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The path to poopie paradise (By: NekuChan)

Oof! This took longer than I tought! I started it since like a month ago lol.
We now follow a certain herd just to leave them again (?) even if the ending doesn’t have a logic for many, it’ll be explained later on once I present my headcanons on poopies and smarties fluffy evolution, also… life sucks, and nice people deserve nice things so at least in fiction I’ll gave them what they deserve!

Here’s more worldbuilding 581 around the guy, at least in my headcanon xd

  • Comments
  • Really nice story! The art is crude but it gives a nostalgic feeling of when you'd browse imageboards and occasionally find gems like this.

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  • Wow...thats.....i...honestly this was the first Fluffy Comic i really could enjoy so far. Even with some explicite Contest in here, that ending....'sniff'

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  • lrml said:
    Wow...thats.....i...honestly this was the first Fluffy Comic i really could enjoy so far. Even with some explicite Contest in here, that ending....'sniff'

    Yeah, I'd love to see more hugbox in general, but I can only upload what I find.

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  • So, he became Professor Oak. :D

    After the... special tagging projects are done, maybe I can get back to stuff like adding missing tags on all the fluffy pony posts.
    It's really too bad that finding other sources is not a thing for them. Basically these are all from same small group, right?

    I tagged that one where 'smarty' gets 'no-no owwies'. That was totally expected for a smarty. They like to bang their head into a brick wall to punish the brick wall for being in their way. XD

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  • alphamule said:
    So, he became Professor Oak. :D

    After the... special tagging projects are done, maybe I can get back to stuff like adding missing tags on all the fluffy pony posts.
    It's really too bad that finding other sources is not a thing for them. Basically these are all from same small group, right?

    I tagged that one where 'smarty' gets 'no-no owwies'. That was totally expected for a smarty. They like to bang their head into a brick wall to punish the brick wall for being in their way. XD

    If Professor Oak engaged in selective breeding, perhaps.

    Yeah, a lot of developments in proper tagging happened because of my Fluffy Pony uploads so not all of them are entirely up to par. There's still so much to get through, too. Many images were originally posted on imageboards or Fluffybooru, which is now down. Fluffy-community is also the first source for many. I just link them where I find them.

    Libido is a powerful motivator and fluffies tend to have very poor impulse control, so it's no wonder smarties would be such assholes.

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  • Some Easter eggs and fun facts

    The orange smart ass shit head at the beginning is the same one from dolly s story , it was the same lady who saved the brown and green fluffy Rex ,who came from a stupid pink mare who was kicked out by a abusive breeder who used a long puffy mane mare to breed alot and who was replaced with her green and pink daughter ,who would also survive after the breeder died of a heart attack , basically all of nekus stories are connected,

    The last panel shows a reused version of brownie and coco from "log 52" , the pink white an brown fluff is neopoalitan and was sudo blinded cause she can't deal with brown fluffs do to ptsd , the little girl in tge pic is his daughter who died of cancer and was buried with her fluffy still alive, fun times


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