing other then this and serving master. FUCKING AMAZING WORK!

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