baby creeper, endie, iron boy, and slime girlfriend (xbox game studios and etc) created by mutantnight

Meet Lime the Slimegirl. She's pretty chill and chubby. She likes to hum a lot too. Also Mother Ender, she's like your typical Enderman. Only difference, she has boobs.

I may stop here for Minecraft shorts since I am pretty much out of ideas. I decided to make this one explicit since people are wondering if there will be porn. This is as close as I will go, afterall I enjoy focusing more on humor than naughty. And yeah, Iron Boy will never get laid. Why? Because I said so.

If you folks wish that I should do more. Feel free to share you ideas. Who knows, maybe that idea will actually be interesting to continue more on Minecraft. Just one rule though, no adult themes/intercourse. I prefer something that is simple and funny. Sometimes cute. Even though I don't reply (Cause I'm too shy or lazy), I always read your messages. Whether positive or negative, it's always nice to see what people think of my work.

Also, on panel 24. Endie's heart sign means that she is in the mood. If Iron Boy came back home.... let's say she is going to rock his world. I blame Lime and Mother Ender for that.

  • Comments
  • okay here's an idea for you Iron Boy makes an offhand comment that her boobs would break her back so she goes to which and has her boobs shrunk using Magic or they go to the end and they run into her ex-boyfriends

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  • the odds are hte artist will never see this request buuut...

    instead of doing strictly minecraft, why not do games simular to it? so you are theoretically keeping hte same vibe, but you have more to work with!

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  • RowZilla said:
    okay here's an idea for you Iron Boy makes an offhand comment that her boobs would break her back so she goes to which and has her boobs shrunk using Magic or they go to the end and they run into her ex-boyfriends

    If it's a witch, I imagine the witch would drain Endie's boobs for her own, a "trade" of mass, basically.

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