nintendo and etc created by signirsol

Hey look I drew a Lucario. Again
Last time I promise

  • Comments
  • TheBinaryWolf said:
    I don't wanna be "that guy" but shit. This is EXACTLY the kind of crap that makes people hate furries.

    What's that? having diverse kinks like literally anyone else on the face of the planet? Believe me, there's worse shit out there, friend. And it's not like these are furry-exclusive kinks, either. So please, the next time your sentence is going to start with "I don't want to be 'that guy' ", maybe you just shouldn't post what you were going to post.

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  • vyrdaes said:
    What's that? having diverse kinks like literally anyone else on the face of the planet? Believe me, there's worse shit out there, friend. And it's not like these are furry-exclusive kinks, either. So please, the next time your sentence is going to start with "I don't want to be 'that guy' ", maybe you just shouldn't post what you were going to post.

    People hate furrys for many stupid reasons. Most of them stem from ignorance and prejustice.

    Yet honestly this here is something i personally dont like too

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