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  • i had a dream like this once. everything was in a thought bubble, and i coulndt understand a thing. strange. funny, but strange.

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  • ratzgriz said:
    i had a dream like this once. everything was in a thought bubble, and i coulndt understand a thing. strange. funny, but strange.

    I remember reading somewhere that you dream with one half of your brain and read with the other, so while you may look at some text in your dream and be made aware of what it says, you can't actually read something in your dream.

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  • Rydian said:
    I remember reading somewhere that you dream with one half of your brain and read with the other, so while you may look at some text in your dream and be made aware of what it says, you can't actually read something in your dream.

    Mindfuck. ._.

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  • Nehmen said:
    Mindfuck. ._.

    Not sure...I had a nightmare once. I could remember clearing readint he word "Goosebumps" on the book just before stabbing it...Maybe it works different since im a mute? No idea lol

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  • RozlynAkers said:
    Not sure...I had a nightmare once. I could remember clearing readint he word "Goosebumps" on the book just before stabbing it...Maybe it works different since im a mute? No idea lol

    Nah, you only remember reading "Goosebumps" on the book because you knew that this was written on there, whereas the actual text never appeared in your Dream, at least not in a form you could read. At least that's what I guess...

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  • Rydian said:
    I remember reading somewhere that you dream with one half of your brain and read with the other, so while you may look at some text in your dream and be made aware of what it says, you can't actually read something in your dream.

    Yeah, that was an episode of Batman: The Animated Series. Completely made up, sadly.

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  • Indeed, some people cannot read anything in their dreams for this very reason. Others, however, can. It depends on how your brain has wired the visual language centers. I can't read anything in most of my dreams, but I often know what its supposed to say. Every great once in a while I can actually read the letters before they change on me (which is the opposite of my waking world dyslexia). A colleague of mine can always clearly read every word and every letter in her dreams.

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  • It appears to be a public service talking about the safety hazards and protection devices of the house. But, of course, the kids don't speak ancient Egyptian.

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  • I dream in text sometimes.
    I usually take a break from MUDs for a while after.

    If it m.atters, reading for me takes no effort I can almost go into a trance while reading.

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  • TL;DR: I tried to translate the text, it's gibberish

    So, i tried to translate the hieroglyphs to latin text with this as a reference (and in a up-to-down and then left order), and I ran into several issues:

    Bird is not drawn clearly enough to tell if he's using vulture, chick or owl
    Ankh is not a letter
    Single wave means N, triple wave does not have definition
    Flamingo? is not a valid letter

    Basket is K, notch missing off side, but otherwise correct
    Eye does not have a definition
    Ankh is still not a letter
    (next row)
    Foot is B
    Hobble is T
    Lion is R or L
    (next row)
    Tomb does not have a definition
    1 is not a valid letter

    Head does not have a definition
    Snake is unclear
    Ankh returns
    Foot is B

    Unknown bird returns
    1 is (still) not a letter
    (next row)
    Slope is Q (...but drawn mirrored)
    Hand is D
    Jug does not have a definition

    Slope is Q (...but drawn mirrored)
    Vacuum is not a hieroglyph
    Triangle does not have a definition
    Hand is D
    Hobble is T

    If anyone has any idea on if I'm doing something wrong, please tell me, or try to figure out the text for yourself

    Otherwise, I will conclude that the text is intentionally gibberish

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